Chapter 1315 It’s Not Bad To Be A Comet Merchant

After Zhu Wu saw this transaction, he was so moved that he wanted to shed tears, because he was still an ally.

"I don't have much pig food in my hand, so you can make do with it, and I'll give it to you when I open it later!" Ergou's words immediately dispersed this gratitude!
"Get out!" Zhu Wu rubbed his eyes and cursed with a smile, "I have food, I don't want to eat pig food!"

With that said, Zhu Wu directly rejected the other party's deal!
"Leader, I really still have food in my hand. Take it. There is no supply box. Haven't you been hungry for several days!" Ergou said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I'm here with a big guy, he's provided the food, let me help him collect resources on the comet!" Zhu Wu explained, there's no need to hide anything from Ergou.

"Leader, are you really following a big boss here?" Ergou's eyes widened, "Then what you said just now that he has a spaceship is true or not?"

"It's true, let me show you what he provided me, and you will know how awesome he is, there is no need to say anything!" Zhu Wu replied, and then sent two items in the private chat channel.

"[Use and Feces Collector] (C-level)*1, [Space Sleeping Bag] (S-level)*1."

Seeing these two items, Er Gou almost popped his eyes out.

"Wucao, where did this boss get S-level stuff?" Ergou asked in shock.

"What are S-level things?" Zhu Wu said proudly, "Did you know that my escape cabin is already surrounded by SSS-level space double-layer glass?"

"What!" The corners of Ergou's eyes were about to burst, "How could there be an SSS-level item appearing!"

"But it just appeared in the hands of the boss!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "How is it? Awesome!"

Zhu Wu's tone was full of pride, as if he had obtained these things himself!
"That's awesome. Now that you're a younger brother, are you still used to it?" Ergou asked suddenly.

"Surrender to the strong, what's so uncomfortable about it?" Zhu Wu asked back, "I'm very comfortable with being able to solve the problem of eating, drinking and drinking for me!"

Ergou nodded in agreement.

At this time, in the public channel of this galaxy, the gangster is still mocking!

"Lying Cao, you guys cooperated so well, I thought you really came from another galaxy!"

"Yeah, a dancing pig and a dog, they really go together!"

"Are you trying to say that pigs and dogs are inferior?"

"No, no, no, we are civilized people, we can't say such dirty words!"

"However, I did see a comet coming towards us from a distance just now. Could it be true?"

"Brother upstairs, you don't really believe in such nonsense, do you?"

"That is, if he can fly on a comet, then I can fly on a star!"

"But what if it's true?"

"That's right, if his escape pod is attracted by a comet and then brought to this galaxy, it's not impossible!"

"So, let's ask him. Since he came from another galaxy, there must be news from another galaxy. Ask!"

"Yes, @会跳舞的猪, brother, can you tell me about the situation in another galaxy?" Someone @朱武.

Zhu Wu chatted with Ergou for a while, switched to the public channel, and said: "Today I met an ally in the first stage, I'm glad I don't argue with you guys, you want to know the information of another galaxy, it's not bad Yes, there is always a price to pay!"

"What price do we have to pay?"

"Such as dark gold, oxygen, electricity, food, pure water, whatever you want!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.Now that he has the opportunity to blackmail them, Zhu Wu will definitely not let it go.

"Lying on the grass, I have never seen such a shameless survivor!"

"That's right, it's just some information, and so many things are needed!"

"I'm doing business, it's all voluntary, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, can you control it?" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"Don't trust him, everyone. If you really traded all these things to him, then you will be cheated!"

"Yes, he said that there is no way to prove anything, so there is no need for everyone to consume these very important supplies!"

"It makes sense. Besides, we pay attention to what other galaxies are doing, and we just need to live well!"

"But now we can't live anymore! My oxygen is almost running out, and I haven't opened the supply box for the past two days!"

Seeing the speeches of these survivors, Zhu Wu seems to have found a way to give birth!
"If I had known that you were short of these resources, I would have brought supplies directly from our galaxy to sell!" Zhu Wu said with a smile in the group.

I can use the comet movement cycle to wander among the galaxies, and then sell the resources from the boss to each galaxies. It is not bad to be a comet merchant!
"Fuck me, I can't take it anymore, why is this person getting more and more bragging, he's blocked!"

"That is, to sell the resources of another galaxy, you may not have enough by yourself!"

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "I'm so sorry, at least I have enough resources for the resources I mentioned just now!"

"Tch, I will also say that I have ten tons of dark gold in my hand now!"

"I will too, the oxygen in my escape pod is about to blow up the escape pod!"

"I'm coming too, my escape pod has too much power, it's shining like a star!"

Zhu Wu watched their teasing with a smile, and directly posted a few resources in the public channel.

"[Fuel]*98%, [Oxygen]*20L, [Electricity]*100%."

After sending out, Zhu Wu was like a local tycoon who suddenly became rich, and asked, "Are these enough?"

"Low on the grass, why does he have so much fuel, my fuel is almost low now!"

"Who said no, boss, can you trade me some!"

"I'm suffocating, boss, I need oxygen!"

"The mechanical arm on my escape pod is no longer working, please trade some electricity, I want to grab a supply box!"

"Survivors, I'm sorry, my big brother gave me these as spares. I don't know when I can fly back to the original galaxy, so I dare not sell them. I'm sorry, but I can't help you!" Zhu Wu replied decisively, "If I return If I can come back again, I will definitely bring enough resources and sell them to everyone!"

Seeing Zhu Wu's answer, everyone in the public channel was shocked!

"He can't really come from another galaxy!"

"Lying grass, I think it should be true, there should be no one in our galaxy as rich as him!"

"Absolutely not. In the past two days, many people have died of suffocation. The few people who were common in the group before have disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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