Chapter 1778 Shocked, slandered, too lazy to explain
Xiao Yi picked up the carving knife on the stone table, and said with emotion: "This feeling is so real."

Then he called up the drawing of the teleportation array, and began to draw it according to the above diagram.

While Xiao Yi continued to practice drawing the formation map, Sun Yao had already returned to his own galaxy through the wormhole with a large amount of supplies.

Of course, he just passed through the wormhole and stayed where he was.

One is to worry that those chasing soldiers set other traps, and the other is to guard the wormhole, otherwise it will be troublesome if it is occupied by other survivors or natives.

Sun Yao hates trouble, so stay at the entrance of the wormhole.

Returning to her original galaxy this time, Sun Yao is still a little proud.

Wealth does not return, like a night walk in brocade!

So Sun Yao is back, and he has to publicize it on the public channel, otherwise how can he do business.

"Survivors, I have some supplies in my hand, which will be hung on the trading floor later, and if necessary, take pictures!" Sun Yao sent such a message in the public channel.

"Medicine seller, you won't want to promote your Liuwei Dihuang Wan again, will you?"

"That's right, I heard you talk about it every day before, but I never saw the real thing."

"As a drug seller, what supplies can you have, nothing more than some pills, which may not be useful. Whoever buys the pills will end up with them."

"That is, those dark pills, you never know what he puts in them."

"Yeah, anyway, I don't believe the pill will do anything."

"Medicine seller, what are you going to sell? Maybe I will be interested."

"They are all technological items that everyone can use. Let's buy according to your own needs." Sun Yao didn't bother to debate with them whether his pills were effective or not.

Whether Xia Guo's traditional Chinese medicine pills are effective or not can't be determined by their criticism.

"Science and technology items? Then I have to go and have a look."

"Yeah, not many technological items have been developed in our galaxy."

"Wow, drug seller, where did you get so many high-end items?"

"Yeah, why are they all so advanced, and there are so many of them?"

"Are you robbing a treasure house?"

"I see, he must have come from another galaxy!"

"Other galaxies? Can the drug seller go to other galaxies? This is impossible. Even miniature spaceships cannot travel between galaxies."

"But if there is a wormhole, then he can go to other galaxies."

Seeing this, Sun Yao already knew that the one who said this must be one of the two survivors who chased him before.

Others will not react so quickly, they went to other galaxies through wormholes.

"Wormhole? You mean the drug seller found a wormhole leading to other galaxies?"

"Yes, it was actually found by the person we went to dig treasures with, but he was alone. He wanted to kill everyone else because he had high-end weapons in his hands. The other person and I reacted faster. Escape from birth."

"I'm the other one, and I can prove it."

"Drug seller, you are not being kind!"

"Not only that, he also robbed the treasures in the treasure chest."

"Can you bear this?" "If you can't bear it, there's nothing you can do about it. Who told him to be too strong!"

"Yeah, we tried our best and couldn't beat him."

"Everyone should unite to boycott him and don't buy his things. I will announce the coordinates of the wormhole. I hope that brothers and sisters who are closer will take action together and take it down. This is a good thing from another galaxy, everyone. Divide evenly."

"No, we have to buy his things, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with him."

"Yeah, the medicine seller sells small spaceship engines. If we don't have this, we won't be able to catch up with him."

"That's all I've said, so I'll just say it straight. If someone wants to come and attack me, then let them come." Sun Yao snorted coldly and said.

Sun Yao's current spaceship is a large spaceship, no matter how many escape pods and miniature spaceships he has, he will definitely not be able to defeat him.

So Sun Yao is full of confidence!

"The drug seller is so crazy, can you bear it?"

"This is absolutely unbearable. Even if your spaceships and weapons are high-end, but the elephants are killed by ants, I don't believe that you can handle so many escape pods and spaceships."

"It's good for everyone to coexist peacefully. Fighting and killing is not conducive to our development."

"Yeah, what those two people said before may not be true, you don't believe what they say."

"That is, the treasures in the treasure are for those who can, and if you can't grab them, it means they are not yours."

"Naturally, I have no objection to the normal fight, but the drug seller is too despicable and shameless to attack us."

"Actually, I don't care about the matter between them, but if it concerns another galaxy, then I must intervene."

"Yeah, a brand new galaxy means great wealth."

"That's right, I don't want all the resources I have collected so hard to be made by the drug seller."

"Drug seller, you should block these people, otherwise they will attack you with the weapons they bought from you!" Someone reminded.

Seeing that someone reminded herself, Sun Yao replied with a smile: "Since I dare to sell these items, is it possible that the ones on my spaceship are worse than this?"

Seeing Sun Yao's message, everyone was stunned.

Indeed, compared to the items hanging on the trading floor, the items in your hands will definitely be more advanced.

I believe that no survivor will sell the good things and keep the bad ones in their hands.

"Wow, the drug seller is awesome, what you have listed is already top-level items, do you have more advanced items than these?"

"Bragging! Anyway, I don't believe it. The items in your hand should be the same as the items hanging on the trading floor, because obviously these items are produced in batches."

"Well, I feel the same way, he must be scaring those survivors who are going to go there."

"That's right, this drug seller must be playing empty tricks, don't be frightened."

Seeing everyone's discussion, Sun Yao smiled slightly, and didn't explain, letting them think whatever they wanted.

"How do I feel that what the drug seller said is true? How far is everyone from that wormhole?"

"I'm close enough to get there in a day at most if I have a small engine."

"You're not too close. I only need ten hours, but I don't want to go there. Although there may be a lot of supplies in the new galaxy, I have always believed that risks and rewards are directly proportional. I just want to hang out here with peace of mind." , to the end of time."

(End of this chapter)

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