Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1517 Changing guns, basic life support system completed

Chapter 1517 Changing guns, basic life support system completed

If it is swallowed by a star, it will definitely be dead.

Therefore, at this time, no one will hold on to those materials any longer.

For a while, Xiao Yi bought a lot of raw materials, and after a rough estimate, he could manufacture hundreds of medium-sized laser cannons.

Xiao Yi immediately replaced all the original weapons on the spaceship.

Four small laser cannons, 36 sets of electromagnetic rail gun systems.

Medium spaceships have forty weapon slots, while large doubles as eighty.

Putting the dismantled weapons aside, Xiao Yi made eighty medium-sized laser cannons on the island monument and installed them on his large spaceship.

Now that the weapon slots are all filled, even if you encounter a large indigenous spaceship, you can fight.

Of course, the three farms attached to Xiao Yi's spaceship will indeed drag down the combat effectiveness of the spaceship, but that's the only way for now.

The purchase of materials on the trading floor still hasn't stopped, and all the survivors are a little surprised.

"Boss, how many raw materials do you need? You have already collected quite a few!"

"Maybe the weapon the boss wants to build is a giant!"

"Is it a star destroyer?"

"Um, this is a bit exaggerated. Now that there is a Star Destroyer Cannon, then there is no way to play it anymore. When you see a planet, just shoot it over and it's done. What's the point of that?"

"Is it possible that the boss realized the preciousness of these materials, so he collected them in advance?"

"I believe that statement even more!"

"Hey, one step ahead, one step ahead!"

Xiao Yi watched the discussion in the public channel, smiled and shook his head.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian saw Wang Yang's video request on the computer.

"Island owner, Wang Yang wants to video with you!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Connect it!" Xiao Yi walked over from the island monument.

After Jiang Yuntian got connected, he walked towards the island monument beside him. When Xiao Yi wasn't looking at it, he would stare at the island monument to see if there was any useful information in the public channel!

"Island owner, just now the engineering side reported that one of the farm hulls has completed the basic life support system, do you want to go over and inspect it?" Wang Yang said respectfully.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly: "So fast?"

"We increased the manpower, and they worked two shifts without stopping for a moment!" Wang Yang replied.

"Well, you did a good job, let me go and have a look!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in front of the buffer room!" Wang Yang said happily.

After finishing the video call, Jiang Yuntian asked, "Is there any new progress on the farm?"

"Well, let's go and have a look together." Xiao Yi greeted.

"Then here?" Jiang Yuntian actually wanted to go, but he was worried that no one was watching.

"Don't worry, I didn't always stare here alone before, besides, there are No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-], there are more than enough!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go there together!" Jiang Yuntian nodded.

Xiao Yi rushed over there with a super powerful scanning analyzer.

Wang Yang had been waiting in front of the buffer room for a long time. When he saw Xiao Yi coming, he rushed to meet him, and handed over the space suit in the cabin beside him.

Xiao Yi and the other two put on the spacesuits in the cabin, and the three of them walked through the buffer room to the farm on one side.At this time, the chief engineer and his team were waiting for Xiao Yi and the others.

After entering the farm cabin, Xiao Yi was surprised to find that the members of the engineering team had already taken off their heavy spacesuits.

Even so, Xiao Yi turned on the super powerful scanning analyzer.

Soon the scanning analyzer gave a result: "It can meet the basic living conditions of human beings and other creatures, and no harmful substances have been found!"

Hearing the feedback from the scanning analyzer, Xiao Yi also took off his space suit.

Wang Yang couldn't understand the prompt from the analyzer, but Jiang Yuntian could understand, and he took off his space suit.

He believed in that machine, and even more in Xiao Yi.

Wang Yang watched as Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian took off their space suits immediately.

"Master Island Master, welcome to inspect our work!" The chief engineer immediately greeted us and said.

"That's right, you guys managed to fix the life support system so quickly, amazing!" Xiao Yi praised.

"The owner of the island is admirable. There are other infrastructures that need to be constructed, but we can find more construction teams to speed up the progress!" The chief engineer replied respectfully.

"Well, yes, this Wang Yang, you can arrange it!" Xiao Yi nodded.

"Yes!" Wang Yang replied.

The chief engineer continued: "In order to renovate the other two farm cabins as soon as possible, we are going to go directly to the next construction. We can arrange a few engineers here to watch the finishing, which can speed up our construction period."

"It's a good idea. I have no objections here. Wang Yang, what do you think?" Xiao Yi asked.

"I also very much agree with the idea of ​​the chief engineer!" Wang Yang responded.

"Well, then do this!" Xiao Yi thought for a while, and continued, "Since there is a basic life support system here, let's start farming immediately!"

Wang Yang and the others were taken aback for a moment, then their eyes lit up!

"That's right, we can start planting now. As long as we can keep the temperature in check, we can keep farming!" Wang Yang said excitedly.

The chief engineer went on to say: "The crops planted can also help us balance some environmental issues."

"It happens to be able to solve the problems of those experts in agriculture!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Wang Yang was slightly startled, and then said with a wry smile: "Yes, those agricultural experts are now admitted to the hospital because they don't adapt to the space environment!"

It's not that they are hypocritical, without professional training, it is very normal to not adapt!

I have spent my whole life facing the loess and my back to the sky, but I never thought that one day I would fly into the sky. This is really hard to get used to!

"Then let them come over, remember, I don't want people who don't have real materials!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"Island owner, please rest assured that these agricultural experts are rigorous and practical talents, and there will never be anyone who pretends to be someone!" Wang Yang assured.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Okay, you can arrange it here. When they come over, first gather in your office area, and I have to tell them a few words."

Wang Yang was taken aback again, and then replied: "Yes!"

What puzzled him was, what else did Xiao Yi want to tell him? Does Xiao Yi know more about planting than these agricultural experts?

At this time, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of the several agricultural aircraft that Wang Yang had arranged before, and they were docked beside his spaceship.

So he asked, "Are there any abnormalities in the agricultural aircraft docked next to my spaceship?"

"Abnormal?" Wang Yang looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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