Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2738 Xiang Zhen is surprised, Bi Lu meets a survivor again

Chapter 2738 Xiang Zhen is surprised, Bi Lu meets a survivor again

If only he knew that the last time Xiang Zhen saw Residual Blood, Residual Blood was still sitting in a wheelchair with missing arms and legs.

At this time, he was actually standing in the farmland, going to stimulate the growth of those crops.

Seeing Liang Guang, Xiangzhen realized that it must be Liang Guang's superpower that helped restore the remaining blood.

"Sir, you are here!" Liang Guang stepped forward to greet him.

Xiang Zhen nodded slightly: "Zhan Xue's body has recovered well!"

Hearing this, Liang Guang was slightly startled, then hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Sir, shouldn't I help the remaining blood recover?"

Xiang Zhen waved his hand: "It will be recovered as soon as it recovers. It's not a big deal. However, you should tell me in advance about things like this in the future!"

Fortunately, residual blood's mental power is not very high, and his superpower is of the wood type, so even if he recovers completely, he will not pose any threat to himself.

At this time, Residual Blood also completed the birth of this wave of crops, then discovered the truth and walked over here.

"Sir." Canxue bowed slightly, he was still missing an arm.

Xiang Zhen nodded slightly: "Why did you only let Liang Guang restore one leg for you? Why didn't you also restore your arm?"

"The purpose of restoring the legs is to make it easier for me to grow crops. To restore the arms, I need your approval!" Can Xue replied respectfully.

"I agree, let Liang Guang recover for you!" Xiangzhen replied.

"Thank you, sir!" residual blood said excitedly.

In fact, before he became a prisoner of the Bilu fleet, with the civilization level of the Bibilu fleet, he could be treated and equipped with a mechanical arm, but Bibilu never meant to treat him.

After entering the trial space and surrendering to Xiang Zhen, he originally thought that he would have no chance to recover.

After all, if he recovered intact, he would be a potential threat to Xiang Zhen.

But Canxue didn't expect that Xiangzhen would graciously agree to his request!

"You're welcome, Liangjiacun will still need more care from you in the future!" Xiang Zhen replied.

"Please rest assured, sir, as long as I am here, I will definitely protect Liangjia Village!" Canxue promised.

"Today I revealed the location of the Bilu Fleet that you told me to the Yiranpin Alliance." Xiangzhen nodded slightly and said.

Residual Blood was startled for a moment, then gritted his teeth and asked, "Did the Yi Ranpin Alliance annihilate them all?"

Xiangzhen shook his head: "It's not that simple. Kasuo Star is an out-and-out second-level civilization. Although the Yiranpin Alliance is strong, it has only just upgraded all ship equipment to the second-level civilization! As long as the Bilu Fleet If you be careful, they won't be taken advantage of by the Yiranpin Alliance."

"That's such a pity!" residual blood said with great regret.

Sangma glanced at him and continued: "But the Piro fleet lost ten large spaceships this time!"

"Really? That's great!" Canxue said happily.

Seeing that Canxue was so resentful of the Biliu fleet, Xiangzhen thought to himself: "It seems that what Canxue said before must be true!"

"The Yi Ranpin Alliance will definitely keep an eye on the Bilu fleet. You don't have to worry about this. I guess you won't be able to get out for a while, so just improve your mental power in the trial space!" Xiang Zhen continued. .

Residual blood nodded slightly: "I have received a reminder from the world rules. The other party has occupied my island monument and cannot return to the real world for the time being!"

Hearing this, Xiang Zhen was stunned for a moment: "You can actually receive reminders of world rules in the trial space?"

Canxue nodded: "Yes, not long ago, Bilu probably didn't have the patience to wait for me to go back!" "Then the rules of the world say whether you still have a chance to return to reality?" Xiang Zhen asked curiously. .

Canxue shook his head: "It's just a reminder that I can't go back for the time being. According to this reminder, there is a high probability that there will be a chance!"

"Well, then you should help me develop Liangjia Village in the trial space. If you have the opportunity to go out in the future, I can help you provide some items necessary for practical development." Xiangzhen promised.

"Thank you, sir. I will do my best to live up to your trust!" Canxue bowed again and said.

"Liang Guang, help him recover his other arm first!" Xiang Zhen ordered.

"Yes, but with my current mental strength, it will probably take me until tonight to fully recover him!" Liang Guang responded respectfully.

"Anyway, the remaining blood will remain in the trial space forever. There is still plenty of time. How to recover is up to you!" Xiangzhen replied.

"Yes!" Can Xue and Liang Guang responded in unison.

At this time, the Bilu fleet had fled to a very far distance.

"General, this distance should be about the same. If the other party doesn't catch up, he probably won't be able to find us." A staff officer said in a deep voice.

Bi Lu nodded slightly and ordered: "Continue to move forward for half an hour, and then stop."


Just as the Bilu fleet was moving forward again, a scout suddenly stood up and said: "Report to the general, we have discovered a spacecraft suspected of being a survivor."

Bi Lu was slightly startled and asked in a deep voice, "Are you from the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"Probably not, it's just a miniature spaceship." The scout replied.

Bilu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was not the spaceship of the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and then ordered in a deep voice: "Get the opponent as quickly as possible immediately."


The survivor's ship in front of them was surrounded by the Bilu fleet without much reaction.

This survivor was captured by the Bilu fleet without even sending out a distress signal.

The process went so smoothly that Bi Lu felt a little unconfident.

"Just captured it like this?" Bi Lu asked in surprise, "Isn't this the bait released by the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"General, if this is the bait released by the Yiranpin Alliance, then they will definitely appear in time, but they haven't appeared now, so it shouldn't be!"

"That's right, no other strange fleets have been detected around."

"No matter how powerful the Yi Ranpin Alliance is, it is impossible to have spies in every corner of the galaxy."

Bi Lu nodded slightly, and then ordered: "Clean the battlefield immediately and be careful not to interrupt the network signal of this survivor."


Bilu is planning to directly use the survivor's network. If he is suddenly disconnected for a period of time and then connects to the network again, it will most likely arouse the vigilance of the Yiranpin Alliance.

As long as the network is not interrupted, the Yiranpin Alliance will not know that a change has actually been made.

"Report to the general, we found no survivors in the opponent's spaceship, only some natives!" A soldier came over and reported.

(End of this chapter)

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