Chapter 2428 Trial vulture, air unit

In the trial space, none of the first three waves of wild monsters had supernatural powers. For Xiao Yi, they were just giving experience.

Xiao Yi didn't waste time, he used the time stop skill, and quickly killed the vulture!
The second wave and the third wave came successively, and Xiao Yi completed the instant kill.

The fourth wave of wild monsters brought back a vulture, it didn't get close to Xiao Yi, and started spitting fireballs one after another in the sky!

"It turned out to be fire element!" Xiao Yi said in surprise while dodging.

However, the fire element is also better than the time element, Xiao Yi was completely relieved, and began to deal with the fire element vulture.

Fighting alone, the advantages of Xiao Yi's entire line of fighters are too obvious, but this time Xiao Yi has been unable to deal with his opponent.

The main reason was that the vulture didn't come down and attacked in the air.

Xiao Yi had no choice but to dodge while searching around for available resources.

In the process of avoiding the fireball, Xiao Yi unexpectedly discovered an iron mine!
With a slight movement in his mind, the metal substances in the iron ore immediately gathered and turned into metal needles.

Xiao Yi mobilized his mental strength, released dozens of fireballs at once, and flew towards the vultures in the air.

And those metal needles are hidden behind the fireball.

Seeing Xiao Yi release so many fireballs at once, the vulture immediately raised its body and flew high into the sky.

Xiao Yi suddenly stepped on the sand under his feet, a pillar of sand rose up, lifted him up, and quickly approached the vulture!
Seeing this scene, the vulture was shocked, and hurriedly raised his height again.

And at this time, the metal needles hidden behind the fireball burst out instantly, and densely packed needles covered all directions of the vulture's body!
The vulture screamed and rushed in one direction.

It dodged part of the metal needle, but part shot into its belly and tail!

At this moment, Xiao Yi was still approaching the vulture!
If the distance is too far, the control of those metal needles will be weakened, so Xiao Yi has always maintained a position where he can smoothly control the metal needles.

The metal needle injected into the vulture's body was controlled by Xiao Yi to move!
The vulture screamed and fell from the sky.

After Xiao Yi returned to the ground, he breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't difficult to kill fire monsters, but it was very troublesome to encounter such air units!

I only hate myself for not being able to fly!

If it is Qiyu or Jiandie who are born with wings, it will be much easier to deal with air units!
Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, and took advantage of the 10 minutes of free time in between to quickly recover his mental strength!
Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and two vultures flew in the sky again.

But Xiao Yi was still sitting cross-legged on the spot and didn't get up.

The two vultures didn't have the idea of ​​a fair duel, so they used their abilities to attack.

Two fireballs flew towards them rapidly!
Xiao Yi only opened his eyes at this moment, and hurriedly hid aside, but it was too late.

Bang bang!

Xiao Yi was hit by those two balls of fire, fell on the sand, and rolled several times.

With one blow, the two vultures took advantage of the situation to pursue!
A fire snake spit out from their mouths and rushed towards Xiao Yi. As soon as Xiao Yi got up from the sand, the two fire snakes had already come to him.

He hurriedly released the fireball to attack the two fire snakes!
When the two fire snakes saw the fireball coming, they didn't dodge at all, but opened their mouths wide to swallow the fireball!

The fire snake that swallowed the fireball became thicker.Xiao Yi seemed stunned for a moment, and the fire snake immediately wrapped around him.


Xiao Yi screamed and rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the fire snake on his body!
Seeing that Xiao Yi had been entangled by two fire snakes, they landed about 50 meters away from Xiao Yi, as if they were waiting for the fire snakes to engulf Xiao Yi.

At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth, and he immediately stood up. The fire snake wrapped around him seemed completely helpless to him!

Seeing this scene, the two vultures froze for a moment, then immediately kicked the ground to prepare to take off.

At this moment, the ground under their feet sank, and without the power of this kick, they couldn't take off smoothly.

The sand under his feet unexpectedly formed a bottomless dry well, and two vultures fell down.

In the process of falling, they flapped their wings vigorously to stabilize their bodies, and when they were about to fly up, the mouth of the well was directly sealed.

Two vultures hit the wellhead vigorously, but at this time Xiao Yi had already replaced the wellhead with a metal cover.

The metal manhole cover was rattled, but it just couldn't break through.

At this time, the two vultures released the fireball again, the fire defeated the gold, and the metal manhole cover immediately showed signs of melting.

Xiao Yi watched the melting of the metal cover with a smile, and waited leisurely at the mouth of the well, without the slightest intention to stop the melting of the cover.

Soon the manhole cover was melted by the flames, and two vultures rushed up immediately.

At this moment, Xiao Yi used the time stop skill, and the movements of the two vultures were immediately slowed down countless times. Xiao Yi stepped forward, and under their horrified eyes, he broke their necks with his hands!

Looking at the burned clothes, Xiao Yi felt a little helpless, what should he do with the sixth wave of wild monsters?

I just used the burning clothes to confuse the vultures, but now that I don't have any clothes, I can't really let them burn their skin!

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Yi had a flash of inspiration: "Since these wild monsters are used for trials, they will definitely come to find me. If I hide in the burrow, they should come in too!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi used his soil ability to dig a huge space down in the sand, and then opened up a distance horizontally. He hid at the end of the hole and rested.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and there was indeed the sound of flapping wings outside.

Xiao Yi sat in the cave, watching the situation outside, and soon four black figures fell down, but they didn't rush into the cave immediately, but lingered outside the cave.

"It seems that they also know that this place is dangerous!" Xiao Yi frowned.

The problem now is that if they don't come in, he won't be able to kill them. With such a stalemate, Xiao Yi won't be able to get out either!

"Recover, we still have to go out and fight!" Xiao Yi thought helplessly, and then began to sit cross-legged.

While he was recovering, the vultures outside had stayed out of the burrow.

Another 10 minutes later, Xiao Yi got up, used the soil ability to open a passage directly up, and came to the ground.

The four vultures were very vigilant. When Xiao Yi came to the ground, they had already flown out of the hole and returned to the sky.

"Ma De, don't bring such a bully!" Xiao Yi looked at the vultures in the sky, and complained in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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