Chapter 2429 Stalemate, the island owner slowed down
Xiao Yi is just a ground unit, facing four air units, it's impossible to fight at all!
At this time, the vultures in the air began to release fireballs, like machine guns, and one after another the fireballs hit the ground.

Xiao Yi had no choice but to escape under the sand again.

This time he didn't continue to escape into the cave he opened before, but found a random direction and entered the sand.

If they stayed where they were, the four vultures would not enter the burrow. It was a waste of time to be in such a stalemate.

So Xiao Yi needed to move around to see if there was anything around that he could use.

Xiao Yi popped out of the ground from time to time to see if the four vultures landed carelessly on the ground.

But unfortunately, the four vultures were very alert and just kept flying in the air.

Just as Xiao Yi was entangled with the four fire vultures in the trial space, Jiang Yuntian and the others basically completed their trials.

Most of them chose to leave the trial space after finishing the first wave of wild monsters, so they were naturally faster than Xiao Yi.

Only the Survivors who chose to fight the second wave of wild monsters took a little longer, but they were still faster than Xiao Yi.

Because there will be a 10-minute wait between each wave of wild monsters, Xiao Yi has hit the sixth wave now, but the waiting time is only 10-[-] minutes.

"Hasn't the island owner settled yet?" Du Kang asked in surprise when he didn't see Xiao Yi coming back.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "Well, it should be the sixth wave of wild monsters. According to the previous rules, the sixth wave should be four wild monsters that control abilities."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the four wild monsters that control abilities, probably only the island owner can beat them!" Du Kang said with emotion.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head slightly: "This time I really might not be able to fight."

"Huh?" Du Kang looked at Jiang Yuntian suspiciously, "The island owner is so powerful, one person can crush all of us, how could he not be able to defeat four wild monsters?"

Jiang Yuntian explained: "The wild monsters in the trial space are all generated according to our personal strength. The island owner can crush us because our spiritual power is too far behind him, but the wild monsters in the trial space are comparable. We are much better!"

"So, we are not even as good as the wild monsters in the trial space that the island owner entered?" Du Kang was speechless.

"That's right, otherwise do you think you are strong?" Jiang Yuntian asked back.

Du Kang replied helplessly: "I really thought I was very strong!"

At this time, in the monitor, Wei also teleported out of the trial space, and his face was a little pale.

Du Kang immediately used the intercom function in the monitor to call out to Wei: "Wei, how do you feel? Did you solve the first wave easily?"

Wei was stunned for a moment, and then immediately replied: "The wild monsters are too strong, I was killed by the first wave of wild monsters!"

"What? You have such strong mental power, how could you be killed?" Du Kang asked in surprise.

"Hey, I don't have enough combat experience!" Wei sighed and replied.

Although the wild monsters in the first three waves do not have abilities, they are still strengthened in a certain way, such as strength, agility and so on.

This kind of strengthening is completely based on the strength of the survivors entering the trial space.

Wei's mental power is indeed strong, but he has no corresponding actual combat experience, which has become Wei's disadvantage instead, so it's no surprise that he was killed!
Jiang Yuntian said: "In the future, everyone still needs to do more actual combat. You will continue to go to Mudisen galaxy for actual combat training according to the previous grouping."

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

"Wei and Shushu find a team to join." Jiang Yuntian continued.

"Yes!" Wei and Shushu replied in unison.

"Sun Yao, why don't we wait and go to the actual battle? The island owner hasn't come out, so I feel a little uneasy." Du Kang suggested. "Yes, let's wait for the island owner to come out!" Everyone responded.

Sun Yao nodded slightly: "Well, then let's deal with the work at hand first, and after the island owner comes out, we will go to actual combat training."

"it is good!"

Everyone returned to their positions one after another and began to check the work reports of their subordinates.

They have all handed over the work to other people now, so their main job now is to check the work situation of their subordinates, and it is easy to control the general direction.

And Wei sent a private message to Du Kang: "The actual combat you just mentioned is to go to other galaxies to compete?"

"No, it's going to other galaxies to fight the Zerg and collect herbs by the way!" Du Kang explained.

"So it is!" Wei suddenly realized.

If you simply fight against the Zerg, you can also go to the Chaos galaxy, and there is no need to go to the Mudisen galaxy.

Although the chaotic galaxy now has two stars, there are still a few planets outside the galaxy that are not affected by the high temperature, and they are still occupied by Zerg.

After a little hesitation, Wei asked cautiously again: "Master Du, is that herbal medicine the raw material for refining Xisui Pill?"

"Well, yes, but the raw materials for Xisui Pill have been assembled, and we have our own medicine garden!" Du Kang replied.

"Are these herbs so miraculous? They can produce such a great effect?" Wei felt a little unbelievable.

It's just a few plants, put together, you can refine the marrow washing pill, this is unscientific!
"Of course, the traditional Chinese medicine in our Xia Kingdom treats diseases with the weeds in everyone's eyes!" Du Kang replied with a smile.

"This is too powerful!" Wei said in amazement.

At this time, Xiao Yi was still crawling around in the sand in the trial space, and the four vultures were extremely patient, following Xiao Yi all the time, as long as he dared to show his head, the fireball would fall down.

Xiao Yi felt a little helpless, and dived into the sand again.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of energy in the front left of himself, and he immediately walked to the front left.

The sand and soil in front of him separated automatically, Xiao Yi walked forward quickly!
Suddenly a milky white stone appeared, and a burst of energy radiated from that stone.

"This is the energy stone?"

Xiao Yi looked at the milky white stone in surprise, and then became ecstatic.

With the energy stone, Xiao Yi has a way to deal with those four vultures!

Turn the metal I found before into a knife, and cut the energy stone in front of me into pieces.

After cutting, Xiao Yi continued to dive in the sand, and when he reached a deep enough position, he stopped and began to carve on the energy stone!

It took a full half an hour for Xiao Yi to complete the formation, and then he rushed to the hole he had dug before.

It would be too much trouble to dig a new one, let's use the one that was dug before!
Xiao Yi knew that the four vultures would definitely find them, so he walked directly in the sand.

The four vultures in the sky naturally sensed it and followed him back.

Xiao Yi took the first step back to the previous cave. With a wave of his hand, several energy stones engraved with formations fell around the deep pit at the entrance of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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