Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1518 The island monument will not accelerate the aircraft, quota

Chapter 1518 The island monument will not accelerate the aircraft, quota

Wang Yang looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

When Xiao Yi asked him to dock ten agricultural aircraft beside the large spaceship, he didn't quite understand Xiao Yi's intentions.

Now Xiao Yi asked if there was anything unusual, which made him even more confused.

Xiao Yi had no choice but to continue to ask: "I mean, are there any abnormalities in the crops on those aircrafts?"

Wang Yang frowned and replied: "I haven't received any abnormal reports for the time being, please wait a moment for the island owner, and I will confirm with them again."

"Well, confirm as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi nodded, and then followed the chief engineer to continue to observe the renovation of the entire farm cabin.

Wang Yang was the first to contact and inquire about the aircraft that were parked next to the large spaceship.

"Abnormal?" The personnel on the aircraft were also confused. "After going into space, the crops will indeed show abnormalities in a zero-gravity environment, but these abnormalities are still normal."

"What about the growth of the crops?" Wang Yang continued to ask.

"No abnormalities have been found for the time being."

Wang Yang thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, you should pay close attention to the conditions of those crops, and notify the people in the scientific research department to confirm."


Although they didn't know why Wang Yang paid so much attention to the growth of these crops, they followed the order and informed the scientific research department.

"These crops are very normal, why did Star Master want us to come and confirm these things?"

"I heard that it seems that the island owner said that these crops will appear abnormal."

"What did the island owner say? The star owner is too obedient. The island owner is very powerful, but he doesn't understand agriculture!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, if the island master hears it, you will be finished. You didn't even look at the deputy star master and was executed directly."

"I'm not a rebel, I'm just expressing my opinion. If I'm going to be executed, then I admit it!"

Although he spoke firmly, his voice lowered involuntarily.

"Let's not talk about this, we have basically confirmed it, just send the report later!"

The two researchers quickly compiled the results of the investigation into a report and sent it to Wang Yang.

Wang Yang has already reported to Xiao Yi: "Island Master, I have just confirmed with the personnel on the aircraft that there is no other abnormality except for the difference caused by no gravity. I have arranged a scientific research department here. Further confirmation in the past!"

Xiao Yi nodded, and thought to himself: "It seems that the attributes of the island monument cannot be inherited by these indigenous aircraft."

When Xiao Yi expanded the farm cabin, he considered this issue.

He was worried that the island monument would not recognize the aircraft made by the natives. After all, the first stage of acceleration took place on the cornerstone island.

In other words, aircraft without cornerstones cannot inherit the attributes of the island monument.

The simple understanding is that the cornerstone is an extension of the island monument's attributes. If the island monument is to work, it needs the cornerstone as a carrier!
Now it seems that Xiao Yi's worry is very necessary.

"You don't need to confirm, let those agricultural aircraft go back!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and said.

If the acceleration function of the island monument works, there is no need for the scientific research department to confirm it, it can be seen with the naked eye.

People on Chaos Planet should have never seen lettuce that can ripen in a day.

Wang Yang was stunned, and then replied: "Yes!"

At this time, the report from the scientific research department also came over.Wang Yang looked at the report in his hand and asked in a low voice: "Island owner, the report from the scientific research department has been sent over. Do you want to take a look at it again?"

"So fast?" Xiao Yi was slightly stunned, and then said, "Let's talk about the conclusion here!"

"Same as the previous feedback, except for the effect of no gravity, no abnormalities were found." Wang Yang quickly glanced at the report, and then replied.

"Well, I see, let them all go back!" Xiao Yi said.


After following the chief engineer around the farm cabin, Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, your design is good, and the quality of the project is also very good. I am very satisfied. Don't forget to build some houses. The staff who will come over will They are all for accommodation!"

"Okay, we're already planning this matter." The chief engineer happily replied, they were extremely excited to receive Xiao Yi's praise.

Wang Yang took this opportunity to ask: "Island owner, besides those agricultural experts, are other people allowed to come and live here?"

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and then said: "Yes, but control the number. On average, there should be no more than four people in a field of [-] square meters."

"Yes, thank you, Island Master!" Wang Yang replied excitedly.

"I suggest that you can let everyone come here in rotation, so that everyone can gradually adapt to life in space!" Xiao Yi suggested.

"Yes, we will seriously consider this matter!" Wang Yang said in a deep voice.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yi took Jiang Yuntian and left the farm cabin.

The chief engineer immediately asked Wang Yang: "Star Master, can you give us some indicators regarding the accommodation qualifications?"

They have been here for a while, and they don't want to go back to their flying machines at all.

The conditions here are not as good as those in the aircraft, but they believe that it will definitely be [-] times better than in the aircraft in the future.

This farm not only has the gravity that keeps their feet on the ground, but also the magic that makes them feel at ease.

In an environment of great uncertainty like space, it is absolutely reassuring to be able to guard this farm life.

Wang Yang replied with a smile: "Naturally, you have indicators. After all, the systems that are currently being built still need you to maintain them."

The faces of the chief engineer and the engineers immediately became excited.

"However, you can't live here forever." Wang Yang continued.

The smiles of those engineers froze on their faces.

Wang Yang looked at them and asked, "Don't tell me you don't care about the various systems on our own aircraft? They must be maintained in the past! Don't you want to spend this time?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all smiled and replied: "Yes, yes, of course!"

"I just made a rough calculation. According to the requirements of the island owner, each farm can accommodate 2560 people, and I will give you 60 places. You can allocate them yourself, and it is best to rotate them." Wang Yang continued.

"Thank you Star Master!" Everyone responded in unison.

There are less than 100 engineers in this team, and there must be some maintenance personnel, which do not occupy the quota.

In addition to these sixty places, it is enough.

They are all people with families, and these [-] places are mainly for their family members.

As for how they used it, Wang Yang didn't get involved too much, and he also rushed back to the office.

(End of this chapter)

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