The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 656 Investigating hidden dangers

Chapter 656 Investigating hidden dangers
Yuhuashi sat opposite and said seriously: "The development of the situation now is exactly as you speculated before.

There are many Turkic thorns who disobey management and are stirring up disputes. "

Lin Hai looked at the report and said with a smile: "Although these people do not obey discipline, they cannot calm down and live a stable life.

But if you put these people in the army, they will definitely be good at fighting.

As the saying goes, make the best use of things, and the same applies to people! "

"I'm a little worried, these people are thorny and hate Daxia very much.

Let these people join the army and take charge of the armed forces.

Will it turn against Daxia? "

Yuhuashi is still a little worried.

Lin Hai said with a smile: "First of all, these people can use military salary to support their families.

And their families are in Daxia's hands.

If they dare to rebel against Daxia, their families will be implicated.

In addition, after these thornheads formed an army and dared to rebel, wouldn't it just give Daxia an excuse to deal with them?

All these people were wiped out on the pretext of suppressing the rebels.

The remaining Turks will naturally live honestly! "

"So you have such a plan! This trick is indeed very effective.

But having said that, if Miss Shaoyao knew what you thought like this.

Will he be angry with you? "Yuhuashi asked quietly.

"It is indeed inconvenient to say some things openly! But having said that, Shaoyao also knows very well in his heart that sacrificing a few people will save the majority of the Turkic people.

Just because she married me doesn't mean this Turk can do whatever he wants.

If you want to live a good and stable life, the first condition is to completely surrender to Daxia.

Finding ways to eliminate these thorns will only bring benefits to the Turks but no harm. Lin Hai said seriously.

Yuhuashi nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense. There are some things that can be done, but it is really inconvenient to explain them clearly."

The Turkic gathering place has become very prosperous, with tens of thousands of people living together.

The level of prosperity is not inferior to that of Beijing.

People were coming and going in the market, and many people were talking loudly about business and discussing prices.

Qiaoer opened the curtains on the carriage alone and looked out curiously.

Most of the people doing business here are Daxia merchants.

These merchants came from all over Bactria.

In the past, you could not do business with Turks casually, but now Turks have moved to the country.

These businessmen saw huge business opportunities.

Bring their specialties and sell them to the Turks.

Then buy back the Turks' cattle and sheep, and you can make huge profits every time.

It was profitable and the business developed extremely rapidly.

With Lin Hai as guidance, the government was very strict in tax management.

To do business here, you must first register with the government and obtain qualifications.

And you have to report your goods and pay taxes in a timely manner.

But for ordinary small traders, they are more tolerant.

If your sales are within a certain range, you only need to pay a small amount of money to set up a street stall.

But as your business grows, you have to pay taxes according to regulations.

And the government must not accept the benefits of vendors casually, and everything must be done in accordance with the rules.

The more honest the government is, the more assured businessmen will be.

The taxes collected are rising steadily.

Part of the tax was handed over to the court, and the other part was mainly retained for construction.

Priority should be given to building roads to make it easier for merchants to enter and exit.

This is a very good virtuous circle.

Lin Hai and the others came all the way to the county government office.The county magistrate Xiang Tianxing received the report and quickly came to greet him personally.

"Xiaguan has met Lord Lin and Lord Yu!"

Lin Hai smiled and said: "You have done a good job. Everywhere you look along the way is a prosperous scene.

I think it won’t be long before you’re competent enough to pay! "

Xiang Tianxing was still very humble and said quickly: "It's all the adults who gave me good advice.

The subordinates do everything according to Master Lin's instructions. "

"Although I can help you with suggestions, whether you can do good things still depends on your own abilities.

Don’t blame me for your achievements! Lin Hai said with a smile.

"What you don't know, adults, is that although this place is becoming more and more prosperous, the tax revenue is also rising.

But there are also many hidden problems.

Turks in particular are fierce and impulsive, and many fights occur almost every day.

This official is really worried!
If the control is stricter, more Turkic people will resist more fiercely.

If the control is light, these Turks will be allowed to go unscrupulous. "The county magistrate said with a wry smile.

"These things have been thought of before. The Turkic people's previous life had almost no restrictions.

Putting them all together is indeed something some people are not used to.

Have any other questions? "

"There are problems, and it doesn't matter if we fight! But according to the official, I sent someone to investigate secretly.

It was discovered that some Turks were planning to rebel against Daxia.

I want to contact some people to rebel with the cavalry and return to the Turkic grassland! "

"Well done, continue the investigation! But don't arrest people immediately, wait until these people actually mount a rebellion.

He immediately sent troops to suppress them all.

Anyone who dares to rebel will be executed! "

A hint of evil flashed across Lin Hai's face.

If Turks encounter injustice here, they can report it to the government
If the government doesn't care, you can continue to sue the higher authorities.

But there must be no rebellion. This is Daxia's bottom line.

“But if I really do this, will it trigger more fierce resistance from the Turks?

Or is the court dissatisfied with this? "

Lin Hai waved his hand to stop him and said, "Don't worry, I and the Queen Mother are behind you.

Look who stands up to attack you? "

Xiang Tianxing was overjoyed when he heard this: "Thank you so much, Mr. Lin! I will tell you what to do!"

Lin Hai looked at the county magistrate with an extremely serious expression and said, "You must remember it clearly for me.

To do anything, you must have ironclad evidence that the Turks are rebelling.

This way I can support you.

If you avenge yourself, deliberately frame or retaliate, you will be the first person I want to deal with! "

"Don't worry, sir, I will never do this!"

Lin Hai patted Xiang Tianxing on the shoulder and said, "I'm very optimistic about you, so do your best.

If this continues for at least one year, I will definitely recommend you to the Queen Mother as the prefect. "

Xiang Tianxing was overjoyed when he heard this: "Thank you, Lord Lin, for the promotion. I will do my best to serve the court."

"You are right if you think about it this way. From now on, all officials in our Daxia will be promoted based on their ability.

If you want to get promoted, just do your best and don't think too much.

The imperial court is reforming the selection mechanism for officials.

Integrity and ability come first, and it is no longer possible for you to just rely on seeking support. Lin Hai said seriously.

"I must remember Sir Lin's teachings!"

(End of this chapter)

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