Chapter 2020 I have a weapon in my hand, so I want to try it

When the laboratory received this order, all the experimenters were stunned.

"Is there something wrong with our farm?"

"I haven't heard of it. I have the impression that there is still a lot of food in the warehouse. The warehouse is basically full."

"Then why eat such a disgusting bug?"

"Are you planning for a rainy day? It seems that our farm's food production has been stable all the time!"

"Coupled with the island owner's fairy-like multiplication ability, we won't be short of food at all, so it should be just an experiment."

"Although it's just an experiment, to explore the feasibility of eating it, someone has to eat it!"

"I guess there's always some hunk willing to try!"

"Yes, if it doesn't work, we will offer a high price to those who try it."

"This is a good method, let's use mice to determine the toxicity of the insect corpses first!"

Before getting those bug corpses, I have been studying them for a period of time. I cut off different parts of the meat from those corpses, processed them in different ways, and then fed them to mice.

At this time, there were a lot of transactions for collecting materials on the trading hall of the island monument. Xiao Yi took a quick look and knew that these were all used to make laser weapons.

Xiao Yi has two types of laser weapons, a laser pistol and a medium-sized laser cannon, so he is quite familiar with the raw materials needed for laser weapons!

"It seems that everyone has indeed launched a lot of laser weapons!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

Soon, transactions for collecting raw materials for laser weapons also appeared on the alliance's online market. Only those survivors with mobile phones and computers in their hands can post these transaction requirements.

In this way, survivors with mobile phones or computers have an additional channel to purchase raw materials, and can gather raw materials for making laser weapons faster than other survivors.

"My laser sword has been built, I'm going to find a bug to fight it out!"

"Brother, calm down! You are willing to fight alone, but the bugs will not fight you one-on-one. They always fight in groups!"

"Yeah, you should have seen the video that Qi Si sent out before, so many bugs, so madly rushing towards his spaceship, it's a bit creepy to think about it!"

"It's okay, I won't give them a chance to beat me up!"

"Another hunk!"

On the outskirts of the meteorite belt in the chaotic galaxy, a survivor wearing an extravehicular space suit actually walked out of his escape pod.

I saw a handle in his right hand, a laser pistol in his left, and a safety rope tied behind him.

Start the propulsion system on the spacesuit and slowly approach a huge meteorite.

Just now, he found a bug on this big meteorite, and this bug became his target.

"Little mouse, come out quickly, I can't wait for my big knife!" The survivor stared intently at the situation on the meteorite, and kept chanting.

As if hearing the survivor's chanting, a giant bedbug suddenly appeared and rushed towards him.

Seeing the bedbug, the survivors were not only not afraid, but became excited.

"bring it on!"

The survivor immediately raised his laser pistol and started shooting at the bug.I don't know if it was the survivor's shooting skills or the space suit that affected his performance. He fired two shots, but neither of them hit.

"Damn!" the survivor cursed, then put down the laser pistol, held the handle in his right hand with both hands, and opened the laser sword.

There was a shock, and a nearly two-meter laser beam suddenly appeared on the handle of the knife, forming the shape of a big knife.

so big?so long?
This can be used as a long-range weapon!

The survivor excitedly slashed at the bedbug, who knew that the bedbug seemed to know the danger, and at the critical moment, it even dodged it!
"Can bugs still hide?" The Survivor was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned into a sweep and swept towards the bug!

The bedbug didn't seem to have expected that the survivor's reaction would be so fast. It was swept by the laser sword that swept over to its two forelimbs!
The survivor didn't feel the slightest bit of stagnation, and the big knife slashed across.

The next moment, the evading bug lost its balance and fell on the meteorite.

Seeing this scene, the survivor took out the laser pistol again and started shooting at the bug's head.

Even though he had cut off the two forelimbs of the bedbug, he still didn't dare to be careless, and kept shooting at the bedbug from a distance.

Because of the lack of two legs, the bug's body was no longer flexible, and the survivor easily hit the bug's head.

The bug's head was instantly pierced, and it stopped struggling.

"Not bad!" The survivor muttered with satisfaction.

At this moment, three more bedbugs appeared in the distance, running towards this side quickly.

"Lying on the grass, why are there still more!" The survivor immediately turned on the propulsion system on the spacesuit and evacuated to his escape cabin.

But the three newly appeared bugs didn't intend to let him go at all, and jumped towards him directly from the meteorite.

Seeing them jumping over, the survivor was not surprised but delighted.

He had seen Qi Si's video before, these bugs had no leverage point in space after jumping out, as long as they were not allowed to touch the leverage point, they could only be slaughtered.

He carefully observed the positions of the next three bedbugs, chose a gap, and stopped.

In his position, the three bugs couldn't touch him, but he could use the length of the laser machete to attack those bugs!
Seeing the bedbugs getting closer, the survivors immediately activated the laser machete and laid it across the place where the bedbugs were about to pass.

The survivors seemed to have seen the bedbugs being cut in half, but suddenly a stream of liquid spewed out from the mouthparts of the bedbugs and came straight to the survivors.

Survivors are dying, and immediately activate the propulsion system, pushing themselves diagonally backward!
Because the worms spewed out liquid, their speed also slowed down a bit, but they were still flying forward.

Because he was unprepared, the liquid spit out by the bug rubbed against his spacesuit, and the spacesuit was immediately corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The space suit also emits a broken alarm sound!

"Lying grass, what is this, so corrosive?" The survivor immediately flew to the position of the escape cabin, while tightening the safety rope.

The propulsion system and the safety rope were tightened, and he quickly returned to his escape pod.

After entering the escape cabin, he immediately took off the spacesuit, and the underwear inside had started to turn black, so scared that he also took off the underwear and threw it far away!

Seeing the bug still flying towards him, the survivor manipulated the escape pod and dodged aside.

"They can spray out liquid, even if they don't have a point of leverage, they may move freely in space!" The survivor looked at the three bedbugs and thought.

(End of this chapter)

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