Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2754: Preparation for the Beast Tide, Rental, and Bayio’s Discovery

Chapter 2754: Preparation for the Beast Tide, Rental, and Bayio’s Discovery

Ji Zhentian nodded slightly: "Indeed, then I'd better go out! Just keep an eye on this side, I'll be back soon!"

Ji Zhentian entered the trial space before midnight last night, so even if he went out at this time, he could still come in again.

After returning to the Duomire Galaxy in reality, Ji Zhentian immediately rushed to Ji Batian's side.

Seeing Ji Zhentian, Ji Batian was stunned: "Why did you come out at this time? Something happened in the trial space?"

Ji Zhentian quickly explained: "A beast tide has appeared in the trial space. It is easier to defend it with you. At the same time, the beast tide also provides a lot of experience."

Ji Batian was startled for a moment, then immediately replied: "I understand, without further ado, let's go in now!"

The two returned to their island monument and directly chose to enter the trial space.

"How is the situation now?" Ji Batian came to the city wall of Doujia Village, looked at the Sunset Forest in the distance, and asked.

"Dad, you're here! It will take another 10 minutes for the beast tide to arrive at our place!" Ji Jiying replied.

"Well, call Dou Lin up later and seize this opportunity to improve your mental strength." Ji Batian ordered.

Village chief Dou Tian responded immediately, then ran down and called Dou Lin, who was still growing crops in the farmland, over.

There are two gold elements in Doujia Village, one water element and one wood element. In addition, the city walls of Doujia Village are all made of metal, and their defense power is very high. Preventing this beast tide should not be a problem.

"How many beasts are there this time?" Ji Batian asked in a deep voice.

"A rough estimate, it should be less than four thousand." Ji Jiying replied.

After discovering the beast tide, Ji Jiying carefully investigated in the Sunset Forest.

Ji Batian frowned: "I guess it won't be easy this time!"

Ji Zhentian nodded.

But Ji Jiying said with a smile: "We will not be easy, and the beast tide will not be easy either. If we win this beast tide, our mental power should be greatly improved."

"Yes, we must capture them this time!" Ji Batian responded.

Although there was no hope of catching up with the Yi Ranpin Alliance, they were still holding back their energy.

Defend against this beast tide, hoping to close the gap with the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

At this time, the Yiranpin Alliance shifted the focus of its work to the newly discovered Bayio system.

Since the development level of the Bayio Galaxy was too low, Feng Menglong decided to provide them with cheap collectors first.

It even provides advanced collector rental services. Once they collect enough resources, they can buy the rented collector.

After Bai Chen posted this service on the public channel of Island Monument, the survivors in the Bayio system went crazy.

"Wucao, is there such a good thing? Can you rent such a high-end collector?"

"No wonder the Yiranpin Alliance is willing to give out ten collectors as a reward. It turns out they have so many in their hands!"

"Since there are so many, just sell them to us cheaply. Why else rent them?"

"Brother upstairs, manufacturing collectors requires resources. Will you do a loss-making business?"

"No more talking, I have already rented it and am collecting resources like crazy. I believe I will become a resource tycoon soon."

The resource reserves in the Bayio system are not bad, and those survivors who have rented advanced collectors can harvest resources at a much faster rate.

Also because the development level of the Bayio Galaxy is too low, the Yiranpin Alliance has no way to promote its own virtual currency. It can only wait for them to develop for a period of time and everyone has the resources.

Now the Yiranpin Alliance is stationed here and only sells some basic survival supplies.

Bai Yu, who was rushing to the Bayio star system, received news from the Bayio star. "Feather God, our astronomical observatory here discovered that some of the meteorites in the periphery suddenly disappeared."

After receiving the news, Bai Yu was slightly stunned and ordered: "Have you arranged for a satellite to go over for reconnaissance?"

"It has been arranged, but we haven't reached the point where the meteorite disappeared yet."

"Well, keep paying attention to this situation and contact us in time if there is any progress!" Bai Yu replied in a deep voice.


After ending the call, Bai Yu told Feiuche about the incident.

"Will this be the intersection between us and Xiao Yi?" Bai Yu asked.

Feiouqie closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said: "It's very possible."

"It seems that we still need to remind Bayio Star's team not to attack unfamiliar aircraft rashly!" Bai Yu said, and then asked Lin Ling to inform him.

He just wanted to compete with Xiao Yi, and did not want to become an enemy with Xiao Yi.

In the past, the collectors used by survivors in the Bayio galaxy to collect resources were all ordinary-level collectors, and the speed of collecting resources was very slow.

But now with the SSS-level collectors, their collection speed is very fast, and the number of meteorites has been reduced visibly to the naked eye.

This is the main reason why they attracted the attention of the Bayi Star team.

The reconnaissance satellite launched by Bayio Star was discovered by the Yi Ranpin Alliance team who had been observing from the sidelines.

This discovery was immediately sent back to the alliance headquarters. After Jiang Yuntian saw the news, he frowned and said, "Immediately ask Bai Chen to remind the survivors of the Bayio system to pay attention to this reconnaissance satellite."


After Bai Chen received this order, he immediately posted a message on the public channel for pouring cups.

"Dear survivors, please pay attention. The advanced civilization forces in this galaxy have launched a satellite. The specific location is as follows. Survivors nearby please be careful not to hit it!"

Seeing this news, the survivors in the Bayio system were stunned.

"How does the Yiranpin Alliance know about the actions of the natives in this galaxy?"

"Yeah, didn't they just come to our galaxy?"

"Are they near that indigenous civilization's planet?"

"It should be like this!"

"Even if they are nearby, how can they see the satellites launched by the other party? I am also nearby, why don't I see it?"

"It's simple, because you are too behind!"

"Old Tie, I'm heartbroken!"

"This is normal, because you don't have a sufficiently advanced detector to detect the other party's satellite launch."

"Yes, it's too difficult to see with just your eyes! If you take a nap, you won't be able to see."

"The Yiranpin Alliance is so great. When we come to our place, it not only provides us with advanced collectors, but also gives us early warnings of dangers!"

"Since they want to do business with us, they must create a good reputation."

"Before, I was only focused on shocking their advanced collectors, but I suddenly thought of a question, that is, how did they get here?"

Someone did raise this issue at first, but they were shocked by the advanced collectors and did not continue the discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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