The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 477 Reviewing the Memorial

Chapter 477 Reviewing the Memorial
Lin Hai never thought of finding a teacher for the emperor to replace him.

It was suddenly recognized by everyone in Chongwen Hall.

Wait until the next time we meet.

These stubborn literati were extremely warm and polite when they saw him.

Lin Hai's suggestions in the court were fully supported.

The other ministers in the court were almost shocked when they saw this.

I can't figure out what happened at all.

In their view, none of these literati would be given face.

They don't have much interest in promotion, but they fight to the death for the status of literature.

No one can change their perceptions and thoughts even if their heads are cut off and their blood is shed.

No one goes out of their way to offend these people.

Because I offended these literati, although there was no threat in a short period of time.

But they can write you into the history books and make you infamous for eternity.

But suddenly the relationship with Lin Hai became so harmonious.

Shouldn't they hate Lin Hai for taking away their position as Grand Master?


Lin Hai came to the palace courtyard.

I saw Gong Yanwu who was reviewing the memorial.

Gong Yanwu was happy but also a little surprised.

Put down your pen and let everyone out.

"Why are you here at this time? Shouldn't you be busy doing business with the Turks?"

Lin Hai sat next to Gong Yanwu without ceremony.

"Things have been almost prepared for a long time. If I had done it myself, I wouldn't be exhausted.

I gave the less important parts to the five major families.

A portion was then distributed to other court officials.

The rest is all handled by the firm.

You just need to send someone to check it before shipping to make sure there are no problems. "Lin Hai picked up a grape and put it in his mouth.

In this winter, you can still eat iced grapes, which is only available in palaces and wealthy families.

"These grapes are quite sweet!"

"If you want to eat, I'll ask someone to bring you some!"

"No, no, I'll just taste it here. I'll also plant some grapes next year, not only for making wine.

You can also make the grapes bear fruit in winter, and you can make a lot of money! "

Gong Yanwu didn't believe it at all: "How can the grapes bear fruit in winter? They must be frozen."

Lin Hai did not defend himself.

There is no technical problem with firing glass, building greenhouses, and growing off-season fruits and vegetables.

It’s just that Daxia’s coal mining technology is now very backward.

Once the large coal mine in Turks is obtained, Daxia will not have to worry about lack of coal.

At that time, you can concentrate on studying the off-season vegetable greenhouses.

"I came to see you today to discuss a matter! I will recommend Mr. Wen from Chongwen Hall to be the Grand Master, specializing in teaching the emperor how to read.

In addition, give him certain rights and let him appoint talented people as his deputies to teach the emperor together! Lin Hai said.

Gong Yanwu frowned slightly: "Master Wen and several officials from Chongwen Hall have taught the emperor before.

But none of them can do it.

I couldn't bear the torture by the emperor, so I had no choice but to resign.

The emperor is finally willing to learn from you, so why appoint Mr. Wen?

Don’t you want to be the Pope too? "

"You misunderstood me. Of course I will follow the instructions. It's just that I will be Mr. Wen's deputy.

There is no need to be too pedantic and appoint only one grand master.

Everyone gives their best knowledge to the emperor, so that the emperor can learn better! "

"Is this possible? There has never been any precedent for this!"

Gong Yanwu was still a little worried.

“Isn’t it the first time that someone like me is appointed as Grand Master and Pope?

I have had a good communication with Mr. Wen.

I can definitely teach the emperor well!
Mr. Wen can try to use my teaching methods.

When the emperor is older and wiser, it will be much easier to study.

Besides, next year I will follow them to deal with the Turks.He also needs to be in charge of the Great Xia Navy.

There's not that much time left for the Pope!
When I arrive in the capital, I can't let the emperor waste time every day, right? "

"Well, since you think it can be done, then everything will be up to you.

But Mr. Wen has just started to go to the Pope, so you'd better accompany him.

At least let the emperor accept Mr. Wen. "

"Of course, I will arrange all this!"

Gong Yanwu no longer hesitated and wrote an imperial decree.

Let people go to Chongwen Hall to deliver the message.

"Then I'll go back first!" Lin Hai was about to resign.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? You can just stay with me for a while!"

"You have so many memorials to review, and me staying here will only affect you!"

"It doesn't matter, I will review it faster!"

Gong Yanwu put down her pen and looked straight at Lin Hai.

"What's wrong, are there flowers on my face or something?"

"Anyway, since you are free, you can help me review the mistakes. Let's do it together. Wouldn't it be faster this way?"

"No, please don't! It is simply treason for a minister of mine to review the memorial!"

"This is not the first time you have done something treacherous!
What's there to be afraid of!

As long as I don't say anything, it will be fine, and it can also help me share some things. "

Regardless of Lin Hai's objection, Gong Yanwu divided half of the memorial and placed it in front of Lin Hai.

"If you don't want to go back too late, hurry up and help me review it.

I'll let you back before dark! "

Lin Hai knew that it would be impossible not to agree to Gong Yanwu's request.

We had no choice but to sit down and review the memorial together.

Just make your own decisions on ordinary matters. If it involves a wider area, just ask Gong Yanwu for his opinion.

Gong Yanwu felt even happier when she saw Lin Hai being so cautious.

Lin Hai was indeed working for the court sincerely.

Even when the power of reviewing memorials was placed in his hands, he would always consider his own suggestions first.

You never have to worry about your power being taken away by him.

The two people worked much faster and quickly finished reviewing all the memorials.

Gong Yanwu looked at Lin Hai with her beautiful eyes and shouted sweetly: "Ms. sir, let's take a rest quickly!"

"Okay!" Lin Hai picked her up and walked into the room.


In Chongwen Hall.

The eunuch came to announce the decree!

Everyone knelt on the ground to listen to the order.

I heard that Mr. Wen was named Grand Master and also had the power to promote his deputies.

This also means that it doesn’t matter whoever Mr. Wen wants to promote to the throne.

This power is not small.

It is also the greatest recognition of his ability and loyalty.

Mr. Wen was very excited. He had never received such trust and rights.

"Thank you, Queen Mother, I will accept the order!"

After reading the imperial edict, the eunuch also knew that it was impossible to get money and water from these civil servants.

He did not dare to offend these civil servants.

Once these civil servants are angered, they will immediately file a lawsuit against him to the death.

If he is accused of being an eunuch and disrupting the government, he may not even be able to save his life.

After reading the imperial edict, he turned around and left.

"Congratulations Mr. Wen!"

Everyone thanked them.

"We are all happy together. I hope that our Chongwen Hall will work together to teach the Emperor well!"

Mr. Wen immediately promoted three people as his deputies.

These three people have extremely high prestige in Chongwen Hall, second only to Mr. Wen.

Others are convinced and naturally won’t be jealous!

(End of this chapter)

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