Chapter 1567 Buying Resources with Cornerstones and Dark Gold

"Estimate? There is no need to estimate at all, it's just profitable!"

"Yeah, I probably paid attention to it, but 400 million sets were sold on the trading floor, that's 400 billion!"

"Four hundred, one hundred million! I can't even think about this number!"

"Four hundred small goals, I guess I won't be able to get so many cornerstones and dark gold in my life!"

"There are so many cornerstones and dark gold, I don't think you need to worry about these raw materials for future upgrades."

"There is no need to estimate this. The upgrade to the escape pod is only 1000 million yuan. The boss has made [-] billion yuan!"

"If it is placed in the first stage, how big is the island? Anyway, my island has not expanded to such a large size."

"It suddenly occurred to me that Brother Zhu seemed to have said before that Yiranpin is also very good in the first stage! Now it seems that what he said should be true."

"You just realized it now?" Seeing this, Zhu Wu couldn't help interjecting.

"Brother Pig, when did you come back?"

"Our gamma galaxies are all gone, Brother Pig's comet probably won't come back after flying away!"

"That's right, Brother Pig will be able to swim in the sea of ​​stars to his heart's content in the future!"

Zhu Wu immediately said: "Whoever said that if I fly away, I won't be able to fly back. I just came back from another galaxy."

"Brother Pig has encountered a new galaxy again? Can you help us find a companion for the first stage?"

"Of course I did. Our Yiranpin Alliance values ​​integrity. As long as we have promised you, we will definitely do it!" Zhu Wu said while releasing a screenshot of his speech on another galaxy public channel .

"Have you found a companion?"

"There is only one, and Lulian's companion has been found, and there are no others!" Zhu Wu replied, "I haven't had time to contact Lulian yet."

"Hey, what a pity that I didn't find my companion."

"Maybe it's a good thing if you can't find it, at least there is a little hope!"

Zhu Wu did not continue chatting with them, but searched for Lulian in the private channel.

"The ID you searched for does not exist!"

Seeing this reminder from the island monument, Zhu Wu was stunned, then frowned and switched to the public channel.

"Is Lulian here? If so, chat with me privately. Your companion asked me to bring something." Even though Zhu Wu knew that what he did was superfluous, he still did it.

"What's the situation? Could it be that Lulian can't get in touch?"

"I just @, and the island tablet said that there is no such ID, it must be cold!"

"Hey, I guess I died when the black hole appeared before!"

"It was hard to find each other, but in the end, heaven and man are separated. If there is no news, at least there is a thought."

Looking at the discussion on the public channel, Zhu Wu shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Zhu Wu also has some companions in the first stage, but Ergou has the best relationship with him. Now Ergou is already on the island owner's spaceship, so he doesn't have to worry at all.

For other companions, they can only depend on fate.

At this time, Xiao Yi also finished dealing with those survivors who directly bought electromagnetic rail guns.

After quadrupling, 129.6 billion cornerstones and dark gold were harvested again.

He switched the interface to the public channel, and he was also a little emotional when he saw everyone chatting.

He still has many companions in the first stage, but they are all missing now. I hope they can survive!

Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Yi said in the public channel: "Now I need to buy some basic materials. If I have those materials, I can go to the trading hall to trade."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yi hung all the materials needed for the farm transformation on the trading hall, and this time he directly used the cornerstone and dark gold to buy them.

Because they are all basic materials, they are not expensive. Xiao Yi directly used 100 billion cornerstones and dark gold to purchase these materials. "It seems that the boss is really engaged in infrastructure construction, and he actually wants to purchase so many materials."

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and start trading. We used to use cornerstones and dark gold to buy things from big bosses, and now we finally see cornerstones and dark gold!"

"The cornerstone of [-] units has been recovered!"

"Lying grass, why do you have so many raw materials?"

"That's because I have an A-level collector!"


The electromagnetic railgun weapon system provided by Xiao Yi helped everyone defuse this wave of attacks from other civilization forces, and they were all safe for the time being.

That's why they have the leisure to discuss other things in the public channel.

On the trading hall, Xiao Yi's acquisition transactions continued to be concluded.

Seeing that part of the deal had already been acquired, Xiao Yi decisively agreed to the deal.

"The transaction is successful, triggering four times the harvest, and obtaining materials: iron*100 million tons"

After harvesting so many raw materials, Xiao Yi immediately contacted Wang Yang: "Wang Yang, arrange for someone to go to the docking point between the No. [-] farm and the spaceship, and pull the materials over. The renovation project can continue!"

Wang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "Yes!"

After finishing the call, Wang Yang immediately contacted the chief engineer of the renovation project and said, "The raw materials are here, and your project can continue!"

"Great, where are the raw materials?" the chief engineer asked happily.

"Go to the docking port between the No. [-] farm and the spaceship!" Wang Yang replied.


At this time, with the efforts of everyone, Farm No. [-] has completed a new round of sowing.

"The planting has been completed here, we probably have to go back!"

"Yeah, other jobs are being done, we can only queue up and wait for the next time we come to work!"

"I really hate to leave here, I would rather be so tired every day."

"Who says it's not, but the space here is limited, if you don't have a job, you have to leave!"

"I hope that the master of the island can bring gravity to other spaceships as soon as possible."

At this time, the staff of the farm came over and said: "Everyone go to the cafeteria to eat first, register after eating, and then go back to your spaceship."

"Yes!" Everyone responded, lacking in interest.

Everyone finished dinner quickly, and then went to the side to register.

When registering, they were told that the salary for this day's work was 200, there was no unit, and now it was only registered on the farm staff's computer.

In the future, if an identity card is conditionally produced, it will be transferred directly to the identity card.

In the future, the purchase of some items will be opened, and these can be used.

Now those people were surprised.

"I didn't expect to come to the island owner's place not only to get food, but also to get salary!"

"Yeah, this time I came here, I really made a lot of money, I don't know what I can buy for 200?"

"What you can buy doesn't depend on how much money you have, but what the island owner is going to sell!"

"It makes sense, I hope our prices will not be too high."

"Don't worry, the island owner will definitely make us full!"

(End of this chapter)

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