Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1477 Hydrology Star Spaceship returns, good reputation

Chapter 1477 The return of the hydrological star spacecraft, good reputation

Listening to their birdsong-like language, Jiang Yuntai shook his head helplessly, and muttered: "It seems that Su Wan needs to step out, otherwise I won't be able to communicate without the island monument, it's too uncomfortable!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuntian continued to go to the side window to observe the surrounding environment, mainly looking for the refreshed material boxes.

After other galaxies broke into the Gamma galaxy, Xiao Yi contacted Jiang Yuntian and asked him to pay attention to the situation of his own galaxy, whether it was moving towards the Gamma galaxy.

According to his trajectory on the map, Jiang Yuntian found that he was indeed following this galaxy, moving in the direction of the Gamma galaxy.

Just like in the previous world, the earth follows the solar system and moves around the center of the Milky Way.

But Jiang Yuntian wasn't sure when the galaxy he was in would be able to break into the Gamma galaxy.

At this time, in the galaxy where Jiang Yuntian is located, the spacecraft of the hydrological star of the Liuyu galaxy has arrived near a planet and is about to land.

"Captain, how could it be so fast this time?" one of his men said in shock.

Walter frowned, and replied: "Are you sure this planet is the one where the wormhole is?"

"Okay, we've done a careful comparison!"

"Maybe it's because of the gravitational fluctuations, don't think about it so much, and land immediately!" Walter ordered in a deep voice, "Always pay attention to the situation of the planet during the landing process!"


The two miniature spaceships on Hydrostar immediately landed on the wormhole planet in front of them.

The landing was very smooth and there was no abnormality.

"Captain, look, wormhole!" The driver said excitedly, pointing to a constantly rotating space ahead.

"Well, it seems that this is indeed the planet we passed by!" Walter said happily.

Before they met Jiang Yuntian and Ergou after traveling for a long time, but this time they came back in less than two days.

After getting a Survivor's Island Monument, Walter was worried all day, worrying that he would be besieged by Survivors.

After all, this island monument is too important, and Walter has completely mastered the island monument in two days.

At the same time, a lot of cornerstones and dark gold were exchanged from other survivors.

"Captain, shall we go through the wormhole now and return to the Liuyu galaxy?" asked the pilot on the side.

"Well, leave immediately!" Walter replied decisively.

Now his first task is to bring the island tablet back to Hydrology Planet, everything else must be put aside!


The two miniature spaceships of Hydrostar rushed into the wormhole immediately, and soon appeared on a planet in the Liuyu galaxy.

"Leave your spaceship, we will leave all the food for you, and monitor this wormhole at all times to prevent the other party from invading our galaxy!" Walter ordered.


After issuing this order, Walter said to the pilot on his own spaceship: "After the materials are handed over, we will return to Hydrographic Planet immediately!"

"Yes!" The driver replied.

"Captain, why don't we just destroy this wormhole, won't those forces be able to invade us?" one of the men couldn't help asking.

As long as the wormhole is destroyed, the other party will not be able to come through the wormhole. This is indeed done once and for all, but Walter has more ideas.

"We have played against them, what do you think of their strength?" Walter did not answer his question, but asked another question.

"Strong, but it's not impossible to fight at all!" The subordinate frowned and thought for a moment, then replied.

Walter nodded: "Yes, since the gap between us is not that big, it is really not certain who will invade whom in the future!" The subordinate suddenly realized, and said: "The captain is still thoughtful!"

Walter smiled confidently, and looked at the island monument aside. With this, he is more confident to develop rapidly!

Thinking of this, Walter floated to the island monument, switched to the trading hall, and tried to trade some cornerstones and dark gold, but found that the trading hall was empty!
"What's the situation? Is this island monument useless after leaving that galaxy?" Walter was even a little flustered at this moment.

The confident expression just now disappeared in an instant.

The subordinates on the side were also stunned, and hurriedly surrounded him, saying, "Captain, what's going on?"

"The trading hall is empty, and there were still many transactions on it before!" Walter calmed down and replied.

"Could it be that they have fixed trading hours?"

Walter shook his head and replied: "Probably not. When we came here, I kept paying attention. There are materials hanging out on the trading floor all the time."

"That should be the problem of wormholes!" The subordinate analyzed.

They came all the way, only through the special device of wormhole.

Walter also reacted at this time, and said: "It should be the reason for the wormhole, maybe this trading hall has a distance limit!"

Walter immediately switched to other interfaces, all of which could be operated normally, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

"It seems to be a matter of distance!" Walter said in a deep voice, "But we cannot obtain cornerstones and dark gold through transactions, which limits our development!"

"In this case, wouldn't it force us to compete with those people?"

Walter nodded, and replied: "It seems that it should be so."

"Then shall we go back now?" the subordinate asked.

"Of course, even if we want to compete with those people, we have to use this island monument to develop for a period of time." Walter replied.

"Captain, the materials have been handed over, are you going to go?" asked the driver on the side.

"Let's go now!" Walter replied.


Walter looked at the wormhole and murmured, "Wait for me, I'll be back soon!"

At this time, on the Chaos Star in the Gamma Galaxy, Wang Yang had already refitted all the aircraft.

Now all aircraft can suspend in mid-air without fuel, which amazes everyone on Chaos Planet!
"Is our aircraft modified again? I don't even feel it!"

"The island owner's transformation won't make you feel anything!"

"Yeah, now you don't need an engine, you don't consume fuel, and you can actually levitate. How did you do it?"

"I heard this is called an anti-gravity system!"

"Anti-gravity system? The island owner actually has such advanced technology?"

"You're not right. May I ask which of the technologies that the island owner brought out is not advanced?"

"I was wrong. After following the island owner, our life is really different every day!"

"That's right, our star lord is so wise, we chose to submit to the island lord!"

The deputy star lord frowned slightly when he heard everyone's discussion during the inspection of various aircraft.

(End of this chapter)

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