Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 181 Special Fighting Technique, Upgrade the Water Purifier Again

Chapter 181 Special Fighting Technique, Upgrade the Water Purifier Again
Xiao Yi frowned, and replied: "Wait for another two days, anyway, even if it is opened up now, it cannot be planted! After the temperature rises, if there is no good solution, then destroy the forest and open up wasteland!"

Yuan Nong nodded.

Anyue on the side asked curiously: "Could it be that everyone planted seeds today?"

"Well, most of the people have grown it!" Xiao Yi replied, "I used C-grade fish, and I harvested some of them, which are all ordinary seeds!"

"The rules of this world are for us to 'farm' our own lives!" Anyue said with a smile.

"That's what it should mean, but it's not easy to plow!" Xiao Yi replied.

"That's right, there are still too few soil improvement cards, and it takes time to evolve for deforestation and land reclamation. Ordinary people get seeds, and the input and output are really not proportional!" Yuan Nong said.

"Actually, you have overlooked a more important issue!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Everyone looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, waiting for his next words.

"That's whether they know how to farm!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Not everyone has such rich farming knowledge as Yuan Lao."

An Ran agreed: "That's right, many people may not be able to tell the difference between leeks and wheat seedlings."

"If you say that, doesn't it mean that farmers are taking advantage of it?" Su Wan said.

Xiao Yi nodded, and said: "At least so far, farmers have an advantage over anyone else. They work frequently, and their physical strength and endurance are stronger than those who sit in offices in the city. They are more adaptable to this harsh environment. Now they add a farming advantage."

Everyone nodded. If they hadn't met Xiao Yi, they would still be struggling on the island now.

Of course, it may have been relieved!

"Is there any movement among the indigenous people?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said: "Gu Dao Qiu Sheng is still watching over there. There is no movement at the moment. This is also within my expectation. After all, it suddenly became so cold. Those natives must have been caught off guard and might freeze to death." There are quite a few people!”

After everyone finished their dinner, they all gathered in front of the small courtyard, and Jiang Yuntian began to explain special fighting techniques to them.

Everyone has eaten high-grade food for a period of time, so their ability to accept it is relatively strong.

In one night, Jiang Yuntian actually explained all the movements.

They also memorized it all, and the rest is to practice constantly and use it in actual combat!

"Seeing you learn so quickly, I always feel that my comrades and I were so weak!" Jiang Yuntian said with a wry smile.

Xiao Yi patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "There was no high-level food in that world before. If there was, you must be better than us!"

Jiang Yuntian shook his head, and then said: "Okay, everyone, practice more on your own these two days. After two days, we will start actual combat exercises! My request to you is to hold on to my hands for 3 minutes!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

"Disband!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Everyone was about to go back to rest, An Ran asked curiously: "Instructor, I don't know how many minutes Xiao Yi can last in your hands?"

Jiang Yuntian twitched the corners of his mouth and replied, "It's not bad if I can hold on to him for 30 seconds!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, it was embarrassing to say it!

No matter what I say, I am a mercenary, and now I am not as good as an employee of the previous company!

"30 seconds?" An Ran's eyes widened, and she looked at Xiao Yi curiously.

They had never participated in a battle in the past, so they had no idea of ​​Xiao Yi's strength.After hearing the news from Jiang Yuntian today, they all looked at Xiao Yi curiously.

Xiao Yi shrugged, and replied, "I eat more high-level food than you!"

Although Xiao Yi said so, everyone knew that he only ate high-end food for more than a week than the others, so there shouldn't be such a big gap!
There must be other reasons for this, but since Xiao Yi didn't want to talk about it, the others tacitly didn't ask too much.

After the special training, everyone was a little tired. After going back to take a shower, they immediately fell into a dream!
The next day, after Xiao Yi got up, he immediately ran to the beach, and all the ice on the sea had melted!
"The outside temperature is minus 15.8 degrees Celsius!" The system prompted.

"The footsteps of spring are really near!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Then go back to the island monument, find Li Yan, and send her the yacht.

"[Small Multipurpose Yacht] (SSS class) Three-day usage rights * 1 transaction No."

"There is a smart assistant Xiaoyou on this yacht. I have already told it to obey your orders. After you handle the affairs on the island, you must fasten your seat belt after getting on the yacht. Although this yacht is very strong, what kind of None of the marine life can break, but the impact will still happen!"

Li Yan was shocked again when she saw this yacht. These are three S-class yachts!
"How did he drive such a high-end yacht?" Li Yan thought to himself.

But when chatting with her husband Anyue before, Anyue reminded her that Xiao Yi has a lot of high-end things here, and you don't need to know how it came about, and don't ask too much!
So although Li Yan was extremely shocked, she didn't ask any more questions, but directly agreed.

A blue luxury yacht appeared beside Li Yan Island.

According to Xiao Yi's previous request, he traded all the things to Xiao Yi, then smashed his own island monument, obtained eight cornerstones, and boarded the yacht.

"Welcome, beautiful Miss Li Yan, please fasten your seat belts, we are leaving immediately!"

Li Yan sat next to the island stele in the cab, fastened her seat belt, and the yacht adjusted its direction and sped towards Xiao Yi Island.

After making arrangements for Li Yan's side, Xiao Yi immediately started today's registration.

"System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully and get a reward: equipment level upgrade card!"

"Equipment Level Up Card: It can upgrade any piece of equipment by one level, up to SSS level."

Xiao Yi had obtained this kind of card before, and used it on the water purifier last time. This time, he didn't hesitate, and still decided to use it on the water purifier.

Water must be drunk every day, and the daily nourishment of high-grade water will make one's physique even better.

What's more, now that Xiao Yi's physique has reached S-level, if he can drink SS-level pure water, the improvement of his physique will be even more obvious!
Take out the device level upgrade card from the system space.

"It has been detected that you have obtained an equipment level upgrade card, please select the equipment you want to upgrade."

"S-class water purifier!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Used successfully, the S-class water purifier has been upgraded to the SS-class water purifier!"

Xiao Yi walked to the living room and saw the upgraded water purifier. The whole machine became bigger and more sci-fi.

"Water purifier (SS level): It can purify raw water of various water qualities into pure water. When the supply of raw water is sufficient, it can produce 320ml of pure water per hour. The capacity of seawater in the machine is 10L, and the capacity of pure water is 10L. It can Connected to the water pipe, it can automatically recognize the capacity limit and automatically shut down!"

The production capacity per hour has doubled again, although it is only more than 300 milliliters, it is enough.

"Didi!" A reminder came from the island monument, and Xiao Yi walked back.

"Xiao Yi, the yacht has been bitten!" Li Yan's anxious voice came from the island tablet.

(End of this chapter)

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