Chapter 1481 Internal disintegration, surrender

"Report, the other party shot down 976 of our aircraft and hovered over the downed aircraft. If we really detonate the nuclear bomb, those aircraft and personnel will have no chance of surviving!" A soldier reported.

The general of the rebel army frowned and looked at the Deputy Star Master, and asked, "Star Master, what should we do now?"

The vice-star master lowered his heart and said, "Detonate the nuclear bomb!"

"But what about those people?" asked the general.

"Since it is an uprising, there will always be sacrifices, and we will always remember them!" The deputy star master replied in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the general was stunned.

"Why are you still standing there, execute the order immediately!" the Deputy Star Master roared like crazy.

"Yes!" The general had no choice but to respond.

After receiving the general's order, the Death Squad rushed towards Xiao Yi with a nuclear bomb.

"Island owner, I found an aircraft rushing towards us!" Space [-] reminded.

"This star master is really crazy!" Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and ordered, "Fly away with maximum power immediately!"

"Yes!" Space Two responded.

Just as the aircraft of the death squad approached the spaceship, the spaceship suddenly flew away at full speed!
At this moment, the nuclear bomb in the Death Squad aircraft was detonated.

A mushroom cloud bloomed in the sky!

The aircraft under the mushroom cloud was instantly crushed by the shock wave, and the sea surface was pressed out by the shock wave to create a huge depression!

And the shock wave had no effect on Xiao Yi, who was speeding up instantly!

Because Xiao Yi's spaceship was accelerating very fast, the speed of the shock wave couldn't keep up with the spaceship at all.

In addition to the shock wave, the optical radiation, nuclear radiation and nuclear electromagnetic pulse produced by the nuclear bomb explosion had a considerable impact on Xiao Yi's spaceship.

Because these damages travel at the speed of light, there is no way for a tiny spaceship to reach the speed of light.

Fortunately, Xiao Yi's spaceship has sufficient foundation stones and dark gold, which can repair all kinds of damage at any time!
Xiao Yi quickly flew out of the nuclear bomb's killing radius.

"The lethality of this nuclear bomb is too fierce!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

In less than ten seconds, he consumed a huge amount of cornerstone and dark gold!

At this time, everyone on the Chaos Star aircraft that had escaped from the explosion site of the nuclear bomb looked at the detonated nuclear bomb in shock.

"We actually detonated the nuclear bomb, won't it be detonated?"

"That's right, didn't you just swear that the detonation of the nuclear bomb did not meet our expectations?"

"The deputy star master is a big liar, he lied to us!"

"Are there still many of our companions in those aircraft? Just detonated like this, will it be our turn next time!"

"That's right, we have to do something, we can't let the deputy star master do anything wrong!"

At this time, the controlled personnel on the aircraft looked at the soldiers angrily, and asked, "Are you going to continue to work for such a lunatic? If this continues, we may all die!"

The soldiers hesitated.

Not only their compatriots, but also their comrades-in-arms were all killed in the aircraft destroyed by the nuclear bomb? "You are still hesitating. You will die sooner or later anyway. Why don't you fight now? Brothers, come together and unload their weapons!" Someone greeted, and everyone immediately swarmed up and attacked the soldiers.

Those soldiers were also hesitating, so they didn't shoot these ordinary people!

At this time, a series of gunshots suddenly sounded!
Da da da!
Everyone stopped, and it was a soldier captain who fired an automatic rifle.

"You don't need to resist. I decided to stop obeying the orders of the general and the deputy star master from now on. We just want to live better, not court death!" said the soldier captain, "Let's surrender directly to the island master." !"

"Okay! It's just right to continue to follow Lord Star Master!" The surrounding soldiers echoed.

"In this case, let's fly to the island owner's spaceship immediately!" The soldier captain suggested.

"However, will the island master's spaceship be destroyed by a nuclear bomb?" Someone asked worriedly.

"Probably not, the island owner's spaceship is very fast, he should be able to escape the attack of the nuclear bomb!" The soldier captain replied in a deep voice.

"Look, it's the island owner's spaceship, and it's flying back again!" The pilot of the aircraft immediately shouted.

"I knew the spaceship of the island owner is not so easy to hit!" The soldier captain said excitedly, "Hang up the white flag immediately and surrender to the island owner!"


Space II drove the spacecraft back again, and the voice recorded by Wang Yang was still playing!
The effect of playing this time is even greater. After all, the deputy star master has detonated a nuclear bomb according to this voice.

Xiao Yi saw white flags hanging on many aircraft, which meant surrender!
Seeing those aircrafts hoisting white flags, Xiao Yi immediately played another part of the voice.

"If you surrender sincerely, then take up arms and kill those rebels who have not yet surrendered!"

Hearing this sentence, those aircraft with white flags immediately attacked the aircraft around them that had not yet hung white flags.

For a while, the situation in the air became chaotic.

The deputy star master and his party were a little dumbfounded, how the situation in front of them changed instantly!

"What are you doing? Why are you attacking each other!" the general roared angrily.

"We just want to live!" The other party replied, and then hung up the communication directly.

The general was stunned when he heard the busy tone on the communicator!
At this time, the deputy star master and a person in charge behind the general suddenly pulled out a laser pistol, and rewarded the general with the first shot!
Hearing the movement, the Deputy Star Master glanced back, and the person in charge immediately shot him in the chest.

The laser pierced through his heart in an instant!
The deputy star master never expected that someone would sneak up on him two or three meters behind him. Where is his bodyguard?
It wasn't until this time that the deputy star master's bodyguard and the rest of the people in charge reacted, rushed up, and controlled the attacker.

The attacker was very calm and did not resist.

"Don't you want to die with this lunatic?" the man said, "The situation is very clear now, the deputy star master is doing the wrong thing, he deserves to die!"

Hearing the person in charge's words, those who controlled him slowly let go of their hands.

"Yeah, we can't do anything to the people on Earth, we are too naive!"

"Then what should we do now? Push the deputy star master and general to take the blame?"

"This is the only way to do it now, I hope the island owner will be lenient towards us!"

"The owner of the island has a big belly, so he shouldn't make things difficult for us!"

"I hope so!"

(End of this chapter)

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