The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 595: Soldiers siege the city

Chapter 595: Soldiers siege the city
The Turkic Khan organized his troops as quickly as possible and summoned all the tribes in the territory to ask them to send troops to assist.

The scouts sent out soon discovered the rebels.

They came with great momentum, and it seemed that they were planning to attack with all their might, hoping to completely wipe out the Turkic Khan.

News from all sources came quickly.

The Turkic Khan frowned tightly. So far, he has found no trace of the Jin Kingdom and the Khitan.

Originally, these two enemy countries were his allies, but they betrayed him and joined forces with the rebels.

When he thought of these two enemy countries, the Turkic Khan gritted his teeth angrily.

I really want to wipe out all their armies.

But the Turkic Khan also knew that it was impossible to do it.

We can only try our best to find out the traces of all the opponent's troops to prevent being attacked at the critical moment.

It's just that the Jin and Khitan armies seemed to have completely disappeared.

It was never detected again.

This made the Turkic Khan very worried.

Even now, they haven't come together to surround them. There must be other conspiracies.

"Forget it, no matter what conspiracy you have, as long as I defend the city.

Let’s see what other skills you have! "

The Turkic Khan planned to rely on the city and gunpowder to resist the rebels.

Although what he said before was very tough, he said he would not ask for help from Daxia.

In fact, the Turkic Khan also knew very well that as long as he persisted for a period of time.

Wait until the news here reaches Daxia.

Daxia will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it, and will definitely send troops to intervene.

Because he had already calculated Daxia's purpose from the beginning, which was to keep him and the rebels attrition.

Only when the Turks' national power is completely exhausted will they be wiped out.

After learning the news of the Turkic Khan's defeat, the tribes that surrendered quickly sent people to support them.

After all, they had already sided with the Turkic Khans and were the enemies of the rebels.

As long as the rebels defeat the Turkic Khan, they will most likely be annihilated.

Even if they were left alive, their status in the Turks would only be slightly better than that of slaves.

In order to survive and let the tribe live a good life, the strongest young people must be sent to help the Turkic Khan resist the rebels.

More than [-] men were quickly dispatched, and together with the [-] remnant troops of the Turkic Khan, we finally gathered another [-] troops.

All these troops retreated to the city and prepared to rely on the city walls for defense.

The rebels did not dare to deal with other tribes at will until they were defeated.

Talent is the greatest resource on the grassland.

Once you start killing people, you will win but lose the population.

He also cannot control the entire grassland.

It is even possible to lose popular support and allow other tribes to continue to support the Turkic Khan.

This does them no good.

Unless there is a deep hatred, there is enough excuse to wipe out the entire opponent's clan.

Shaoyao dragged his heavy body and heard the news from his subordinates.

Analyzing the enemy's movements and purpose.

At the same time, let people explore the escape route and be prepared at any time.

Shaoyao always felt that her eyelids were twitching, as if she had overlooked something important.

I am very pessimistic about this battle.

"Are we all ready with our gunpowder? We must send someone to guard it closely to make sure nothing goes wrong!" Shaoyao ordered.

"Your Highness, please rest assured that all those guarding the gunpowder are our own confidants.

And they will keep an eye on it day and night, never taking a step away.

No problems with gunpowder! "The subordinate replied respectfully.

"Okay, I don't know how long this war will last. But we can imagine that the rebels will not give up until they achieve their goals.

We all have to be prepared to fight hard.Be careful with everything! "Shaoyao warned carefully.

Then let your subordinates do their own thing.

By this time it had become very warm and no longer cold even at night.

Shaoyao felt too tired from sitting, so she stood up and came to the yard.

It is very beautiful to look at the bright moon in the sky.

But I was not in the mood to appreciate these beautiful scenery.

"Lin Hai, if you knew the Turks' current situation, would you come to save me?"

Shaoyao felt very helpless at this moment.

I especially want to lean on Lin Hai's shoulders.

These days are really tiring. Even though I am pregnant, I still have to cheer up to help with military matters.

Today's Turkic supplies are extremely poor, and the people are living in poverty.

If the fight continues like this, I'm afraid how many people will starve to death in winter.

Sometimes in the dead of night, Shaoyao feels particularly tired.

I really want to give up all this and go find Lin Hai.

Things on the Turkic side have nothing to do with her anymore.

But Shaoyao still couldn't bear it. After all, there was her father and countless people here.

If you lose the battle, you can imagine what the consequences will be.

The rebels will definitely kill all her people.

Tribes that firmly support them will also be purged.

Shaoyao cannot let her people down, let alone abandon the Turkic tribes who support her.

I can only grit my teeth and hold on.

Mo Han arrived with his army and won a complete victory this time, having defeated most of the Turkic Khan's elite troops.

Even the Turkic Khan replenished his troops as quickly as possible.

But these people have not received special training.

The formation and formation must be much different.

If there was a head-on confrontation, Mo Han was confident that he would defeat them in one fell swoop.

Of course, he had also guessed that the Turkic Khan would never go out of the city to challenge them at this time.

If you want to completely defeat the Turkic Khan, you must attack the city by force.

The Turkic army has very rich experience in attacking cities. After all, it attacks Daxia almost every year and has accumulated rich experience in attacking cities.

A hundred meters away from the city, Mo Han looked up at the city on horseback.

"Sir, it's too dangerous here.

If the enemy uses a heavy crossbow to fire cold arrows, it may be difficult to resist. "

The subordinates quickly persuaded.

Mo Han's safety is related to the future of the rebels and the fate of all their tribes.

I really don't understand why Mo Han would take such a big risk.

Mo Han said with a smile: "Don't worry, since I dare to come here, I'm not afraid of their sneak attack.

I want to see with my own eyes how miserable Khan is.

Let him know that he is not my opponent at all, so it is better to find some way to surrender! "

The men sighed helplessly, they knew Mo Han's temper.

He had already refused. If he tried to persuade him again, he might get whipped twice.

He made up his mind to stand in front of Mo Han immediately if he encountered danger.

Although they may die, their people will receive a lot of rewards and live a very wealthy life.

This is also the benefit of being a pro-military.

It is easier to perform meritorious deeds, and even if you die, your family and clan can benefit.

Mo Han shouted loudly to the top of the city wall: "Let the Khan come out to see me, don't be a coward!"

(End of this chapter)

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