Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2680 Brain in a Vat, Super Large Celestial Body Transfer Card

Chapter 2680 Brain in a Vat, Super Large Celestial Body Transfer Card

There are barriers between civilization levels, and this barrier is related to the intelligent creatures in this civilization.

To put it simply, if the human body's physique is not improved, it has an upper limit. Whether it is strength, speed, intelligence, etc., these may infinitely approach a certain value, but cannot break through a certain value!
Human science and technology exploded for a period of time. During the explosion, the progress of science and technology was very fast, and it can be said that it was changing with each passing day.

But after these years of explosions, the progress of technology has slowed down, and this has reached a certain bottleneck.

To break through this bottleneck, we need to fundamentally improve human intelligence.

If the natives that Xiao Yi subdued wanted to keep up with Xiao Yi, they had to improve their physical fitness.

Only after improving their physique, could they help Xiao Yi better.

Sun Gudao who was on the side came up with a sentence: "You always have to give some preferential treatment to the players who enter the game later, otherwise they will always be suppressed by us, and there will be no playability at all!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a while, and then laughed.

"It seems to be true. These natives are equivalent to the players who enter the game later. If they have no way to improve, or improve slowly, they will not be willing to play!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"You really treat this as a game!" Zhu Wu said helplessly.

"Of course, it's just a game that cannot be revived." Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and replied.

"Yeah, God knows whether our current body is real, or are we imagining it?" Du Kang continued, "Maybe we are just a stream of data!"

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is, how can we be a stream of data?" Sun Gudao asked.

"Haven't you heard the term "brain in a vat?" Du Kang asked back.

"Brain in a vat? I haven't heard of it." Sun Gudao looked at Du Kang in confusion.

Du Kang glanced at Sun Gudao, and said with contempt: "You have never heard of this thing on earth? What do you do in your spare time?"

"Why do you want to see these messy things?" Sun Gudao asked rhetorically.

"Okay, let me give you a little explanation. For example, your brain is cut off and stored in a container. There is a nutrient solution in this container, which can keep your brain immortal, and then connect the nerve endings to a computer. This computer can send all kinds of information to your brain, and you can still feel your own existence, including pain, death, etc.” Du Kang simply explained.

Sun Gudao was slightly taken aback: "Can it still be like this?"

"Why not? Maybe we think that aging is the information sent to us by the computer, not that we are really aging!" Du Kang said with a smile.

"That is to say, you and I are not real anymore, but something simulated by a computer?" Sun Gudao suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

"Of course, this is just a hypothesis. You don't need to pay too much attention to it. No matter whether this idea is true or not, we still have to live according to the rules of this world. When we are not strong enough, we can only obey the rules!" Du Kang said indifferently. Spread your hands.

Everyone nodded.

Jiang Yuntian continued: "It's like we can only operate according to the trials arranged for us by the rules of the world, otherwise we will be eliminated!"

"Do you think we can break this rule in the future?" Zhu Wu asked suddenly.

"We don't think it's possible, but the island owner is possible!" Du Kang shook his head directly and replied.

"Yeah, you didn't realize that the island owner has always broken the rules?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a smile.

Everyone was slightly startled.

It seems that this is indeed the case, Xiao Yi can always come up with some items that are beyond the current level of development, and almost every item can push the development of the Yiranpin Alliance one step forward.

"I wonder if the island owner can take us with him after breaking the rules in the future!" Lu Meiyu said uncertainly. "Don't worry, with the island owner's temperament, he will definitely take us with him!" Du Kang said confidently.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "But we must be able to keep up with his footsteps, otherwise, the island owner will not be able to pull us if he wants to!"

"Don't talk, I'm going to practice, I must follow in the footsteps of the island owner as soon as possible!" Zhu Wu got up and said.

"Take me!" Everyone responded one after another.

Du Kang shook his head helplessly: "Oh, you guys are really too curly!"

"Then are you still going to lie down?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a smile.

"Don't lie down, get up and move!" Du Kang drank the beer in front of him, then got up and walked to my practice room with everyone.

This night passed in the practice of everyone.

The next day, just as Xiao Yi woke up, the familiar system notification sounded.

"Drip, trigger the quadruple harvest state, the state lasts for 24 hours, and the remaining 19 hours."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, he didn't expect that the quadruple harvest state would be triggered so quickly this time.

The last quadruple state to know was three days ago!
"System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully and receive a reward: Super Large Celestial Body Transfer Card (Level II)*1."

"Trigger the quadruple harvest state and obtain materials: Super Large Celestial Body Transfer Card (Level II)*4."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback. Xiao Yi had received a large object transfer card before, and transferred an earth-like planet to the space of an independent planet.

Unexpectedly, this time I was given a super large celestial body transfer card.

"It seems that the system is going to let me transfer this small star to the space of an independent planet!" Xiao Yi thought secretly, and then got up to wash up.

There was no rush to transfer the object, Xiao Yi first went to the practice room step by step, leading everyone to practice.

After finishing the morning exercise, Xiao Yi ordered: "Today I have a quadruple state, Brother Jiang, you can trade the portal over there to me!"

Jiang Yuntian was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately responded: "Yes!"

"Feng Menglong, you can give me the raw materials for the teleportation array and other items obtained from the transaction!" Xiao Yi looked at Feng Menglong.

"Yes!" Feng Menglong replied.

"Also, the sale of first-level civilized items can be started, and the price you negotiated will be [-]% off!" Xiao Yi continued to order.

"Okay, I'll get ready now!" Feng Menglong nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, don't worry, we still have a whole day, let's have breakfast first!" Xiao Yi stopped Feng Menglong.

Everyone walked towards the restaurant together, Jiang Yuntian leaned over and asked, "Are there no weapons today?"

"Yeah, the ammunition system was harvested the day before yesterday, and it will take several days before weapons appear!" Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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