Chapter 1882

When the two space nuclear explosions exploded and shredded the two large spaceships, Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian both stared at the scene in front of them, and were stunned for a while before reacting.

"Island Master, is this nuclear explosion so powerful?" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly.

It only exploded two just now, and it scared the opponent away.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied, "How do I know, it's also the first time I've seen this thing explode."

"Wouldn't the explosion of these two nuclear explosions scare the opponent away?" Jiang Yuntian watched the opponent retreat directly, and said uncertainly.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "They've already stopped!"

According to the image transmitted by the detection satellite, the other party is already [-] kilometers away.

Jiang Yuntian also saw this scene, and nodded slightly: "It seems that they are really bound to win this time!"

Xiao Yi sneered, and said, "Then move our minefield forward."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

As an SSS-level space nuclear explosion hidden mine, it can be manipulated to move or set a route to move.

Of course, these movements all need to rely on the wireless network. If it was before, the limit distance of Chaos Star's network technology was ten kilometers, and it would not work any farther.

Now that Xiao Yi has a galaxy-level base station, as long as he is still in this galaxy, he can access the network and control it with almost no delay!
Following Jiang Yuntian's order, all the hidden mines of nuclear explosions began to spread outward.

The Dana family's fleet continued to approach. They thought it should be safe for them to go through the distance, so all the spaceships didn't care and flew forward quickly.

Suddenly, the pioneer spacecraft in front exploded, and everyone was shocked.

"Stop!" Dynas shouted at once.

"What's going on? Didn't we just pass by here just now, and we didn't encounter landmines!"

"Did they plant mines after we left?"

"It's possible, but our radar doesn't seem to have detected the other party's approach."

"Our radar can't detect this kind of space mine!"

"Yeah, the opponent's anti-detection technology is more advanced than ours, so it's troublesome!"

Dynas listened to everyone's discussion, and ordered in a deep voice: "All spaceships retreat one kilometer, and set up a patrol team around the spaceships, be careful when the other party comes to plant mines!"


The spaceships of the Dyna family immediately retreated for a kilometer, and all medium-sized and smaller spaceships were distributed around, patrolling back and forth continuously.

"Patriarch, the opponent has such advanced mines, it is difficult for us to get close to each other."

"Yes, if the opponent can control the explosion of the landmine, it will be even more dangerous. Even if we find a landmine, the opponent can detonate it at any time to kill us!"

"Probably not. They are too far away from these mines and should not be able to control them immediately!"

"This is already five or six thousand kilometers away. If they can still control it in real time, then how powerful their radio technology is!"

"What if they are really so powerful?"

Dynas also had some headaches, when they encountered other outsiders, their Dynas clan would easily deal with them with their swords.

But when they encountered this Yi Ranpin, they fought and failed repeatedly!

"I suggest that we attack other outsiders, and then compete with Yiranpin after we develop." "I agree, although Yiranpin is developing very well, and we will gain huge profits from it, but at present It seems that it is too difficult to defeat!"

"I don't think so. The opponent sets up a minefield, which means that the opponent does not want to fight us head-on. This means that the opponent's hard power is not as strong as ours! As long as we clear the minefield according to the previous plan, we can fight !"

"Well, we have suffered successive defeats here at Yi Ranpin. If we still fail this time, then Yi Ranpin will be the shadow in our soldiers' hearts from now on, and we will never be able to get out of it, so we urgently need a victory."

Hearing the endless debate between his subordinates, Dynas sat at the head, bowing his head in thought.

After arguing, they found that the patriarch hadn't spoken, so they also stopped.

Dynas raised his head and looked at the crowd, and said: "Since we are all here this time, we must touch the bottom of this Yiranpin, pass my order, cover our front with firepower, and advance steadily towards Yiranpin."


Just when the Dyna clan started to move again, Jiang Yuntian frowned and said, "This Dyna clan is really an axis!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and replied, "Get ready to fight!"


This time, the Dana family's fleet covered the front with firepower while advancing.

The weapons of the Dana family are so powerful that they actually hit a few hidden nuclear mines and detonated them!

Seeing the landmines exploding in front of him, Dynas nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right, that's it!"

Seeing the opponent's movement, Jiang Yuntian immediately ordered: "Move all the nuclear explosion mines in front of the Dana family, move to the opponent's sides, and wait for the opportunity!"


The hidden nuclear mine that blocked the Dana family's fleet immediately flashed to both sides, clearing a way for the Dana family.

Dynas soon found that he couldn't hit those mines with his firepower coverage!

"What's going on? Are there no such mines in the back?" Dynas said with a frown, feeling a little strange.

"Patriarch, this kind of landmine is so powerful, it must be very difficult to manufacture!"

"Yeah, maybe they will only make these few, and the number is limited."

"They all use island monuments to make them. Where will there be difficulties in making them?"

"That's because it's more difficult to collect raw materials. Didn't those outsiders say that they will always encounter various problems, and these problems are their tests. This Yiran product should be no exception!"

"It should be. If there is no restriction on such a powerful weapon, it really does not comply with the rules!"

"But have you ever thought about why Yi Ranpin can produce so many SSS-level items? He is an outsider who does not conform to the rules, patriarch, you have to guard against it!"

Dynas nodded and ordered: "Immediately fire coverage within a hundred kilometers around us."

"Patriarch, in this case, if we rush to Yi Ranpin, there will be a serious shortage of energy!"

Dynas frowned, and replied: "Then fifty kilometers!"


At this time, Jiang Yuntian was instructing everyone to move the dark nuclear mines that had been dodged to the back of the Dana family, preparing to cut off their retreat!

This order from Dynas immediately hit several hidden nuclear mines that were too late to move away!
(End of this chapter)

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