Chapter 1480 Besieged Xiao Yi and led them around
According to Xiao Yi's request, Wang Yang recorded a few words, and then he led his men up into the sky.

"Want to leave? Stop them for me!" the Deputy Star Master shouted loudly.

The aircraft behind the deputy star master started immediately, but Xiao Yi also ordered at the same time: "Stop those aircraft!"

"Yes!" Space Two responded.

This time, Space Two followed Xiao Yi to Chaos Star.

The electromagnetic rail gun on Xiao Yi's miniature spaceship was activated immediately.

Whoosh whoosh!
The shells flew towards those aircraft.

Bang bang bang!
Those aircraft were completely unable to dodge these shells, and just one round of attack paralyzed ten aircraft of the opponent.

Although the engines of small spaceships have been installed in these aircrafts, their power has only been increased, and their flexibility has not been increased.

So Xiao Yi's side is accurate, even if the deputy star master fights back, Xiao Yi's side can easily dodge!

A miniature spacecraft stopped these aircraft that were going to intercept Wang Yang and the others.

"We can't go on like this, we are living targets!" The general said with a frown.

"There's no need to attack those people like Wang Yang. Let's set fire to the spaceship of the Earthlings and prepare for the nuclear bomb!" The Deputy Star Master said with a gloomy face.

"Star Lord, do we really want to use nuclear bombs? We are also in danger!" The general hesitated.

"Now do you think we still have a way out?" the Deputy Star Master asked back.

The general froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Okay, I understand!"

Just when they were about to besiege Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi immediately stepped back.

"Catch me, you must not let him escape!" the deputy star master shouted.


Seeing Xiao Yi's miniature spaceship fly away, the Deputy Star Master sneered: "That's good, at least when the nuclear bomb explodes, it won't affect us!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the spaceship fly back in a big circle and rush directly behind them.

At the same time, the loudspeaker on the spaceship was still playing, what Xiao Yi had just asked Wang Yang to record.

"Your deputy star master has gone crazy. He is going to use a nuclear bomb. If the nuclear bomb is really detonated, I don't need to say the consequences. If everyone wants to survive, they can only rely on themselves. Hurry up and grab control of the spaceship and escape from here Bar!"

This is what Wang Yang said in Chaos Star Language, and the Chaos Stars in the aircraft were shocked when they heard Star Master's words!

"What! The deputy star master wants to use a nuclear bomb!?"

"No, we can't sit still like this!"

"Use the nuclear bomb, we are all finished, do you people still work for the deputy star master?"

Now, those soldiers panicked. They followed the leader to revolt and also wanted to seek a better life. Now that their lives were threatened, they naturally panicked!
A soldier captain immediately used the walkie-talkie to ask the general: "General, is Star Master really planning to use a nuclear bomb?"

"Don't worry, I won't use it. It's just used to scare the people on the earth. Just control the aircraft well!" the general replied.

The soldier captain frowned and said, "But what the former Star Master said just now."

"He just said that to shake the morale of our army. You won't be able to see through such a simple strategy!" the general said with a smile.

"Yes, I understand!" the soldier commander responded, and then hung up the communication.The soldier captain came to the people in custody and said: "Humph, this is just a divorce plan by the former star master. Our star master will definitely not use nuclear bombs!"

"Are you sure? If we use it, we will die!"

"Yeah, are you sure your information is correct?"

"This is related to the lives of many people, so don't be careless."

The soldier captain replied: "Don't worry, the general will not lie to us. Besides, isn't our resistance also for a better life! The use of nuclear bombs does not meet our expectations at all."

Now those people began to believe it. Of course, some people in the aircraft did not believe it, and some even directly fought the rebel soldiers.

Those ordinary people naturally couldn't defeat these well-trained soldiers, and these resistances were quickly quelled, and bloodshed naturally occurred during the period!

And Xiao Yi's miniature spaceship traveled quickly between these aircraft, constantly playing Wang Yang's recordings.

"Report, the spaceship of the people on earth is getting faster and faster, and it has already exceeded the limit of the human body. Our people need to wear space suits in the cabin to withstand this acceleration!" A soldier reported on the intercom .

Hearing this, the deputy star lord frowned.

The general beside him said in a deep voice: "I heard from Wang Yang earlier that this earthling seems to have some kind of stabilization system, so he can accelerate and fly unscrupulously!"

This is just their wishful thinking. Xiao Yi has an SSS-level physique now. Even without a stabilization system, the acceleration he can withstand is much greater than that of ordinary people on Chaos Star.

However, this miniature spacecraft has indeed installed a stabilization system, and it is indeed, as the general said, even more unscrupulous!
The Deputy Star Master nodded slightly, and said, "Arrange death squads and detonate the nuclear bomb!"

"But, the earthlings are among our aircraft!" the general said hastily.

"Let them disperse as soon as possible!" The deputy star master replied, "If we let him continue to accelerate, we will really be unable to catch up!"

"Yes, yes!" The general replied helplessly.

There is no turning back when you open the bow. Since you have embarked on this road, you must keep climbing even if you are climbing.

"Please disperse all aircraft immediately, and try to stay away from the miniature spaceships of the earthlings!"

When receiving this order, all the soldiers were stunned.

Just now it was very certain that the nuclear bomb would not be detonated, so why suddenly let them stay away from the spacecraft of the earthlings?
"General, what's going on? Didn't you say that the nuclear bomb will not be detonated?" A soldier captain couldn't help asking.

The general frowned and replied: "For a better life, we can only keep the earthlings and carry out the order!"

After speaking, he ended the call, and the soldier captain was stunned.

But in the next moment, the soldier captain immediately ordered: "Get away from the earth's spaceship immediately!"

Seeing those flying machines start to scatter and flee in all directions, Xiao Yi instantly understood that the other party was going to use a nuclear bomb.

"In this case, then I don't have to be polite!" Xiao Yi said coldly, "Attack all the nearby aircraft immediately and let them all fall to the surface of the sea!"

"Yes!" Space No. [-] replied, and immediately started attacking!

These flying machines were live targets, and Xiao Yi easily shot them down.

All of a sudden, it rained aircraft on the sea!
In just one minute, Xiao Yi shot down nearly a thousand aircraft.

After a little calculation, Xiao Yi hovered directly over these thousand aircraft!

(End of this chapter)

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