Chapter 2441 Interception failed, quadruple status

Although there will be spy satellites throughout the Meteorite Shower, but due to the limited number, not every location can be taken care of.

The location where the bone souls chose to rush out was also the place where the undead specially arranged for additional meteorite showers, so the location where they rushed out was not photographed by spy satellites.

Even if Xiao Yi and the others realized the location where the bone soul rushed out, they would not be able to find the trace of the bone soul.

Unless a spy satellite captures it, looking for a tiny spaceship in the vast sea of ​​stars is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!
The speed of a miniature spaceship is indeed slow, but if you don’t know its direction, especially in space, it can travel up, down, left, right, and in all directions. As long as there is a slight difference between the two directions, the distance between the two will change out of reach!

The meteorite rain ended soon, but the spy satellite arranged by Jiang Yuntian still failed to capture other miniature spaceships.

"Island owner, it must have been rushed out by it!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

Although he was mentally prepared, Xiao Yi still had some regrets.

"Forget it, it seems we can't stop the undead from looking for other planets!" Xiao Yi sighed.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while, and then said: "Island Master, can we list the planets as our targets? As long as we control the planets, we can also prevent the undead from entering the planets!"

"Having said that, there are two practical difficulties. First, we don't know enough about the dinosaur galaxy. We don't know where there are planets nearby!" Xiao Yi explained.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, then nodded.

"Second," Xiao Yi continued, "Even if we can find all the nearby planets, how will we deal with the Zerg on the planets? If we can't deal with them, we won't be able to control those planets!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "It seems that it is the best choice for us to block the undead in the meteorite area!"

"Yeah, it's a pity that it can't be blocked now!" Xiao Yi sighed, then calmed down and continued, "Since we can't stop the undead, then don't worry about how to stop them, and deal with the meteorite area properly." The undead will do, there will be a lot of wealth there!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied in a deep voice.

After finishing the chat with Jiang Yuntian, Xiao Yi immediately sent a message in the public channel.

"We failed to prevent the undead from rushing out of the meteorite area. Now it is basically certain that the undead have left the meteorite area, so everyone should hurry up and collect the resources in that meteorite area!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's news, all the survivors were stunned.

"Is it still rushed out by the undead?"

"However, this is also normal. If the undead have been blocked in the meteorite area by the Yiranpin Alliance, wouldn't the test of the undead be strangled in the cradle?"

"It seems to be true, the rules of the world will not allow this to happen!"

"And this time the undead are using meteorite rain, a natural phenomenon that we can't compete with at all, to break through the blockade of the Yiranpin Alliance. No one can do anything!"

"That's right, so everyone should deal with the undead in the meteorite area!"

"Are you saying that the undead are so generous, just to rush out to find a planet? What are they looking for a planet for?"

"Perhaps it is considered that meteorites are still too small to be conducive to their development and invasion?"


And this news quickly spread to the Internet, and several other galaxies also saw it.

"The undead rushed out of the blockade of the Yiranpin Alliance. Is the next step going to be a massive invasion?"

"Nine times out of ten! Is anyone still going to the Chaos galaxy now? The undead are invading massively, this is the main enemy in the first stage!"

"The Yiranpin Alliance is in the Dinosaur Galaxy, what does it have to do with the Chaos Galaxy?"

"Huh? Isn't the Yi Ranpin Alliance in the Chaos Galaxy?" "Please, can you seriously read the information on the Internet? Due to the appearance of twin stars in the Chaos Galaxy, a large number of survivors have gone to the Dinosaur Galaxy!"

"Yeah, the place where the undead appear is in the dinosaur galaxy, so there is no problem in emigrating to the chaotic galaxy!"

"It turned out to be like this! If the undead invade on a large scale, the Chaos galaxy should not be spared, right?"

"As long as the wormhole between the two galaxies is destroyed, it should be able to prevent the undead from invading the chaotic galaxy!"

"It can be stopped for a while, but it can't be stopped for a lifetime. The undead are our test!"

At this time, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, and comet No. [-] had returned to the Chaos galaxy from the Domire galaxy.

Lu Qin traded a large amount of raw materials to Feng Menglong.

"It's been quite a harvest this time!" Feng Menglong said in surprise when he saw the supplies Lu Qin traded over.

"The main reason is that the Xisui Pill is too popular. Many survivors exchange their supplies for our alliance's virtual currency in advance, so this time the supplies are more abundant." Lu Qin replied with a smile.

Feng Menglong nodded slightly: "Yes, when we launch more pills, your business will be even better!"

"En!" Lu Qin responded.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed early!" Feng Menglong said.

At this time, Xiao Yi had already returned to his bedroom and continued to study the contract of the undead.

Silent all night.

The next day, when Xiao Yi woke up, he heard the long-lost system prompt.

"Drip, trigger the quadruple harvest state, the state lasts for 24 hours, and the remaining 19 hours."

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he immediately signed in.

"Successfully signed in and received a reward: Cross-civilization Equipment Upgrade Card (Level I)*1."

"Trigger quadruple harvest and obtain materials: Cross-civilization equipment upgrade card (Level I)*4."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi felt a bit toothache, because he had signed in before and received this upgrade card. It was indeed very useful, but it could only upgrade inferior civilization products to level I. This limitation was very annoying!
In other words, its upgrade limit is level I, and level I cannot be upgraded to level I.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, got up, washed up, walked to the training cabin, and led everyone to complete the morning exercise step by step.

Xiao Yi saw that everyone had finished their cultivation at the same time, so he said, "Everyone, trade all your gains to me today!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian and the others' eyes lit up.

The newcomers to the Yiranpin Alliance are a little confused.

"Has the supplies of our alliance not been in the hands of the island owner?" Wei asked curiously in a low voice.

Du Kang replied with a smile: "The materials of our alliance are basically in the logistics and marketing department."

"Ah? Isn't the island owner afraid that you will leave with these resources?" Wei felt a little unbelievable.

"If it was you, would you leave with these resources?" Du Kang asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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