The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 594 Peony Crisis

Chapter 594 Peony Crisis
After seeing the report from the front line, it was determined that Shaoyao's situation was very dangerous.

Lin Hai said: "Give me [-] cavalry, and I will immediately send troops to attack the Turks.

No matter what, the rebels cannot win! "

"You are already like this and you haven't rested along the way. How can your body bear it?

It’s better to have a good sleep and start again tomorrow! "

Gong Yanwu said.

"No, as the saying goes, soldiers are valuable and quick, so we must rush over as quickly as possible.

There are [-] soldiers and [-] horses. First, [-] cavalry and two horses will rush over early, and the rest will follow.

Mo Han is really awesome.

He really used his troops like a god. If he delayed a little longer, he would have completely defeated the Turkic Khan. "

Lin Hai looked extremely serious and became increasingly worried.

"Well, since you said so, I promise you.

But you have to be careful.

I heard that the Turkic rebels have built many powerful heavy crossbows. You must not enter their range! "

Lin Hai nodded slightly and said: "I know this, the troops are sent this time just to prevent the Turkic Khan's army from being destroyed.

It is not about completely defeating the rebels.

Just force them to retreat. "


Lin Hai was anxious and had no intention of being more gentle with Gong Yanwu.

After filling my stomach, I returned home and met Qiaoer and the others.

A brief explanation of the situation was given.

Without staying much, Wang Dayong and the others had already selected their troops.

Lead the troops and set off directly.

After Lin Hai left, Gong Yanwu was thoughtful.

"Even if the Turkic Khan is defeated, now that the three countries unite, they are no match for our Daxia. Why are you suddenly so anxious?

Is there something happening in Turks that I don’t know about? "

Gong Yanwu walked to the dormitory and pulled a rope.

Then back to the front.

After a while, a very inconspicuous person arrived and knelt on one knee in front of Gong Yanwu.

"Have your people been deployed in the army? This time we must investigate why Lin Hai is so anxious to go to the Turks!" Gong Yanwu said lightly.

"My subordinates have made arrangements. Five spies have been deployed in the army leaving the station this time. If there is any information, we will report it in time!"

"Okay, keep an eye on this matter. But you must remember it clearly. No matter what happens, you must not reveal a word to others." Gong Yanwu's face was filled with murderous intent.

Only then did the Queen Mother have the airs, and she was completely different from Lin Hai.

"Subordinates obey!"

This is the shadow guard controlled by Gong Yanwu, and has been placed in all the armies.

Nowadays, there are people from the Shadow Guard checking the news all over the imperial court and even in many places below.

Gong Yanwu followed Lin Hai's suggestion and could know the situation of the entire Daxia well through the shadow guard.

It would be more convenient to let these people help investigate corrupt officials and rectify the officialdom.

After letting the shadow guard leave, Gong Yanwu was the only one left in the palace.

After a long time, he sighed helplessly and said to himself full of resentment: "You are really my enemy, and you don't make me worry at all.

You already have so many women in the capital, why are you still looking for Turks? "


At this moment, Shaoyao was about to give birth, and it was very inconvenient to move around.

Hearing the news that the army was defeated, he almost fainted.

She has been persuading the Turkic Khan not to underestimate the enemy and advance rashly, but in the end he still did not listen to her suggestion.

At this juncture, Shaoyao didn't even have the ability to help.

He had no choice but to send out his bodyguards to respond.

Finally, he met the Turkic Khan who had escaped safely and protected him back to the city.

The Turkic Khan was in a very embarrassed state, and many of the guards around him were injured.Obviously, the battle was so fierce that there was almost no chance of escaping.

Shaoyao dragged his heavy body and came to say hello.

Now the Turkic Khan is extremely regretful: "Oh, I really shouldn't have ignored your advice and sent troops at will.

Sure enough, I fell into their trap! "

The Turkic Khan told what happened.

Shaoyao suddenly felt bad, "Father, we must retreat quickly, we can't stay any longer!

Mo Han and the others will definitely lead the entire army to attack us immediately.

They have been gathering strength over the past few months just to give us a thunderous blow.

However, we only focused on expanding our territory, but in fact, our weapons did not improve much.

Under the circumstances, they are no longer their match! "

"Don't be afraid, we still have gunpowder, we can use more cattle and sheep to find Daxia in exchange for more gunpowder.

The rebels can definitely be defeated again! "

The Turkic Khan still refused to admit defeat, and the tribes he controlled were no longer inferior to Mo Han.

I always feel that even if I can't win, I won't lose so quickly.

Shaoyao was extremely anxious at this moment.

"Father, haven't you figured it out yet? Jin Kingdom and Khitan have already formed an alliance with Mo Han.

They will definitely try their best to defeat us.

After all, they will never leave any trouble behind!

Father, we should hurry up and get everyone together so that we can defend a city.

Waiting for Daxia's rescue.

If Daxia doesn't come to save us, we really have no chance! "

"It's not as serious as you said! Even if they fail, there are still three cities to defend.

I don't believe they can defeat me with just one hand!
With such a large territory, we can use defense as offense.

Try to consume as much of their food as possible! "

The Turkic Khan still refused to admit defeat.

Just defending a city is like a turtle in a jar.

What's more, Daxia is still their enemy, and it is difficult for him to accept asking for help from the enemy.

No matter how hard Shaoyao tried to persuade him, the Turkic Khan still refused to give up all his territory.

Let people go to the tribe to gather troops and continue to fight against the rebels.

Shaoyao couldn't persuade him, so he returned to his tent helplessly.

Called his subordinates and asked them to check around to see if they could contact Daxia's caravan as soon as possible.

Let them deliver some more gunpowder quickly.

It would be best to send an army to support if possible.

Shaoyao knew Mo Han very well. If he didn't take action, he would be fine. As long as he did, he would be fully prepared.

There is definitely a backup plan left.

Once it is unleashed, their army will be absolutely unstoppable.

The main reason is that Peony is about to give birth and cannot lead the army to fight.

It is really difficult to resist the Turkic Khan alone.

Shaoyao became increasingly uneasy and could only ask the soldiers around him to inquire about information and determine the enemy's movements.

Also arrange a timely retreat route.

Once the Turkic Khan fails, at least he is guaranteed not to be captured alive by the enemy.

Others can surrender if caught.

But once they fail, there is only death.

Even if you are barely alive, life is worse than death, and you will suffer great humiliation.

Shaoyao would rather die than surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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