Chapter 2007 Rebalanced, Accelerated Satellites
"No kidding, I'm telling the truth, it's really gone off the rails."

"Is it so exaggerated? Then you have to be careful, if you bump into you, then you will be miserable!"

"Whether they are miserable or not, I don't know, but there is a large indigenous spaceship that is indeed miserable!"

"Brother upstairs, what happened?"

"A native ship that my probe satellites have been watching from afar appears to have crashed into an out-of-orbit planet."

"Low on the grass, will the large spaceship be hit by a planet?"

"That's unlikely, is it?"

"If it's true, don't you get rich?"

"Yeah, a large indigenous spaceship, there must be a lot of supplies inside."

"Let's not talk about supplies, it's just that the large spaceship itself is worth a lot!"

"Brothers, I am now approaching that planet. I hope that after I arrive at that planet, its orbit will be stable again, so that I can get that large spaceship."

"Can you post a location, I want to see it too, I swear, I just can't see it!"

"Cut, do you believe your nonsense? What's the difference between me and me not being able to get in?"

"I'm an honest and reliable young man, I keep my word!"

"Everyone is an adult, don't be so naive, okay?"

When Xiao Yi saw the news on the public channel, he naturally understood that he had transferred a planet, causing the original stable system to be in turmoil.

After all, each planet will have an impact on the trajectory of other planets.

The most obvious point is that the planet that Xiao Yi transferred has a satellite.

When the planet disappeared, the satellite flew out directly. Originally, it was doing a circular motion around the planet. The disappearance of the planet led to the disappearance of the gravitational force that held it.

As for where this satellite will fly to, Xiao Yi doesn't care at all, as long as it doesn't threaten their safety.

The spy satellites of the Yiranpin Alliance have spread all over the surrounding space. Once other planets move over, they will be able to find them immediately.

The discussion in the public channel continues.

"My probe just spotted an asteroid that flew past and nearly hit my probe."

"Asteroid? What does it look like? Send a picture and let's see!"

"Wait! The speed of this asteroid is still very fast!"

Soon, the survivor sent out several photos.

After Xiao Yi saw those photos, he was surprised to find that the asteroid mentioned by the survivor turned out to be the satellite of the planet he transferred away!
"Isn't this speed a bit wrong?" Xiao Yi frowned.

This satellite runs at about the same speed as the moon on the earth, about 1 km per second, making an elliptical motion around the planet.

Without the planet, it flies out at a speed of 1 km/s, which should be very slow!

You must know that the maximum flight speed of the escape pod can reach 8 kilometers per second!
"Did something unexpected happen in the middle?" Xiao Yi muttered, and immediately sent these photos to Wang Yang.

A staff member waited at the entrance of the wormhole, and after receiving Xiao Yi's news, they entered the independent planet space and conveyed Xiao Yi's news to Wang Yang.

After Wang Yang received those photos, he immediately sent them to the astronomy department and asked them to confirm again whether the photos were satellites of their planet.Soon, Yang Qu, the head of the astronomy department, replied to Wang Yang: "Master Star Master, the small star in this photo is the former satellite of our planet!"

"Okay, I see!" Wang Yang replied.

"Star Lord, where did you find this?" Yang Yan asked curiously.

"It was sent to me by the island owner. I heard that other survivors encountered it and almost hit their detection satellite." Wang Yang replied.

"Huh?" Yang Yan said suspiciously, "This is impossible!"

"What's impossible?" Wang Yang asked.

"Their detection satellites are all purchased from our alliance. The speed of the detection satellites has reached the speed of a miniature spacecraft at 16 kilometers per second, and it may even be a little faster. However, the speed of this satellite is only 1 km per second. It is impossible to have a chance to hit the detection satellite." Yang Yan explained.

"So that's the case, is it possible that it was accelerated in the middle?" Wang Yang asked after thinking about it.

Yang Yu pondered for a while, and replied after a long while: "In the absence of other special celestial bodies, we can only encounter other planets and use the gravitational force of other planets to accelerate it, but the probability of this situation is too low, or It's almost impossible!"

Wang Yang nodded slightly, and said, "Well, I see, I will report the truth to the island owner."

When Xiao Yi received Wang Yang's report, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly thought of a sci-fi movie he had seen on Earth, which told the story of human beings taking the Earth to escape the solar system and find a new home.

In that story, they used Jupiter's gravity to accelerate Earth and escape the solar system!

"Maybe it's really what Elder Yang said!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"But Mr. Yang said that the probability of this happening is very low, even impossible!" Wang Yang said with a frown.

"In this sea of ​​stars, everything is possible!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Wang Yang was slightly taken aback, then nodded in agreement.

After finishing the call with Wang Yang, Xiao Yi looked at the public channel again.

"My exploration satellite has also captured that asteroid, which is very similar to the photo you sent!"

"If an asteroid at this speed hits an indigenous spaceship, it will be pretty!"

"That's right, it'd be better if we hit the native spaceship, maybe we can pick a spaceship for nothing!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi shook his head, the starry sky is so big, the probability of hitting this satellite is too low.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian walked into the cockpit, came to Xiao Yi, and said, "Island Master, there is a Zerg wormhole at the hydro star base!"

"Oh? Is it a message from Master Lu and the others?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes, we also saw it from the spy satellite!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Share the real-time image!" Xiao Yi sat in front of his computer.

Jiang Yuntian immediately shared the real-time image with Xiao Yi.

When Xiao Yi saw the image, a huge mushroom cloud appeared on the screen!
"It seems that Hydroxy's reaction is still very fast!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"You have already reminded them, if they don't pay attention, they are really looking for death!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "As long as you pay attention, arrange the detection satellite to monitor the situation of the entire planet at all times, and you can get it right away That Zerg wormhole."

(End of this chapter)

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