Chapter 2681 The boss broke his heart for us

Jiang Yuntian asked curiously: "Island Master, what did you gain today?"

"Super large celestial body transfer card." Xiao Yi replied, "The small star can be transferred to the space of an independent planet!"

"Then can't we develop another space?" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Indeed!"

Now only the first space has an artificial sun, and the other three spaces have no stars and are pitch black.

If they could transfer that small star to an independent planet space, they could once again modify a planet to make it suitable for human life.

The question now is in which space the little star will be placed.

While having breakfast, Jiang Yuntian suggested: "It's better to put this small star in the No. [-] space. Since it has been opened to the outside world, we will directly build an external market on that planet in the future. The No. [-] space is temporarily used to transport goods." As for the cargo, the fourth space is full of undead, and relatively speaking, these two spaces do not need stars."

"Well, then transfer to the No. [-] space." Xiao Yi responded, "But after transferring this small star there, the bugs on the meteorite belt will not be cleaned regularly."

"It's not a big problem. Originally, the Zerg was used to test us. It's a bit tricky for us to use the small star!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"That's right, send a notice first to let them prepare." Xiao Yi replied.

After breakfast, Jiang Yuntian immediately released the notice.

"Hi everyone, survivors. Due to the internal adjustment of the alliance, the small stars need to be transferred. The killing of the Zerg is limited to today. Starting tomorrow, we will no longer use the small stars to clean up the Zerg on the meteorite belt."

Seeing this notice, the survivors in the Chaos Galaxy were stunned for a moment, and then immediately started talking.

"What's the situation? Why are you not using small stars to clean up the Zerg?"

"Yeah, isn't this well cleaned?"

"After cleaning up like this, we can collect resources with peace of mind."

"If the Yiranpin Alliance does not clean up, it will be difficult to collect resources in the future!"

"We can't always rely on the help of big guys, we have to work hard ourselves!"

"I tried my best from the beginning, but I found it was useless. I still have to follow the boss, otherwise, I would have been eliminated long ago!"

"What I'm talking about is to find a way to solve the bugs and collect resources by yourself."

"If the bugs can be solved so easily, I don't have to follow the boss all the time."

"Survivors in your chaotic galaxy will be satisfied. Our galaxy has always relied on hunting insects to collect resources!"

"That's right, this Zerg is our whetstone. If you don't sharpen your weapons well, what will you do if there is a real fight?"

"Oh, I also want to sharpen the knife, but my knife is too bad to sharpen!"

While everyone was discussing, Feng Menglong also issued a notice.

"Hello, fellow survivors, starting from today we will start selling items from the first-level civilization. If necessary, you can go to the online market to buy them yourself. Our island owner knows that you don't have much money on hand right now, so he has decided to sell them today. All items at are [-]% off!”

Seeing this notice, all the survivors felt a sudden realization.

"I finally understand what the boss means, give us better weapons, let's fight!"

"Yeah, this is training us, let us accumulate combat experience!"

"Boss is really worried about the improvement of our strength!"

When Xiao Yi saw everyone's discussion, the corner of his mouth twitched. This time it was purely a coincidence!

The discussion online continues. "He gave us a [-]% discount when we came up. The boss is so awesome!"

"Yeah, I checked the prices of those items, and the original prices are actually not expensive, and with a [-]% discount, it's really cheap!"

"Are you sure? Why do I feel like I can't afford one!"

"That can only mean that you are too poor, hurry up and make money by mining!"

"There are so many good things, I really want to buy them all, but unfortunately my money is limited."

After seeing everyone's comments, Feng Menglong continued to speak: "In order to make more people afford it, our alliance launched a trade-in activity. As long as it is the same type of item, it can be used to offset part of the purchase price after evaluation."

"Lying grass, the Yiranpin Alliance is strong. In this way, the old items can be eliminated and replaced with new ones."

"This is great, just to update the items on the spaceship."

"The Yiranpin Alliance has achieved the ultimate, the rest is up to us!"

After Jiang Yuntian and Feng Menglong sent out the notice, they traded the raw materials for the portal and the teleportation array to Xiao Yi.

The one portal originally obtained from the undead elders of the Domire galaxy has become four, and the 15 sets of teleportation array raw materials have become 60 sets!
The portal first let Jiang Yuntian put it on the chaotic star in No. [-] space, and Xiao Yi immediately started to build the teleportation array.

Fifteen of the sixty teleportation arrays were to be traded to those survivors.

Xiao Yi's mental power is now much stronger than before, and the construction of the teleportation array is getting faster and faster. It only took more than 40 minutes to build the fifteen teleportation arrays, and the rest can be discussed later.

After handing over the constructed teleportation array to Feng Menglong, Feng Menglong traded those teleportation arrays to those survivors.

Suddenly reaching the teleportation array, the survivors were stunned for a moment, and then they were extremely happy.

"Lying on the grass, the teleportation array was built so suddenly?"

"Yeah, the one I bought is fine, do you want to test it?"

"Of course, at least make sure it can be teleported!"

"The Yiranpin Alliance provides testing services and can be connected to their teleportation array."

"I've finished the test, and I can teleport! It's so cool, I arrived at the station of the Yiranpin Alliance in an instant."

At this time, in the Dinosaur Galaxy and the Worm Star Fleet, Seven Stars received the following report.

"Commander, the teleportation array has been built, and the Yiranpin Alliance has traded over!"

Hearing this, Qixing was overjoyed: "Great, the two of you immediately try to establish a connection and send it!"


The two survivors and captives immediately started to establish a connection according to the teleporter knowledge they just learned yesterday.

Soon, they successfully established a connection, and one of the survivors excitedly stepped into a teleportation array, and the next moment, he appeared in another survivor's spaceship.

"Commander, we succeeded!" They reported excitedly to Qixinghui.

Qixing nodded: "Great! You two will gather in one spaceship first, and trade the other spaceship with the teleportation array to me!"


One of the survivors returned to his spaceship and traded his spaceship to Qixing on the island monument.

(End of this chapter)

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