Chapter 1476 Powerful anti-gravity system, loneliness

The other people on the aircraft were stunned when they heard Wang Yang's order.

Seeing them stunned, Wang Yang immediately switched the anti-gravity system to the paused state, frowned and said, "Why, do you have any opinions?"

In this short moment, due to the action of the anti-gravity system, the aircraft has moved up a little distance.

From the perspective of the pilot, this is a normal fluctuation of the aircraft!
"Star Master, should we land the aircraft on the sea and conduct a test?" The deputy at the side reacted and suggested.

The heads of other departments also tried to dissuade them.

"Yeah, after all, it's the first time to use it, so it's better to be careful!"

"Arrange a few experimenters to come over and test it, Star Master, there is no need for you to risk yourself."

"Please Star Master think twice before acting."

Wang Yang looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "Are you suspicious of the island owner's equipment?"

"Don't dare. Although this is the equipment provided by the island owner, it is installed on our spaceship after all. There are differences between our two civilizations. It is better to test the adaptability first." The deputy said in a deep voice. .

Wang Yang knew that they were thinking about their own safety, but he still insisted: "Follow the order!"

The deputy frowned and asked, "What is our altitude from the sea surface now?"

"30 meters." The driver on the side replied.

The aircraft has a body suitable for gliding, and the Chaos Star is full of water. Even if it falls from this height, it will not be a big problem.

"Star Lord, please fasten your seat belt." The deputy insisted.

Wang Yang shook his head and had no choice but to sit in front of the console and fasten his seat belt.

The deputies and the responsible persons also sat down and fastened their seat belts. Wang Yang did not sit down just now, and they did not dare to sit down.

Everyone was ready, Wang Yang said in a deep voice, "The engine can be turned off now!"

This time the pilot did not hesitate and turned off the engine, and everyone nervously grasped the armrests of the seats, preparing for the collision between the aircraft and the sea!
Wang Yang turned on the anti-gravity system again.

They waited nervously for 3 minutes without waiting for the impact.

The deputy asked suspiciously: "Have you not shut down the engine yet?"

After being asked by the deputy star master, the pilot recovered from the shock and replied: "According to the star master's order, I have turned off the engine immediately, and we are still suspended in the air!"

Hearing the driver's feedback, the deputy also froze.

Wang Yang unfastened his seat belt and stood up. The others immediately shouted, "Star Master, be careful!"

Wang Yang waved his hand and said, "Since the island owner dares to provide us with this equipment, it must be usable on our aircraft!"

Said, Wang Yang walked to the side glass window, looked at the sea below, and nodded slightly.

The deputy and the people in charge carefully unfastened their seat belts and stood up.

"We are really suspended in the air!"

"Yeah, the sound of the engine was still audible even though it was small, but now it is completely inaudible."

"What kind of device is this that can make our aircraft hover in the air?"

Now everyone looked at Wang Yang, waiting for his explanation. Although they could see the anti-gravity system, there was no sign on it, so they couldn't tell what it was at all.

"Anti-gravity system!" Wang Yang replied with a smile.

"What? It's an anti-gravity system!" the person in charge of the scientific research department shouted loudly.This is an area that their scientific research institute has been studying for so many years and has no clue.

"Yes, you can study this system carefully, I hope it will inspire you!" Wang Yang nodded and said.

"Great, thank you Star Master!" the person in charge said excitedly.

Wang Yang waved his hand, called the driver over, and said, "The operation of this system is very simple, just follow the prompts on the screen!"

"Yes, Star Lord!"

"You are here to test the function of this system. I will go back and continue to install this system on other aircraft." Wang Yang said.


After turning on the engine, the aircraft approached the miniature spacecraft. After docking, Wang Yang returned to the miniature spacecraft.

"Island Master, we have installed the anti-gravity system, which can stop the aircraft in the air without consuming fuel at all!" Wang Yang reported to Xiao Yihui excitedly.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "You guys should explore the usage of this system."

"Yes, the island owner!" Wang Yang replied.

After finishing the chat with Wang Yang, Zhu Wu's news came from the inter-galactic communicator.

"Morning island owner, Zhu Wu is here to report!"

Xiao Yi immediately came to the communicator and asked, "Have you found a member of the Yiranpin Alliance again?"

Seeing this question, Zhu Wu rolled his eyes helplessly, and replied, "Island Master, you can't care about me first."

"If you had a problem, you would have babbled with me long ago, and you don't need me to care about it at all." Xiao Yi replied.

Zhu Wu shook his head helplessly, and said, "Now my place is nothingness, and I haven't entered other galaxies."

"You just communicated with me to relieve your loneliness!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yeah, can't you comfort my lonely heart?" Zhu Wu said in a very hurt way.

"Get lost, I'm really lonely, go find Ergou!" Xiao Yi decisively ended the communication.

Zhu Wu smashed his mouth and said: "The island master is really decisive in doing things!"

After muttering, Zhu Wu really sent a message to Jiang Yuntian, and sent it according to the previously agreed symbols.

The two of them couldn't speak the same language, and there was no translation function on the communicator, so they could only communicate according to the previously agreed symbols.

Jiang Yuntian's communicator received a notification sound. When he saw the message was from Zhu Wu, he was a little surprised and said: "According to the previous operating rules, he should be in the island owner's galaxy by now. Why would he want to follow Ergou?" What about chatting?”

According to Jiang Yuntian's understanding of Zhu Wu, if it wasn't too boring and lonely, Zhu Wu would not just look for Ergou!
Jiang Yuntian had no choice but to float to the front of the island monument and send a message to Ergou: "Ergou, Zhu Wu wants to chat with you, come here!"

"Okay, wait a minute!" Ergou responded immediately.

Xiao Yi could hang up directly, and even ignore Zhu Wu's chatter, but Ergou didn't dare, since he was his leader in the first stage after all.

Ergou controlled his miniature spaceship to approach, and after docking with Jiang Yuntian's spaceship, he went through the docking channel, passed the buffer room, and came into Jiang Yuntian's spaceship.

Jiang Yuntian pointed to the inter-galaxy communicator, Ergou nodded and floated over.

Language barrier, can only use gestures to communicate.

On the communicator, Ergou immediately connected to Zhu Wu, and the two began chatting chatteringly.

(End of this chapter)

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