Chapter 2021 Selling information video for one dollar
As if to confirm what the survivor said, the three bedbugs ejected a stream of gas visible to the naked eye from their tails, speeding towards the survivor.

"Lying on the grass, it's true that Tamade can speed up the flight!" The survivor swears, and then immediately controls the escape pod to retreat.

But it was obvious that these bugs were not flexible enough. When the survivor's escape pod left its original position, those bugs obviously couldn't continue to turn.

"Fortunately, these bugs can't turn flexibly!" The survivor saw that the bugs couldn't continue to turn, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The three bedbugs found that the other party was no longer in the original position, and they spewed out liquid again, pushing themselves towards the meteorite.

"Here, can the car be reversed?" The survivor watched the three bugs return to the meteorite again, speechless.

And in the public channel on the island monument, many people are paying attention to the follow-up of this survivor who took the initiative to provoke bugs.

"Where's the brother who made trouble with bugs just now? Isn't it cold?"

"You are cold, your whole family is cold!" The survivor just glanced at the public channel, and saw this sentence.

"Hey, so many people called you just now, but you didn't show up. Normal people would think you're cold!"

"I'm fighting bugs, not talking heart-to-heart, how can I have time to chat in public channels?"

"That's right, why don't you people have a little patience? It always takes time for people to fight bugs!"

"Yes, big-breasted brother, how was your fighting situation? Tell us about it?"

The survivor originally wanted to say it directly, but after thinking for a while, he said, "I risked my life to test this attempt to fight the Zerg, so I will put one yuan on the Yiranpin Alliance for the test result." In the online market, if you need it, just go and shoot it, and I will send it to you separately, including my battle video."

"No way, just a battle video, is it really worth one yuan?"

"Yeah, you're too picky, just tell us it's held!"

"The two upstairs, they risked their lives to test the abilities of weapons and Zerg, why should this experience be told to you for nothing?"

"That's right, the price is one yuan, and it's not expensive. Are you just thinking about whoring for nothing?"

"Hurry up and put it on the shelves, I have already raised money here!"

"Ahem, do you want to raise one yuan? How poor are you?"

"Everyone, it's already on the shelves, and everyone is free to take pictures. Let's put it this way, this battle exposed the way bugs can fly in space."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then immediately bought the battle video of the godseeker.

After taking the photo, the other party immediately sent the item through the island tablet.

"Hello boss, thank you for your support, the main experience gained from this battle is as follows: first, laser weapons can easily damage those bugs, second, bugs can fly in space by ejecting matter, third , The substances sprayed out are very corrosive! I have summed it up here**, and I have also sent you the video, I hope you can gain more."

Seeing the message sent by the other party, Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then replied: "Okay, thank you."

After receiving the video, he immediately played it.

Jiang Yuntian and others also came together.

"Isn't this the kind of bedbug we often see in the village? It's a giant bug again!" Sun Gudao looked at the bug and said.

The rest nodded.

Everyone was amazed when they saw that the bug could spray attacks.

"Can you still attack like this?"

"Fortunately, the cockroaches we met before didn't have this skill, otherwise we might have been tricked."

"Yeah, did you see it? His spacesuit was corroded!" "Well, this corrosiveness is really strong!"

"With this jet skill, they can completely accelerate themselves, accelerate!"

"There is also a reverse car! You can see that they have reversed their cars and returned to the meteorite."

After Xiao Yi watched the video, he said in a deep voice, "In the future, when you encounter Zerg, you should be more careful!"

"Yeah, maybe there are other bugs with amazing skills!" Jiang Yuntian nodded and said.

Su Wan said: "Also, even if you encounter the bugs we have encountered before, you can't be careless!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback, then nodded in agreement.

Although they have dealt with Zerg such as cockroaches, praying mantises, and longhorns, what if they have reservations and don't use their skills?

These gigantic bugs may already have the same intelligence as humans, so they must be guarded against.

"Brother Jiang, the guards must be more careful about the bugs we imprisoned!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, and immediately gave orders to the guards with his mobile phone.

At this time, in the public channel, many survivors have already watched the video.

"Bugs still attack from a distance?"

"To be precise, it should be a medium-range attack, not far away, but it's not a personal attack either!"

"It seems that there are all kinds of bugs in the Zerg!"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand it?"

"That means you didn't buy that video. Of course I don't understand it. We're just discussing the video we saw before."

"Weakly ask, is it worth buying that video?"

"As long as the video is one yuan, are you still wondering if it's worth it?"

"That is, one yuan can't buy you a loss, you can't be fooled, but you can buy a special Zerg attack method!"

"To be honest, this one yuan is too worthwhile. If it were me, I would definitely set it at five yuan, or even ten yuan!"

"Upstairs is a black-hearted businessman. Although this video records a special Zerg, it is not a universal experience. Five yuan feels a bit worthless!"

"It can't be said in words, this video has given us a reminder, and this reminder is priceless!"

"Yes, this makes us have to be more careful when facing the Zerg in the future."

Looking at the discussion in the public channel, those survivors who were hesitant also started to buy.

Survivors who posted this video sold a total of 80 in the end!
Excluding the five points from the Yiranpin Alliance, he finally received 76 virtual currency.

"That's right, I still want to be the first one to eat crabs in the future!" The survivor looked at the virtual currency in his account and muttered, "Buy some high-end items to celebrate your survival from the attack of bugs!"

At this time, good news came from the laboratory. The research on the bug corpses harvested earlier had results.

"Island Master, I have sent the research results from the laboratory to your mailbox, and the research on edibility is still in progress!" Wang Yang called and said.

(End of this chapter)

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