Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1883 Why are there so many spaceships, the debut of an aircraft carrier

Chapter 1883 Why are there so many spaceships, the debut of an aircraft carrier
Seeing that the landmines on both sides were actually blown up, Dynas's heart shuddered, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Stop moving forward!"

"Patriarch, what's wrong?" a staff officer asked suspiciously.

"Have you noticed that these mines seem to be making way for us?" Dynas said in a deep voice.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what Dynas meant, and their backs were instantly soaked in cold sweat.

At the beginning, they covered their front with firepower and hit a few mines, but they didn't hit the rear. Later, when they covered their surroundings with firepower, they hit again.

Does this mean that these mines moved to the sides when they saw that they were covering the front with firepower?

If this assumption is true, would the mines have shifted behind them?
"Patriarch, if your speculation is correct, let's quickly withdraw from other directions!"

"Yes, if this continues, these mines will be able to defeat us!"

"This landmine can definitely threaten our satellite-class warship!"

Now no one supported continuing to attack Yi Ranpin, but all suggested withdrawing.

When they stopped, Jiang Yuntian immediately realized that the other party might have discovered that the mines could move freely. Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered: "All ships attack immediately!"

Three medium-sized aircraft carriers, four small warships, and two hundred large spaceships rushed towards the Dana family immediately.

Regarding the withdrawal of troops, Dynas still hesitated.

At this time, a soldier reported: "Report, the opponent's fleet is approaching us. There are three super large spaceships, two hundred large spaceships, and four small warships."

The super-large spaceship that the soldier said was actually a medium-sized aircraft carrier. They had never seen it before, but they only saw that it was bigger than a large spaceship, so they called it that.

"Three super-large spaceships? Two hundred large spaceships?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this number.

"How could he have so many large spaceships!"

"Last time it seemed that there were only twenty or thirty ships, why suddenly there are ten times the number!"

"They have an island stele, and it's relatively simple to manufacture. It can only show that he was lucky and found a lot of manufacturing drawings and raw materials!"

"Maybe there is a template for a large spaceship on the monument on his island!"

Hearing the word template, all the Dyna people became excited.

Now that they know how powerful the template is, as long as they find enough materials, they can be mass-produced in an instant.

That's why the Dyna clan has always wanted to beat Xiao Yi down.

Xiao Yi took out a batch of SSS-level items before, which shows that he must have an SSS-level template in his hand.

This is the result of discussion among everyone in the public channel.

Now that it was confirmed that Xiao Yi had a template in his hand, the Dana family was completely unable to resist the temptation of the top template, so they attacked Xiao Yi immediately.

After the failure of the first attack, the mother star of the Dana family came to support a satellite-class warship. The first time it arrived, they attacked again!
"Since the opponent is rushing over, get ready to fight!" Dynas said in a deep voice.

"But, those mines"

"Since they choose to attack us, the mines will not explode easily. After all, the explosion will also affect their own people!" Dinas interrupted the man's words.Everyone nodded.

"Directly use satellite-class warships to attack, and other spaceships are on guard around to defend against those spaceships that come to harass!" Dynas said in a deep voice.

Jiang Yuntian frowned slightly when he saw the opponent's other spacecraft guarding the satellite-class battleship.

The opponent's other types of spaceships can't come out, as long as I get close, I will be attacked by satellite-level warships.

From the confessions of the prisoners of the Dana family, we can know that the attack of the satellite-class warship, the large spaceship will definitely not be able to withstand it.

After a little thought, Jiang Yuntian ordered: "Keep a distance from the satellite-class warship, harass the surroundings, and at the same time move the nuclear explosion mine, ready to detonate! The aircraft carrier is ready to attack!"


Following Jiang Yuntian's series of orders, the spaceships on his side immediately dispersed, far away from the opponent's satellite-level spaceship, and then began to harass and attack!
The spaceships of the Dana family, including their satellite-class warships, dare not pursue them.

Not to mention chasing, even dodging attacks can only be avoided in the space that has been cleared before.

After all, they don't know how many landmines are around.

"All aircraft carriers, start the carrier aircraft to bomb!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice.


Suddenly densely packed miniature carrier-based aircraft flew out from the three aircraft carriers. They were moving at a high speed and making irregular movements in space to avoid the enemy's attack!
The satellite-class battleship approaching the Dana family immediately dropped the space bomb, and then returned immediately!

But the firepower of satellite-class warships is not only fierce, but also intensive.

When the carrier-based aircraft approached them, the satellite-class warship would almost cover itself with firepower.

These Chaos Star soldiers have just come into contact with these carrier-based aircraft, and they are not yet proficient in operating them. Although the carrier-based aircraft is fast and flexible, they can't play it at all in their hands.

Bang bang bang!
Sixty carrier-based aircraft flew out, and more than 30 of them were hit by the Dana family. Fortunately, none of them were shot down on the spot, but returned to the aircraft carrier with black smoke.

As long as they can return, Jiang Yuntian can restore them in an instant.

"Save people!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.

Although the pilots all returned to the aircraft carrier, seven of them were seriously injured and needed immediate treatment.

As for the space bombs dropped by the sixty carrier-based aircraft, 23 of them were intercepted by the firepower of the satellite-class spacecraft, and the remaining 37 bombs all fell on various parts of the satellite-class warship, causing a violent explosion!
"Report, the No. [-] satellite-class battleship is severely damaged, and the cornerstone and dark gold in the island monument are not enough to repair!"

Hearing this report, Dynas was dumbfounded. Are the bombs dropped by these small flying machines of the opponent so powerful?
Jiang Yuntian looked at the opponent's damaged satellite-class warship, and immediately ordered: "The carrier-based aircraft will replenish immediately and prepare to bomb again!"

At this time, those nuclear explosion mines have also moved around the Dana family.

Because of the harassment of other spaceships, their attention was distracted, so the nuclear explosion mines had already come to a position five kilometers away from them.

"Instructor, the nuclear mine has arrived at the predetermined location, is it detonated?"

Jiang Yuntian sneered and replied: "Detonate immediately!"

A violent explosion immediately appeared around the Dana family, and the shock wave of the explosion knocked the surrounding spaceships to pieces!
(End of this chapter)

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