Chapter 2755 Someone bumped into me on the way here

"Yes, this Yi Ranpin Alliance has so many high-end items, they are definitely not from our galaxy. If they are from other galaxies, how did they get here?"

"Speaking of which, is it necessary to dwell on this matter? They came over to provide us with high-end items, which is a good thing!"

"Isn't there nothing else to do now? Let's discuss it and don't get entangled!"

"It must be a wormhole!"

"That's not necessarily true. I've only seen bugs and undead come through wormholes."

"Anyway, it's definitely not a voyage between galaxies. Navigations between galaxies often take several years. We are only in the second stage for 93 days."

"That's not necessarily true. The Yiranpin Alliance is so powerful. What if they have a way to navigate between galaxies?"

"How is that possible! Even though the Yi Ranpin Alliance is very strong, it won't take three months for them to cross the galaxy and come to us."

"That's right, the distance between the two galaxies must be at least one light-year. To cover one light-year in three months, that means their spacecraft's speed is four times the speed of light!"

"Is there really a faster-than-light aircraft?"

"We have all been transported into this strange space, what else is impossible?"

"If this is the case, how did the Yiranpin Alliance develop? Why are they so far ahead of us?"

"I don't think so. If you can have a super-light aircraft, you can reach a second-level civilization or above, right? No matter how fast the Yi Ranpin Alliance develops, it is impossible to reach a second-level civilization now. What's more, they must at least be Four times the speed of light will do!"

"You all think too much. It's actually very simple for them to come to our galaxy!"

"It's very simple? How can I get here?"

"Didn't you notice that Jim, who performed best during the undead invasion, is missing?"

"Is this the Jim who has received the most rewards from the world's rules? Why is he missing?"

"Oh, I know, forced challenge!"

Upon hearing these four words, all the survivors reacted instantly.

"You mean, Jim challenged the members of the Yiranpin Alliance, and then after the members of the Yiranpin Alliance defeated Jim, they chose to come to this galaxy?"

"Yeah, isn't that the easiest way to get to our week?"

"It seems to be true. I just Aite Jim, but it didn't work. He just received the reward of the world rules, and he shouldn't agree to others transferring him away, so the only possibility is that he challenged others forcibly, or was forced by others. Challenged.”

If he is transferred away by the transfer card, Jim will give up everything in this galaxy. He has just been rewarded with so many good things by the rules of the world, and he will definitely not give up.

And those daily trials won't make Jim disappear.

Because there is an advanced civilization in their galaxy, there is no invasion from other indigenous forces.

In a word, in the Bayio Galaxy, if the living are not willing to die, then they will not die.

"So, Jim knew the Yiranpin Alliance in the first stage?"

"The Yiranpin Alliance is so strong in this second stage, and it must not be weak in the first stage. What does Jim think?"

"Maybe he thinks that he has been rewarded by the rules of the world and has the strength to challenge the Yiranpin Alliance."

"This should be the case, so everyone should not be blindly confident, and it is better to be careful!"

"There is another problem. Even if this is the case, if people from the Yi Ranpin Alliance can come to our galaxy, then he can only come one person!"

"Yes, then how did he transport these high-end items? Now the island monument cannot be traded across galaxies." "Perhaps as long as there are people from their alliance here, they will have a way to send the supplies over!"

"Forget it, everyone should not worry about so many things. If you have good things, use them. It's better to collect resources quickly!"

At this moment, a survivor suddenly spoke: "Wucao, what is going on? Why is there suddenly an aircraft?"

"Brother, you won't run into it, right?"

"Yeah, how would I know if it didn't hit me? It came from behind my butt."

"Um, didn't you see the reminder from Yiranpin Alliance?"

"What reminder? I was practicing just now."

"No wonder! The Flammables Alliance just sent out a reminder that the advanced civilization launched a reconnaissance satellite and gave the path of the reconnaissance satellite."

"Made, I didn't see it. There must be too much news. I just ignored the reminder from Yiranpin Alliance."

"So everyone should stay away from the group to prevent others from missing important information."

"This is too difficult to control. If one person says a word, the news will be quickly lost."

"It's very simple. Just set Yi Ranpin Alliance's ID to be of special interest. Whenever he sends a message, the island monument will prompt him."

"What a great idea, I've never used this feature before!"

"By the way, after you were hit by that reconnaissance satellite, did the other party make any further moves?"

"No! But it's been following me!"

"Then you are probably in danger!"

"No, then should I activate the weapon and shoot down this reconnaissance satellite?"

"Active attack is not a good choice. The opponent is an advanced civilization. If you annoy him, you will be dead."

"Yes, it is recommended that you do not attack until the other party takes the initiative to attack."

"I don't think so. As the saying goes, strike first and strike later will suffer disaster. By the time they react and launch an attack, you won't have any chance at all!"

"Yes, the opponent's civilization level is so high. If he launches an attack, we really don't have any chance."

"Fuck, what on earth am I going to do now?"

"It depends on your own choice. Anyway, you have been exposed, and the other party will definitely keep a close eye on you."

The survivor hesitated for a moment, but still did not launch an attack, and simply found a direction and fled away.

At this time, Bai Yu also received the news.

"Feather God, our reconnaissance satellite hit an unknown aircraft while traveling. This aircraft seemed to appear suddenly."

Bai Yu watched the entire process of the reconnaissance satellite on the planet Bayio colliding with the unknown aircraft. It was indeed the case. He couldn't see anything in the first second, but he had already hit it in the next moment.

"What's going on?" Bai Yu also couldn't understand. "Did the aircraft transfer to this position instantly?"

"Could it be that he was originally at that location, but our reconnaissance satellite didn't detect it?" Lin Ling speculated.

"Our reconnaissance satellites can't detect the aircraft. Could it be that this aircraft has reached the fourth level of civilization?" Bai Yu said with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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