Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1777 Brother Lu's brain hole, treatment, special gene

Chapter 1777 Brother Lu's brain hole, treatment, special gene

Lu Meiyu shook her head and said: "Probably not, I believe the boss, if that fox instrument is just pretending, he probably won't take my suggestion lightly."

"Okay, what is the fox instrument doing here?" Brother Lu asked as he watched the escape pod fly away.

"For our safety, I sent him out, let him use that escape pod to help us detect if there are more resources outside!" Lu Meiyu replied.

Lu Di gave a thumbs up to each of his own, and then said: "Brother is still thoughtful, but you can't always leave the escape hatch to him, right?"

"It's okay, the boss said, after a while, he can take Huyi back." Lu Meiyu replied.

"Pick it up?" Brother Lu rubbed his bewildered head, and asked, "How do you pick it up? Did the boss arrange for a spaceship to come over?"

"I don't know, but the boss said, it's not a spaceship!" Lu Meiyu replied, "The boss must have other ways to pick up people."

"Any other ways to pick up people?" Brother Lu rubbed his temples, and then said: "Forget it, I still don't want to, I have a headache!"

"You have a worsening cold!" Lu Meiyu frowned and said, "The boss said, he will let Mimi come over to show you later."

"Great, this is too uncomfortable!" Brother Lu complained, "I always thought that I would not get sick if my physique was upgraded to the SSS level. It turns out that I still can't escape the virus!"

"I heard from the boss that the activity of sunspots should cause the virus to mutate, so we were infected." Lu Meiyu said.

Brother Lu was stunned for a moment: "What kind of term is this?"

"You were told to read more before, but now you understand the benefits of reading more!" Lu Meiyu said angrily.

"Hey, you know you will tell me too!" Brother Lu replied with a smile.

Lu Meiyu had no choice but to explain to him what sunspots are and the relevant speculations of scientists.

After listening, Brother Lu suddenly popped up a sentence: "Then how did the first virus appear in this universe?"

Lu Meiyu was slightly taken aback, then shook her head and replied: "No one knows, and scientists only put forward some theoretical hypotheses based on the existing situation, such as degradation theory, endogenous theory, etc."

"Do you think this was launched by a more advanced civilization to limit our development?" Brother Lu opened his mind, "Or they control the sunspots, so that the viruses mutate and infect us."

"God knows, but you have a good brain, you can use this brain to write a book." Lu Meiyu rolled his eyes and replied.

Brother Lu replied: "Forget it, for the [-]-word composition in elementary school, I only managed to get out three words for two months!"

Xiao Yi's isolation and treatment measures were very timely and effective, so the flu was quickly brought under control.

Mimi treated the last patient and returned to the satellite-class spacecraft.

"Mimi, take a rest first, there is still a patient here who needs you to see." Xiao Yi looked at Mimi and said.

"No need to rest, just a patient, a matter of a few minutes!" Mimi replied.

"Alright, you can rest after the treatment is over." Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then rented Mimi to Lu Meiyu.

"All of you ask Mimi to check. Even if there is no infection, ask Mimi to help you use the nanomachine vaccine to induce your body to produce specific antibodies." Xiao Yi urged.

"Yes, thank you, boss!" Lu Meiyu replied.

After Mimi came to Lu Meiyu's side, she first helped Lu brother to heal.

In just a few minutes, Brother Lu felt comfortable all over.

"Thank you Mimi!" Lu Di said to Mimi sincerely, but unfortunately, Mimi could not understand him.Mimi ignored Lu Di's words and moved directly towards Lu Meiyu and Yang Yangyang.

Both Lu Meiyu and Yang Yangyang were not infected, and Mimi successfully helped them generate antibodies, and then prepared to leave.

Lu Meiyu signaled that there was one more, and then contacted Hu Yi with the island tablet: "Come back here first, the boss arranged a medical machine for us to check."

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Why do you want to check us all of a sudden?"

On the island monument on the escape pod where Hu Yi is, he only has the permission to privately chat with Lord Lu, and has no other permissions, so he doesn't know any information about Xingspot.

Lu Meiyu roughly explained the situation of the sunspots in the lower stars. Huyi's home planet is more inclined to the construction of everyone's spiritual world, and the study of the universe is not very deep.

But Lu Meiyu's explanation is very simple, and Hu Yi can't understand it.

"Sure enough, everything in the universe is one, and any abnormality will affect us." Hu Yi said with emotion.

"Well, come back quickly, Mimi has not been here for long." Lu Meiyu urged.

"Mimi? Is this a medical staff?" Hu Yi asked in surprise, "Can the island owner send someone here?"

"No, it is a medical intelligent machine, but it is basically no different from a living individual, so we must maintain enough respect." Lu Meiyu reminded.

Hu Yi froze for a moment, then replied: "Okay, I understand."

After finishing the call, Hu Yi drove the escape pod to Lu Meiyu's side immediately.

Mimi soon came to Hu Yi's side, and after checking him as usual, she found that Hu Yi's physique was different from other people's.

This physique does not refer to grades, but refers to the fact that his internal genetic structure is different, as if there are some shackles?
But this kind of shackles is not a disease, and Mimi can't get rid of these shackles.

After checking, Mimi helped him induce antibodies and left.

After returning to Xiao Yi's side, Mimi reported the matter to Xiao Yi.

"Gene shackles?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously, "Congenital genetic disease?"

Mimi replied: "This genetic shackle will not harm his body, it is not considered a disease."

"Then do we have it?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

He doesn't care if the fox instrument has it or not, but it matters a lot if they have it themselves.

"I haven't found similar genetic shackles in you." Mimi replied.

"That's good!" Xiao Yi was slightly relieved, and then muttered, "I didn't expect this fox instrument to be so special."

After mumbling, Xiao Yi put the matter behind him and continued to study the blueprint of the teleportation array.

At this time, the leader of the game team, Jing Wu, came over and said respectfully: "My lord, the parameters related to the space stone and carving knife have been input."

"Great!" Xiao Yi said happily, and immediately walked into the game cabin beside him.

After entering the game cabin, Xiao Yi entered a stone room, where there was a space stone and a carving knife on the stone table.

(End of this chapter)

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