Chapter 2442 Strange Trial Space
Hearing Du Kang's rhetorical question, Wei was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

No matter how many resources there are, only the survivors can survive, but with those high-level items, the survivors can live better!
So resources are not the most important thing, following Xiao Yi is!

Having figured this out, Wei caught up with Du Kang again and asked, "Then what does the island owner mean when he asked us to trade the harvested resources to him?"

"It's very simple, literally!" Du Kang replied with a smile.

Wei is still puzzled: "Why did you trade it to the island owner today?"

"Because the island owner has magic, he can increase the supplies!" Du Kang smiled mysteriously.

Wei was stunned, looking at Du Kang who had gone away, he thought to himself: "Isn't it convenient to tell me the reason?"

He thought what Du Kang just said was just a prevarication.

There should be no survivors who can increase the supplies!

With that in mind, Xiao Yi and his party came to the restaurant.

"Island Master, it is estimated that the trial space will delay you for at least two hours now, and you have to refine the elixir. Is the time too tight? Will you cancel the price comparison in the morning when you are in a quadruple state?" Okay?" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"It's okay, it's only about two hours, not a big problem." Xiao Yi replied with a slight smile.

Jiang Yuntian continued: "I'm worried that if the wild monsters behind become more and more powerful, you will spend more and more time here."

Xiao Yi knew Jiang Yuntian's worry, so he replied: "Let's see the situation first before we talk about it!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and then stopped talking.

"After I enter the trial space, Sun Yao, you help me prepare the materials for alchemy, and I will go directly to alchemy after I come out!" Xiao Yi ordered.

Sun Yao responded immediately: "Okay, please rest assured, the island owner!"

After Xiao Yi finished his breakfast quickly, he immediately returned to the battleship where the main island monument was located, and chose to enter the trial space.

The scenery in front of him changed, and Xiao Yi appeared in a forest with lush trees, only streaks of light came out from the gaps in the leaves.

Xiao Yi observed the surrounding situation vigilantly, waiting for the first wave of wild monsters to appear.

But he waited for 10 minutes, and not a single wild monster appeared!

"What's the situation? Could it be that it's already here, lurking around me?" Xiao Yi thought to himself, and then spread his mental power around.

Xiao Yi had spread his mental power to the maximum range, but still found no wild monsters, only some small insects around.

"Could it be that the rules of the trial space will change again after fighting wild monsters with four abilities?" Xiao Yi thought uncertainly.

Since he couldn't wait for the wild monsters, Xiao Yi couldn't just wait in place, so he decisively chose a direction to go forward.

After walking for about 10 minutes, a strong wind suddenly hit from the left, Xiao Yi dodged to the right, and at the same time, the nearby vines immediately wove into a cage to trap the animal that attacked him!
It turned out to be a spotted leopard!
The leopard saw that it was surrounded by vines, and it couldn't avoid it in the air, so it scratched at the vines with its claws!

Stab it!

The vines were easily torn apart by the leopard.

But before the leopard could be happy, it found that the vines it had torn apart grew wildly.

"Roar!" Leopard roared and used his sharp claws to destroy the vine again!
But the speed of its destruction still couldn't keep up with the growth speed of the vines, and it was finally tied up by Xiao Yi with the vines!

Looking at the dying leopard, Xiao Yi lightly shook his right hand.

The vines that bound the leopard tightened immediately, breaking the leopard's neck!

The leopard died instantly, but this time the leopard's body did not disappear, but Xiao Yi still gained "experience"!
My mental strength has improved again!

Looking at the leopard's body, Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and then walked forward with the leopard's body.

From time to time, Xiao Yi encountered a wild monster with mediocre strength. After he easily killed them, he found that none of the corpses of these wild monsters had disappeared.

"Is this for us to collect items from these corpses? Fur, flesh?" Xiao Yi frowned and thought, "But what's the use? It can't be taken out!"

Xiao Yi walked a little further, when suddenly the surrounding bushes shook, and five wolves appeared at the same time.

This time, Xiao Yi directly used the ability of the time system, and time stood still, beheading the five wolves instantly.

"These wild monsters don't know the abilities, although they are very powerful, but they are all here to give experience!"

Xiao Yi frowned, feeling that today's trial space was a bit strange.

The strength of the wild monsters did not increase, the number was irregular, and the time intervals between encountering wild monsters were also different, but there was a distance from each other, as if each wild monster had its own territory.

Looking at the corpse of the wild monster that did not disappear, Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, and then immediately chose to leave the trial space!

If he wasn't in quadruple state today, Xiao Yi could slowly explore in the trial space, but now time is limited, and he will probably have to refine the pill for a whole morning when he goes out!
After coming out, Xiao Yi immediately returned to the alliance headquarters spaceship.

Seeing Xiao Yi, Jiang Yuntian asked in surprise, "Island Master, did you get it done so quickly?"

"No, today's trial space is a bit strange. I'm going to refine the elixir first, and I'll talk to you slowly when I'm free!" Xiao Yi shook his head and replied.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, then nodded, and said, "Island Master, Sun Yao is ready and waiting for you in the alchemy cabin!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and walked directly to the alchemy cabin.

After Xiao Yi left in a hurry, Du Kang asked curiously: "What does the island owner mean by saying that today's trial space is a bit strange?"

"The meaning is very simple, it is different from the rules we summarized before!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "The specifics are different, we have to wait for the island owner to have time to tell us!"

"No way, the rules of the trial space will still change?" Du Kang was a little speechless, "Then shall we still go to the trial today?"

"Of course, it happened that everyone also took a look. Is it the island owner's trial space that has changed, or everyone's?" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded.

But Sun Gudao said in a low voice: "Brother Jiang, can I enter the trial space after the island owner has finished refining the violent pill? I really don't have the confidence to deal with the wild monsters in the trial space. I was killed yesterday!"

"Well, those who are not sure can wait, and the others will complete the trial as soon as possible!" Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.


At this time, Wei asked curiously again: "Is the violent pill you are talking about the one that the island owner mentioned in the public channel before?"

(End of this chapter)

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