The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 655 You have to remember it well after selling it

Chapter 655 You have to remember it well after selling it

"Pfft..." Gong Yanwu couldn't help laughing.

"It's only been a while since we've become an old married couple! In a few years, we won't be able to get enough of them!"

Lin Hai slapped Gong Yanwu's buttocks.

"Are you looking for a fight? I came here to discuss business with you!"

Gong Yanwu knew that now was not the time to joke, so she sat down and said seriously: "Okay, you say it, I listen!"

“It’s definitely not possible to control the Turks just by gambling, take away their wealth and let most people work.

There's nothing wrong with that.

But everyone is addicted to gambling, which is not a good thing for the stability of Daxia.

I plan to go to the Turks and find more fun places where the Turks live.

And they also selected some troops from among the Turks and let these soldiers serve Daxia. "

Gong Yanwu frowned slightly: "It doesn't matter what you do on the Turks side.

But after finally defeating the Turks, they actually selected soldiers from among the Turks.

Is this too dangerous? "

"It's not dangerous at all, as long as we can control it well.

Not only can it block some dissatisfied ideas of Turkic people.

You can also use Turks to serve me, Daxia! "

"But I have enough troops in Daxia now, so why should I send troops from the Turks?"

"Of course, let these people guard the border of Daxia! Although we defeated the Turks, there should be people guarding the Western Region.

The conditions at the border are very harsh, and it would be most suitable for the Turks to go and guard them.

Just give them a generous salary that can support their whole family.

Use their families to help the Turkic soldiers without worrying that these people will rebel.

What's more, the Turkic soldiers must be organized into groups, and there can only be 2000 people per army at most.

If anyone dares to rebel against Daxia, it will be easy to destroy them! " Lin Hai explained.

Gong Yanwu thought for a moment, "It makes sense if you say that.

No wonder you set up many gambling houses among the Turks.

It turns out that the purpose is to make the Turkic people have no money and have no choice but to join the army to earn salary and support their families. "

Lin Hai nodded slightly and said, "That's what I mean."

“If these gamblers lose all their money, their families will definitely not be happy.

But at this time, the imperial court extended a helping hand and allowed these gamblers to join the army and earn generous salaries.

They use these salaries to support their families.

In this way, the Turkic family members will definitely be grateful to the court, and naturally they will not think of rebellion! Lin Hai said with a smile.

Gong Yanwu suddenly felt angry and funny: "Now I really feel that the Turks are so pitiful.

Even though I was sold by you, I still think about your benefits! "

Lin Hai shrugged his shoulders and said: "There is nothing we can do about this!
If these methods are not used.

If the Turks are too leisurely, they will definitely want to make trouble.

These people have lived on the grasslands for generations and rely on force to resolve disputes whenever they disagree.

Living in our big summer, if you live a stable life for a while, you will definitely become impatient after a long time.

We have to find something for them to do! "

"Okay, I agree to your proposal!" Gong Yanwu nodded in agreement.

After all, this is something that is beneficial to Daxia and there is no reason to object.

“For such a big matter, it’s best to discuss it with the ministers and come up with a charter after everyone agrees.

In two days I will go to the Turks to do some activities in the Turks!
Try to make the places where Turks live as lively as possible.

You can also make more money at the same time! "

Gong Yanwu's face was full of reluctance: "How long have you been back in the capital and you have to go out again!
You have just gotten married, and you don’t even have time to spend with me these days. "

“There’s nothing we can do about it, some things must be done as soon as possible!
Once the delay continues, the Turks will have no fresh energy during this period.

Easy to mess up.

It’s not that easy to manage anymore! Lin Hai sighed.

Although I have always wanted to take some time off and be able to be at home with my woman every day.

But reality cannot tolerate any negligence.

Once the Turks break into civil strife, I don't know how much effort it will take to resolve them.

"I know, just go ahead and do it! When the emperor is older, I will let him personally handle the affairs of the state.

Even if you go to other places in the future, I will go with you! "

Gong Yanwu has made up her mind.

There is no longer much covetousness for the position of Queen Mother.

Although he was aloof and possessed supreme power, he always thought about Lin Hai every day.

I feel that I am not as happy as Lin Ruoxue and other women.

"Your Majesty is still too young, it is time to learn.

Taking photos and taking charge of government affairs is prone to making mistakes in decision-making and being influenced by ministers.

It is not good for the country of Daxia.

However, after the Turks are completely eliminated, we can use the excuse of inspection to go out in the future.

Isn’t this enough? "

"Okay, I will listen to you!"

After the two discussed it, Gong Yanwu immediately summoned the ministers.

Promulgated the policy towards Turks.

When the ministers heard this approach, they were all surprised and marveled.

All eyes were turned to Lin Hai.

I'm afraid only Lin Hai can come up with this kind of move.

Although they felt particularly bad, these ministers secretly praised it in their hearts.

No one raised any objections; everyone agreed.

Previously, they were very opposed to Lin Hai's proposal to build free houses for the Turks.

Giving them too high benefits would be unfair to the people of Xia.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hai had such a damaging trick and used other methods to earn back the money he spent to build houses for the Turks.

Let the Turks have no choice but to continue to serve Daxia in order to survive, and they will also think about the benefits of Daxia.

The more damaged the moves were, the more comfortable the officer felt in his heart.

After all, most people in the court particularly hate Turks.

The harm caused by the Turks to Daxia was too great.

It was impossible to defeat them and immediately forgive them for what they had done.

The method proposed by Lin Hai made everyone feel bad.

Although Lin Hai and the minister did not have exactly the same thoughts, their opinions could be unified.

Lin Hai spent a few days with the ladies at home.

Get everything ready and head to Turk.

As more and more Turks moved here, they already occupied two counties.

This became a gathering place for Turks.

As expected, when there were more people, conflicts began to appear.

Many Turks were unwilling to be restrained in this way and often resisted government management.

The more the government asked them to do something, they would do the exact opposite and even quietly sabotage it.

Although some people were caught and dealt with seriously.

But it further aroused the resistance of more Turks.

If this kind of thing cannot be resolved in time, it will definitely cause huge turmoil in the near future.

Lin Hai looked at the news sent from the front on the carriage and carefully analyzed the current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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