Chapter 1314 Zhu Wu lost contact and went to another galaxy

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yi was awakened again by the siren of the light curtain detector, then got up, manipulated the spaceship to avoid a flying meteorite, and then he got into the sleeping bag again.

This sleep lasted until six o'clock the next day. After Xiao Yi got up, he took care of his personal hygiene a little bit.

Of course, I can only rinse my mouth, wash my face and so on, and I can't do anything else.

After cleaning up his personal hygiene, Xiao Yi immediately brought breakfast from the warehouse to the cockpit.

While eating breakfast, I checked the island monument for any new information.

In the public channel, there are still only those cases of being hit by meteorites, and then there are various requests for supplies, but there is no new information.

After browsing around, Xiao Yi switched to the private chat channel, planning to lend his four collectors to Zhu Wu so that he could continue collecting resources on the comet!
Seeing that Zhu Wu's name in the address book turned gray, Xiao Yi's eyes widened!

"What's the situation? Didn't you still chat last night?" Xiao Yi frowned and thought, "He won't be in any danger, right?"

But Xiao Yi quickly calmed down, and secretly said: "Since the name in the address book is still there, it means that the other party must not have been eliminated!"

If you are eliminated, the name will disappear directly, and it will not stay in your address book at all.

"If he wasn't eliminated, he must have gone to another galaxy!" Xiao Yi said with certainty.

After getting this speculation, Xiao Yi regretted a little: "If I knew he could go to other galaxies, I should have asked him to help me find Jiang Yuntian, Su Wan and the others!"

"Fortunately, we traded enough food and resources for him yesterday, otherwise he would be really miserable!" Xiao Yi said happily.

However, no matter what, Xiao Yi never expected that Zhu Wu would go to other galaxies so quickly.

You must know that it takes hundreds of years for a comet to orbit a star, and it will never run out so quickly!

"It seems that this space trial field cannot be judged by common sense!" Xiao Yi secretly said, "I hope Zhu Wu can be more flexible and persist until he comes back!"

While Xiao Yi was praying, Zhu Wu, who had just woken up, saw that Xiao Yi's name on the island tablet was completely gray, and he was in a state where he couldn't chat. He was also stunned.

"Could it be that you haven't woken up yet?" Zhu Wu muttered, then rubbed his eyes vigorously, and read it again!
Still gray!
"What's the situation? After sleeping, the world has changed?" Zhu Wu didn't think about the danger Xiao Yi would encounter at all.

If Xiao Yi is so strong and still encounters the danger of being invincible, then no one can pass this second stage of the trial!
Zhu Wu, a bastard, actually pinched himself again.

It hurts!

It's real, not a dream!

"But why did the boss's name turn gray?" Zhu Wu couldn't figure it out, then switched to the public channel and sent a message in it!

"@易然品, boss, did you block me?"

The island monument immediately prompts: "Your @survivor is not in the current galaxy!"

Seeing this prompt, Zhu Wu was dumbfounded.

"Not in the current galaxy, what does that mean? Did I follow the comet and leave the previous galaxy?" Zhu Wu's eyes widened!

Looking at the public channel, the few gangsters who used to appear in the past have disappeared, and Zhu Wu even misses them a little bit!

Seeing those strangers chatting, Zhu Wu sighed helplessly: "After finally hugging my thigh, did I run away again? I ran away by myself, dare you believe it!"

After sighing for a while, Zhu Wu immediately accepted the current situation, "Since I can fly from that galaxy, it is possible to fly back. After all, many comets move cyclically. I will definitely have a chance to return to the galaxy." Come back to the boss!" "Before I return to the boss, I must work hard and at least fill my escape cabin with water and dark gold!"

After making such a decision, Zhu Wu immediately released the collector, and then began to plan his own oxygen, food and water.

Now I am not sure when I will be able to return to the same galaxy as the boss, so I can only save as much as possible, otherwise it will be embarrassing if I starve to death in the end!

After simply eating a little food, Zhu Wu immediately returned to the island monument and sent a missing person message: "Is there any survivors from Zhumeng in the first stage?"

"Are you a fool upstairs? It's been a week, and you just remembered to find your first-stage ally?"

"That's right, it's the Shabi, the appraisal is complete!"

Zhu Wu couldn't bear this, and immediately scolded back: "You're a shame, your whole family is a shame! I just arrived in this galaxy today, why can't I find an ally!"

"Fucking grass, someone actually found fault with me, isn't it itchy! You just arrived in this galaxy today, and everyone else still has an escape pod, so why don't you just drive a spaceship and cross the galaxy?"

"Fuck, isn't this obvious and bragging!"

"Yeah, you have to find someone you can believe when you lie!"

"Who the hell said I came here by a spaceship? Even though my boss has a spaceship, he wouldn't come to this galaxy!" Zhu Wu replied proudly, "I flew here with a comet!"

"Hahahaha, you're laughing so hard, why does your boss have a spaceship?"

"That's right, it would be nice to have an escape pod with a volume of [-] cubic meters, and a spaceship? It's really bragging and not drafting!"

"What's even more ridiculous is that he actually said that he flew here with a comet? Mad, I believe you even said that you flew on a broom, after all, you are weightless! But flying on a comet is too nonsense!"

"You are so awesome, does Nima know?"

But at this time, a survivor sent a message: "Leader, is that you? I'm Ergou!"

Seeing the ID of Ergou, Zhu Wu's eyes lit up and he said: "Great, Ergou, add me as a friend and chat privately!"

"Yes! Leader!" Ergou responded immediately.

"Hey, Ergou asks to add you as a friend, do you agree?"

Zhu Wu immediately agreed, and then chatted privately: "I didn't expect to meet you in this galaxy, it's great!"

"Leader, you don't really come here on a comet, do you?" Ergou also couldn't believe it.

Zhu Wu immediately replied: "When have I ever lied to you?"

"That's true!" Ergou nodded.

"Because I was too close to the comet, I was attracted to it, so I flew up with the comet!" Zhu Wu explained.

"So that's the case, that's not very good, free tickets, you can travel to multiple galaxies!" Ergou said with a smile.

"Fuck off, because I was attracted by the comet, I haven't opened a supply box for five days!" Zhu Wu scolded back directly!
"[Bread]*500g transaction is not available."

The other party sent a transaction directly.

(End of this chapter)

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