The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 440 Japanese spies

Chapter 440 Japanese spies
In the next ten days, people were sent everywhere to check for news about Japanese pirates.

While discussing how to deal with the Japanese pirates.

Also look for private fishermen and ask about possible islands in the distance.

After all, some fishermen will row boats to far away places to catch more fish.

Even sometimes when encountering strong winds and waves, you will lose your way.

Although most of the people and ships were destroyed, there were a few who were lucky enough to survive despite the storm.

Based on the fishermen's stories, I drew a simple offshore chart as a guide for the navy.

Lin Hai planned to take three fast boats to the Japanese pirates and search near the Japanese country if he really couldn't find the hiding place of the Japanese pirates.

Maybe the chance of finding Japanese pirates is better.

Lin Hai's wounds have almost recovered and he can move around freely.

At least the action has been unaffected.

Lin Hai and others discussed how to attack the Japanese pirates.

Liu Ergou ran back and reported: "Dear gentlemen, we have captured several Japanese pirates.

Judging from their appearance, they should be spies sent by the Japanese pirates. "

"Where are they? Bring these people here quickly!" When Lin Hai heard this, he felt sleepy and someone immediately sent him a pillow.

As long as the Japanese pirates are caught, there will be a way to get them to reveal their hiding place.

Liu Ergou asked someone to bring the captured Japanese pirates over.

It turned out that there were three men and one woman.

The three men are all older, and the woman is wearing warrior clothes and has a fierce look on her face.

Even though he was tied up, he still stared at Lin Hai.

That look seemed to kill someone.

Lin Hai would not spoil these guys.

Even a woman might have the blood of Daxia people on her hands.

"Are you Japanese pirates? What's the purpose of three people sneaking into Daxia?" Lin Hai asked loudly.

The three Japanese pirates started chirping, and for a moment everyone stared with confusion on their faces.

Only then did Lin Hai realize that there was a language barrier between the two parties.

Even if I traveled through time, I still don't understand their language at all.

At most, you can only say something like Yamaidai or Bagayalu!

"We don't understand what the Japanese pirates say at all, what should we do?" Yuhuashi asked with a sad face.

"Ergou, do any local people understand Japanese?" Lin Hai asked.

"I don't know about that. I've never heard of such a thing before!"

Liu Ergou looked confused.

I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to capture a prisoner and want to question him.

"You should quickly send people to the local area to inquire. If it doesn't work, ask the government to help find it.

I don't believe that this place is so close to the Japanese country, and no one knows how to speak their language! "

Lin Hai immediately ordered.

"Don't worry now, since everyone has been caught! Sooner or later, we can ask for information.

Let's just wait. Lin Tiangui said.

“Er Gou, I’ll leave these people to you to guard, we must not let them escape!
Then carefully check whether there are any weapons or escape tools hidden on these people.

Don't let them commit suicide! "

"My subordinates understand that I will definitely send heavy troops to guard them. Even if they have wings, they will never be able to escape!"

Lin Hai was very excited, and all the preparations were finally put to use.

As long as the Japanese pirates' lair can be found, they can be completely eliminated.

“I don’t know how much property the Japanese pirates have hidden, and how many boats they have in their hands.

It is best for Japanese pirates to communicate with each other, so that we only need to capture one Japanese pirate's nest.

You can find another Japanese pirate hiding place. "That's right. These Japanese pirates have threatened our people in Daxia for so many years."

The people have lived in great hardship over the years, and have suffered from burning, killing and looting by them.

The court was unable to expel them...

If we could catch all these Japanese pirates, it would be a great good thing for the people! Lin Tiangui said.

A strong murderous aura erupted in Lin Hai's eyes: "The blood debt must be repaid a thousand times."

It didn't take long for the good news to come.

Found an old scholar.

This scholar can speak Japanese language.

When he was young, he followed a caravan on an overseas business trip. At that time, he worked as a translator with the caravan.

Later, as Daxia's national power became weaker and weaker, the Japanese state became more and more dishonest.

I think the money earned from doing business is too little. The key is that most of the money was made by Daxia. They all spent money to buy Daxia's goods.

The Japanese simply started to rob.

After robbing caravans several times, those merchants either went bankrupt or no longer dared to continue overseas trade.

The old scholar also lost his livelihood and lived increasingly impoverished.

Hearing that this man knew the Japanese language, Lin Hai immediately ordered him to come over.

This old scholar is nearly sixty years old, and his body looks quite strong.

When you arrive, you must salute immediately.

When Lin Hai saw such an old age, he quickly stood up and supported him.

"There is no need to be polite, old man. I heard that you knew the Japanese country, so I asked you to come here to help me."

"If you have anything to do, sir, just ask me, I do understand the Japanese language.

Don’t hesitate to help, just try your best! "

"Haha, you are so humble. Your knowledge of Japanese can help interrogate Japanese pirates. If you can find out useful information, it will be a great meritorious service.

I will definitely be rewarded heavily! "

When the old scholar heard that there was a reward, he immediately cheered up.

The poor people in the family can't take over the cooking pot. If it weren't for the government's financial aid, I'm afraid someone would starve to death this winter.

If you can make some money with this skill, you can at least subsidize your family's income and make their family live a better life.

"I must go all out!"

Lin Hai first asked someone to move a chair for the old scholar to sit down.

Instruct his men to bring over the captured Japanese pirates.

With the help of the old scholar to translate, the interrogation became much smoother.

At least I can understand the unpleasant words the Japanese pirates use to curse people.

Hearing how arrogant the Japanese pirates were, everyone's faces were very angry.

Lin Hai was not used to them.

"I said these Japanese people were very mean, so Ergou took them down and tortured them.

As long as you can't kill anyone! "

Liu Ergou had long wanted to beat them up, but when he heard the order, he called for people to pull these Japanese pirates out.

Soon the miserable screams of Japanese pirates sounded outside.

"Ergou's interrogation skills are really getting better and better. I don't think these Japanese pirates can hold on for long. They will definitely tell the truth." Lin Hai said with a smile when he heard the screams.

"It's better to be taught by adults. Ergou is specifically responsible for torture matters. When adults are working as Jing Zhaoyin.

Ergou has specialized in studying these things.

The government officials in the cell also had many tricks up their sleeves. "Wang Dayong explained with a smile.

No one sympathizes with these Japanese pirates, who killed so many innocent people, no matter what method they use, they are not excessive.

(End of this chapter)

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