Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 180 Seeds are all bloomed, and the emperor will reform the system

Chapter 180 Seeds are all bloomed, and the emperor will reform the system
"Boss, I'm offering a vegetable seed, do you want it? [Melon Seed]*2."

"【Leek Seeds】*10, boss, do you accept this?"

"I drove to this [Garlic]*6, can this be exchanged for some B-grade meat?"

Xiao Yi looked at his private channel, and it was already occupied by seed chats!

So he said on the public channel: "Today, the probability of seeds being released in the material box has increased, so although I also collect seeds, the price is definitely not as beautiful as before. I will place a transaction on the trading floor. Yourselves Look, if you think the price is right, just trade directly, but if the price is not right, forget it, don’t chat with me privately! Except for high-level seeds of course!”

After finishing speaking on the public channel, Xiao Yi switched to the trading floor.

"[Sea Fish] (Grade C)*100g to trade any crop seeds*2. Remarks: Each person can only trade the same seed once. If you have seeds of Grade C or above, please chat privately!"

Anyway, for Xiao Yi, as long as he has a seed, he can plant it. S-grade pure water is very powerful!
Two seeds are already double insurance!
"What does Yi Ran Pin mean by what he said just now? What does it mean that the seeds have a high probability of being produced? Why didn't I open them?"

"That means you are too weak, I will open a seed!"

"I've opened it too! This time the boss only accepts C-level food. I'm a little disappointed!"

"It's good to have grades. Your seeds don't have grades, and Yiranpin only needs two. Maybe I can keep a few in my hand. It's very kind!"

"Yeah, I've closed the deal, I'll have C-grade grilled fish tonight!"

"Seeds, I want seeds!"

"I have billions of pills in my body, do you want it?"

"Sao Nian, you have to be temperate, remember, if you don't work hard when you are young, you will cry when you are old!"

Watching the chatter get on the highway in an instant, Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.

At the same time, Dilin Tianxia also saw Xiao Yi's message, and immediately said in the Dilin chat group: "The seeds in our meeting are prohibited from being sold to Yiranpin! Everyone submit them to me for unified management!"

"Um, it's not good to do that!" Someone questioned, "If we hand it in, we won't get any benefits!"

"How can there be no benefits? My island is so large. When the evolution is in place, there will be arable land. After I plant it, everyone will enjoy the harvest!" Emperor Lintianxia immediately replied.

Emperor Lin Qinglong also immediately echoed: "The president is right. There is no arable land on your own island. The probability of the soil is so low that it is useless to keep the seeds in your hands. If you trade it to Yi Ranpin It’s just a little bit of food, but giving it to the president is equivalent to getting a long-term meal ticket!”

Seeing Qinglong's agreement, Di Lintian nodded and muttered: "I have not let down my training for you!"

Hearing Qinglong's words, some people were moved and gave the seeds to Di Lin Tianxia, ​​but some people still didn't hand them in.

Because Di Lintianxia is just writing a blank check, how to buy the grown food is still unknown.

And what Yiranpin provides is C-grade food. Eating this food can actually improve one's physical fitness. This is a tangible benefit!
Anyway, Emperor Lintianxia didn't know whether he had produced the crop seeds or not, and whether he would hand them over or not was up to him!
Di Lin Tianxia looked at the seeds of a dozen or so crops collected, and felt a little disappointed. There must be more than these ten people in the Di Lin faction who produced the seeds of the crops, and someone must have hidden them and not handed them over.

"Everyone, since everyone has joined us in Dilin, we are a family. You don't need to hide it. If you feel uncomfortable staying in Dilin, you can leave at any time. Since you choose to stay here, you should be honest with each other!"

"Hey, Sun Dasheng quit the group chat!"

"Drip, one thought becomes a demon and quit the group chat!"

Dozens of people left the group chat.Di Lintianxia continued: "If these people want to leave, I will not keep them. This is their own choice, but it is impossible to come in again. Qinglong, put them on our blacklist!"

"Yes!" Emperor Lin Qinglong replied.

"I announce that Emperor Lin will amend the rules of the meeting from today, cancel the weekly mandatory handover of materials, and modify it to voluntary handover. Each material corresponds to a different contribution point. The seeds handed in this time can also be converted into contribution points. Everyone upgrades by accumulating contribution points, so as to obtain some preferential treatment rights in the club!" Di Lintian said, "The Qinglong Club will make a public announcement of the specific regulations!"

"Great! Finally, there is no need to hand in supplies!"

"Long live the emperor's arrival!"

It can be said that the action of Emperor Lin Tianxia reunited the originally loose Di Lin forces.

Of course, Xiao Yi didn't care about the little seeds in Dilin's forces. He had already collected a large number of seeds, including all the vegetables and fruits that could be seen in the market.

It's just that these seeds are all ordinary-level seeds, and none of them are C-level, let alone higher-level ones!
After collecting them, Xiao Yi handed them all over to Yuan Nong.

Yuan Nong was elated when he saw the various seeds.

But Xiao Yi pondered: "The sudden increase of seeds means that our island is going to enter the farming era?"

"But our islands are not big, and there are not many soil improvement cards!"

"Maybe I want everyone to evolve arable land through the power of evolution."

"But this kind of evolved one can easily degenerate into uncultivable sandy soil, which controls the amount of food everyone can grow to a certain extent!"

That's why this world is not so good. Although everyone can do it by themselves, it may not be able to have enough food and clothing!

It seems reasonable to think so.

As night fell, Jiang Yuntian came back with Dabai, Wangcai, and Junjun.

"How is it, the number of attacks hasn't increased?" Xiao Yi asked.

"No, it's still 36 times!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "Basically, it's all done by Dabai!"

Xiao Yi gave Dabai a thumbs up, and Dabai scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Woof woof!" Seeing that Xiao Yi didn't praise himself, Wangcai immediately yelled.

"I know, and you've done a good job!" Xiao Yi rubbed Wangcai's dog's head, "Let's go, eat, and talk while eating!"

Everyone came to the kitchen.

Yuan Nong frowned and said: "Now we have almost collected most of the fruits, vegetables and seeds of food crops on the market, but the new problem we are facing is the lack of land!"

Seeds are enough, but arable fields are not!
"So, I wonder if we should consider opening up a piece of forest for farming?" Yuan Nong suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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