Chapter 2008 Quick response, Zerg wormholes everywhere
Xiao Yi smiled, and replied, "That's true! Has the Hydrology Star encountered a caterpillar?"

Looking at the worm that has crawled out of the wormhole, its body is round and round, fleshy, and there are a lot of fluff. Isn't this the enlarged version of the caterpillar?
"It seems to be true! The attack and defense of this kind of caterpillar should not be strong!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

"Not necessarily. Since these bugs can survive on these planets without an atmosphere, their body structure must not be simple!" Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and then looked at the computer again, where the video of Hydrostar dealing with those bugs was playing in real time!

At this time, in the hydrostar base, the analyst excitedly reported to Captain Walter: "Captain, we have solved the Zerg wormhole, and only some bugs that rushed over at the beginning are left. The shell should not have high defense!"

Walter nodded slightly, and ordered: "Well, arrange a team to wipe out all those bugs with ordinary weapons."

"Yes!" replied the analyst.

Immediately, several spaceships flew out of the Hydrostar base, and flew towards the bugs. After getting close, they used aviation cannons to shoot shells at the place where the bugs were densely populated.

After the aerial artillery shells landed, there was a violent explosion, blowing the bugs away.

But in the next moment, the soldiers of Hydrostar stared wide-eyed.

Except for the two bugs at the center of the explosion that were torn apart, the other bugs turned over and continued to rush towards the hydrostar base.

"Look, the bug that exploded into two pieces is still wriggling!"

"Yeah, how can these bugs be so resistant to bombing?"

"Immediately report this situation to the base and request more powerful weapon support!"


Walter and the analysts received the report immediately, and the battle video of the frontline soldiers was also transmitted at the same time.

Walter looked at the battle video in shock, then frowned and said, "You still say their defense is not high? Do you think it is not high?"

The analyst replied with a wry smile: "Captain, I took it for granted, it seems that we need to activate laser weapons!"

Walter nodded slightly, and then ordered: "First use the one we developed ourselves. If it doesn't work, then use the medium-sized laser cannon that we can buy from Yi Ranpin!"

"Yes!" replied the analyst.

Hydrostar itself is also developing laser weapons, and it has been considered a small achievement. This time the Zerg came here, just to try their power.

And Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian, who saw all this with the spy satellite, were also very surprised!

"It seems that these bugs are really not simple!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, the defense of these bugs is really strong! Send these battle videos to the intelligence analysis department, let them study it, and see if they can find something."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Although Walt can use his own laser weapon to injure the bugs, it takes more than ten shots to break through their defenses.

After getting the result of the battle, Walter was even more shocked: "Fortunately, there are detection satellites that can find the location of the Zerg wormhole in time, otherwise, these bugs really come too much, and we can't handle it at all!"

"Yes!" The analyst nodded slightly and said, "Captain, shall we activate those advanced weapons directly?"

Walter shook his head and replied: "Don't activate it for now, let's use our own developed laser weapon first!"

He is worried that there will be more severe tests in the future, so he wants to keep a hand.

"Yes!" Although they wasted some time, Walter and the others still solved the bugs that rushed out of the wormhole.

After Xiao Yi saw that they had finished handling the caterpillars, he asked, "What's the situation with the Dyna clan?"

They had already encountered the second wormhole of the Zerg race, so Xiao Yi wanted to know if the Dyna clan also encountered the second wormhole.

To Xiao Yi's disappointment, Jiang Yuntian shook his head and replied, "After they got rid of those hermit crabs yesterday, nothing else happened. Everything is normal now!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and replied, "Continue to pay attention to these two indigenous bases!"


At this time, Ergou sent a message: "Island owner, Brother Jiang, other wormholes have been found on the dinosaur planet, and insects have invaded!"

Jiang Yuntian raised his head and asked, "Island Master, what should we do? Just blow up the wormhole?"

Xiao Yi frowned and thought, the number of nuclear bombs in their hands is limited, and apart from nuclear bombs, they have no other weapons of mass destruction.

Now there is a Zerg wormhole on the dinosaur planet, but this wormhole has limited influence on Ergou and the others.

Because of the meteorite rain, the environment on the dinosaur planet is in a mess. Ergou and the others are not on the surface of the planet, but flew into the space of the dinosaur galaxy.

"No more bombs, we have limited number of nuclear bombs, we can't blow them all up!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied, "Let Ergou and the others pay attention to the Zerg's movements."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and replied, he had just conveyed Xiao Yi's order to Ergou.

Ergou reported again: "The wormhole of the Zerg also appeared on the planet with the gold-phagating bacteria!"

The wormhole on this planet used to be the dinosaur star.

Before Jiang Yuntian had time to respond, news came from Sun Yao: "Zerg wormhole found!"

Including the planet in the Mudisen galaxy, Zerg wormholes also appeared!
Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What's the situation? Is the Zerg fully invading?"

"It should be!" Xiao Yi said with a frown.

"However, as long as we stay on the surface of the planet, they have nothing to do with us." Jiang Yuntian continued.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, and replied: "Not necessarily, we don't know if the Zerg have other means to travel in space, and I feel like they will play with it in the future!"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

Now they can attack spaceships and bases in space, and it is also possible that they can fly and sail in space in the future!

"Remind them to pay close attention to these bugs. If there is any abnormality, evacuate first!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, and then conveyed the order.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, walked to the inter-galaxy communicator, and contacted Zhu Wu.

"Island Master, how do you know that I have arrived in the Maitou galaxy!" Zhu Wu asked with a smile, "We really have a good understanding!"

Jiebi is also on the side, obviously they have just arrived in the Maitou galaxy, and Jiebi has not yet had time to send back.

"I know what a fart, I contacted you this time to share some information, so that you should pay attention in the wheat head galaxy!" Xiao Yi said angrily!
(End of this chapter)

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