Chapter 1568 Dukang is coming soon and needs power support

Everyone on Chaos Star discussed and completed the registration, then left the farm and returned to the small spaceship.

In the cockpit, Su Wan had already prepared dinner, and Xiao Yi traded Su Wan's prepared dinner to Zhu Wu and Du Kang.

Both of them are using the inter-galaxy communicator to video with Xiao Yi.

"Island owner, Miss Su's cooking is too delicious!" Zhu Wu praised while eating.

"Can't even eat to stop your mouth?" Xiao Yi replied with rolled eyes.

Su Wan smiled and said, "My cooking skills can only be considered average!"

This sentence was spoken in Zhu Wu's language. Zhu Wu was slightly taken aback when he heard her words, and then said: "Miss Su not only cooks delicious food, but also has amazing language talent!"

"I'm overwhelmed!" Su Wan replied.

During the last communication, Su Wan still stuttered a little. She didn't expect that she could speak so fluently in just over two days.

Of course, in the past two days, Su Wan would chat with Er Gou whenever she had time, to gain a deeper understanding of Zhu Wu's language.

Xiao Yi also gave Su Wan a thumbs up, and then asked, "How is the progress of Chaos Star's language?"

"It's going well. After all, Chaos Star has a team that specializes in studying the language of our country of Xia. With our assistance, the progress is very fast. I feel that they will soon be able to cultivate talents for simple text translation." Su Wan replied. .

"Well, that's good, we can send messages, at least we don't have to meet and talk about everything!" Xiao Yi nodded and said.

"It's just a pity that we don't have systematic language materials here, so it's still a bit slow!" Su Wan shook her head helplessly and said.

"There's no good way now, take your time!" Xiao Yi replied.

Su Wan nodded.

Xiao Yi took a few mouthfuls of rice, then looked at Du Kang and asked, "Where's your side, when will you arrive?"

"According to the current speed, it will take about ten hours before we can join you!" Du Kang replied after looking at the map on the island tablet.

Xiao Yi nodded, and replied, "Well, be careful."

"Yes!" Du Kang replied.

Zhu Wu said with a bitter face on the side: "You all joined the island owner, I feel like I'm the only one left outside, so lonely, so lonely!"

"Then you also leave the comet and come join me!" Xiao Yi replied angrily.

"That can't be done. I want to make the Comet Merchant great, and no one can stop me!" Zhu Wu immediately replied righteously, changing his face very quickly, one after a while.

"That's it!" Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and replied, "Since you want to promote the comet businessman, then don't complain."

"Isn't it unbearable!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

Du Kang said with a smile: "We have a saying there, which is very appropriate to describe a person like you!"

"What?" Zhu Wu asked curiously.

Even Xiao Yi and the others became curious.

"It's very itchy, but you won't do it!" Du Kang said with a wretched smile.

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian laughed loudly, while Su Wan spat lightly and cursed: "Rogue!"

Xiao Yi didn't translate this sentence, and Su Wan naturally couldn't translate it either, so Zhu Wu and Ergou were dumbfounded.

"Island owner, what did Du Kang say?" Zhu Wu asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "I praise you for being handsome!"

Zhu Wu made a sound and replied: "Although I don't understand, but I'm not blind, it's definitely not a good thing!" "As long as you know, don't ask too many questions!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Don't, island owner, if you do this, I won't be able to sleep at night!" Zhu Wu was scratching like a cat.

The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth twitched slightly: "If you say that, everyone will misunderstand!"

But Zhu Wu persisted in asking, Xiao Yi had no choice but to tell him.

After Zhu Wu finished listening, he said excitedly: "This is a good summary!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was stunned, and then said: "You are invincible!"

"Island owner, do you still have a lot of such rumors in your country? Tell me!" Zhu Wu asked curiously as if he had discovered a new continent.

Xiao Yi was just about to nod, but when he realized that there was still a lady present, he immediately changed his tone: "Where is it? It's okay to be idle. Think about how to expand your business. Don't think about what you have!"

Zhu Wu looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, and then said: "It seems that there are indeed many. I will learn the language of Xia Guo in the future, and when I ask Du Kang, he must know a lot!"

Xiao Yi was completely shocked when he heard Zhu Wu's purpose of learning the Xia language.

To learn a new language just for a few words, there is probably no one else but Zhu Wu!

Xiao Yi shook his head, ignored the strange Zhu Wu, got up and walked to the island monument, switched to the map, and looked at his direction.

Jiang Yuntian also came over after finishing dinner and said, "I don't know when we will reach the planet with the wormhole."

"Yeah, I don't know if that planet still exists!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

"Hey, before the stars turned into red giants, and with the sudden appearance of black holes, this galaxy should be pulled in a mess. Now this galaxy is pulled by the stars of other galaxies, and the whole pattern should change. We follow the previous I feel that there is little hope of finding it!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head and said.

"But now we only have such a clue, we can only try it out, and staying where we are is not an option!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian nodded, pondered for a moment, and then continued: "The galaxy I was in before also had such a wormhole, what should I do about that?"

After the indigenous forces who attacked Jiang Yuntian and Ergou last time were defeated by them, a wormhole was also interrogated.

Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice: "For the time being, we can only pay attention to one of them. What came out of your wormhole are three miniature spaceships. The power on the other side of the wormhole should not be too strong, but our one is the Pegasus Pirates. , they are forces with medium-sized spaceships, so let's deal with this first!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

"Okay, you all go to rest, come here to rest in the second half of the night!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian and others responded.

After Jiang Yuntian and others left, Xiao Yi immediately switched the island monument to the public channel.

"With the electromagnetic railgun of the boss, there is no need to worry about those civilization forces!"

"Yeah, I knocked them out with just one shot!"

"Most of them should have only been fired with one shot!"

"Of course, the second shot, I can't fire it at all!"

"No way, why can't it be opened?"

"It's very simple, our electricity is insufficient!"

"Uh, I didn't even notice this, does this thing still need electricity?"

"Of course, a lot of power support is needed!"

(End of this chapter)

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