Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2737 It’s us, don’t panic, it’s a pity we didn’t get it done

Chapter 2737 It’s us, don’t panic, it’s a pity we didn’t get it done

"Made, this is too frustrating. We can't rush to each other at all!"

"Yes, the other party's driver's driving skills are too good!"

"Then what should we do? If we do this, we will be kited to death by the other party!"

The Casso soldiers in those large spaceships were very helpless.

Bi Lu and others, who had already fled far away, were also observing the fighting here.

"General, this Yi Ranpin Alliance team is so awesome!"

"Yes, they must be using the holographic immersive game cabin to train themselves every day!"

Bi Lu also shook his head helplessly: "Let them be loyal to Kasuo Star!"


Following Bi Lu's order, the ten large spaceships that were fighting Jiang Yuntian and the others immediately exploded violently!

Jiang Yuntian and the others had always kept a safe distance, so the self-destruction of those large spaceships did not have much impact on them.

Although there was no problem with Jiang Yuntian's safety, the self-destruction of these large spaceships really hindered them.

"Instructor, shall we continue to chase?" a soldier asked.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "Let's stop chasing them. It's difficult for us to find their traces after dragging them for such a long time. Let's clean up this battlefield!"


Although those large spaceships self-destructed, Jiang Yuntian was still able to collect some debris. These debris are also resources for the Yi Ranpin Alliance!
The Yiranpin Alliance has a super-intelligent decomposer that can decompose these debris into the most basic raw materials.

While those warships were cleaning the battlefield, Jiang Yuntian reported to Xiao Yihui: "The island owner asked them to run away, and they blew up ten large spaceships!"

"Well, that's enough. Every time you find them, you can weaken the strength of their fleet!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Then I'll clean up the battlefield and prepare to retreat!" Jiang Yuntian nodded and said.

"Yeah, okay." Xiao Yi responded.

After ending the call with Jiang Yuntian, Xiao Yi immediately sent a message in the public chat room.

"Hello everyone, survivors of the chaotic galaxy! The signal of the survivor's detection satellite was blocked just now. It was our alliance team that passed by. We received a wire report and learned the coordinates of the Bilu fleet. We went to find them this time. , in order to prevent our actions from being leaked in advance, we turned on the signal blocking device, so there is no need to panic!"

Seeing this message from Xiao Yi, the survivors in the Chaos Galaxy were stunned.

"I thought some advanced civilization had invaded our galaxy! It turned out to be the boss's team!"

"I'm scared to death. Boss, you should have said this earlier. I've traveled tens of thousands of kilometers now!"

"Didn't the boss explain it very clearly? We really shouldn't have said this kind of thing earlier. If he had told it earlier, he wouldn't have been able to capture the Bilu fleet."

"By the way, now that the boss has announced this news, has he already secured the Bilu fleet?"

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly and replied: "No, the other party is too vigilant. They also have very advanced reconnaissance satellites. When we passed by, they had already escaped. During the pursuit, they blew up ten ships A large spaceship blocked our team!"

"This will allow him to run away?"

"It's only normal if he runs away. The space of a galaxy is really too big. He can just find a direction to escape. It's really hard to chase the boss!"

"The big boss didn't take down the Bilu fleet this time. I'm afraid it's because of us!"

"Huh? We didn't do anything, how can you blame us?" "Who said we didn't do anything? Who just exposed the location of the shielded detection satellite? That location should not be far from the Bilu Fleet. If you were Bi Lu and saw our chat, what would you do?"

"Damn! So we were really exposed in advance!"

"The speed of the ship is too fast. If we could detect it a few minutes earlier, we would have a chance to escape."

"I want to review this with the boss. I shouldn't have exposed this coordinate location!"

"It's okay!" Xiao Yi replied, "No matter what, this attack on the Bilu Fleet also caused the opponent to lose ten large spaceships. That's enough!"

"It's better to have a boss mentality!"

"That's right, every time you find him, tear off a piece of flesh from his body and kill him slowly!"

"Yes, let him be afraid when he sees us survivors in the future!"

Bi Lu saw everyone chatting and snorted coldly: "If it weren't for the Yi Ranpin Alliance, you survivors would all be scum!"

"General, it can be seen from Xiao Yi's words that they should give up chasing us!"

"Don't be careless, keep moving forward at a fast pace!" Bi Lu shook his head and replied.


Xiang Zhen was also paying attention to the news of the Yi Ranpin Alliance. When she saw that the Yi Ranpin Alliance did not solve the Bilu Fleet, she felt a little happy.

She has now broken up with the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and naturally she does not want the Yi Ranpin Alliance to dominate.

Although the Bilu fleet lost ten large spaceships this time, he is a second-level civilization force after all and can always contain some of the energy of the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

The reason why Xiang Zhen revealed the coordinates of the Transcription Fleet to the Yi Ranpin Alliance was firstly to obtain some resources, and secondly to allow the two of them to consume each other.

In other words, she does not want either party to achieve a complete victory in this battle!
However, Yi Ranpin Alliance did not suffer any losses this time, which made her feel a bit regretful.

Xiang Zhen shook her head, and then arranged the work on the spaceship. There were now five indigenous brothers on her spaceship, and all of them had completed their contracts.

After arranging her work, she entered the trial space through the island monument.

The first time she entered the trial space, she wrapped herself in metal to guard against sneak attacks by residual blood.

Although the Yiranpin Alliance found the location of Bilu's fleet, indirectly proving that what residual blood said was true, she still had to be on guard against residual blood.

Fortunately, no one came to attack her.

In this room, all the damage caused by her previous battle with residual blood has been repaired.

Xiangzhen walked out and opened the door. Two villagers from Yangjia Village were guarding outside.

Seeing Xiang Zhen coming out, they hurriedly greeted him: "Sir!"

Xiang Zhen waved his hand, indicating that they didn't need to be polite, and asked, "Where are Liang Guang and Can Xue?"

"Replying to my lord, the village chief and Lord Zixue are over there in the farmland!"

Xiang Zhen nodded slightly and walked towards the farmland.

When she came to the farmland, Xiang Zhen saw that the residual blood was standing in the farmland, promoting crops, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Liang Guang discovered the truth immediately and hurriedly came over.

(End of this chapter)

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