The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 439 Lin Tiangui inspects Haidong

Chapter 439 Lin Tiangui inspects Haidong

"Hey, the prince is right. The enemy can never imagine how powerful the artillery is.

Being able to cover such a long distance at once, it would be useless no matter how many Japanese pirate ships there were.

Before they even get close, they can sink all their ships. Lin Hai smiled proudly.

Yuhuashi said: "In the past few days, I have also sent out scouts to inquire about the Japanese pirates in various states and counties along the way.

If there are places that are frequently attacked by Japanese pirates, we will send troops to ambush them and catch all the Japanese pirates. "

"You have arranged well. Since I am here, I will stay and see how to deal with the Japanese pirates.

But having said that, the Queen Mother has specifically stated in the imperial edict that you should recover a little and return to the capital to recuperate as soon as possible. "

Lin Hai said with a smile: "Please write another letter to the Queen Mother and wait for a few more days.

I asked the people and the Japanese pirates knew that the people would prepare food during the Chinese New Year.

During this time they will frequently rob everywhere.

We cannot watch the Japanese pirates succeed. "

Lin Tiangui thought for a moment, "What you said makes sense. Only by eradicating all Japanese pirates can the people live a good life.

I will write a letter to the Queen Mother to tell her that your injury is no longer a problem.

Stay and command the destruction of the Japanese pirates first, and then return to the capital! "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lin Hai was very happy.

Whether it's forming a navy or capturing all those ships, let the people have a chance to live a good life.

Lin Hai hoped that he would personally command the army and destroy all the Japanese pirates.

"You are injured now, so you should rest first. Since the royal doctor has followed, he will check the wound carefully.

Moreover, these medicines are all brought from the palace, and they are definitely much better than those in the countryside. Lin Tiangui explained.

Lin Hai naturally couldn't object.

I asked the imperial doctor to untie the bandage and check the wound. He recovered quite well.

Now that the imperial doctor is here, he can't go in vain.

Apply the medicine you brought to Lin Hai so that he can recover faster.

Yuhuashi took Lin Tiangui to check the navy and shipbuilding workshop.

Lin Hai's mission is to take a good rest and do nothing.

I was bored and chatted with three beauties.

When I was tired from lying down, a beautiful woman would squeeze my shoulders and hit my back.

Lin Tiangui followed Yuhua Shi to the shipbuilding workshop and saw thousands of craftsmen busy in an orderly manner.

This scene was extremely shocking.

"It's unimaginable that so many craftsmen were hired in less than a month!" Even though Lin Tiangui had seen such a big scene, he was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

“Don’t say it’s the first time that the prince sees him, even if I follow Brother Lin all the way here, I feel extremely shocked every time I come here.

Brother Lin seems to have completely different ideas from others.

He divided shipbuilding into many processes, and everyone worked according to the strict dimensions of the drawings.

Then assemble each piece you made.

This improves efficiency several times.

By the spring of next year, several warships will surely be built. "Yuhuashi explained with a smile.

"Awesome, today is really an eye-opener. With such a shipbuilding workshop, our Daxia navy can quickly become powerful.

I’m afraid I’ll never find any rival in the world! "Lin Tiangui is so arrogant that he can continuously build warships and coupled with the power of artillery, he can dominate the world without any opponents.

The key is that the cannon is mounted on the ship and can be maneuvered to attack the enemy at any time.

More flexible and convenient than on land.

By attacking surrounding enemy countries by sea, even the transportation of grain and grass can be saved.

Put the food directly on the ship and transport it with the army.

In particular, the efficiency of this shipbuilding method is so high, it is at least five or six times faster than traditional shipbuilding.All it takes is a few experienced craftsmen with good skills to grasp the overall situation.

Others just do their part.

Even if you are a novice who comes to learn, you can master the technology in a short time.

This is the charm of the assembly line, dismantling a complex thing into many simple parts.

And production can be carried out simultaneously.

"Your Majesty, look at the navy we have trained. We have already recruited 2 people.

Our plan is to select the best people to be the first to come on board.

The remaining people serve as reserves.

We still have too few ships now, and a naval force of 2 people is enough. "

Yuhuashi took Lin Tiangui to the training ground for new recruits.

When Cao Qiang heard that the prince had come to inspect in person, he hurried over.

"My subordinate is Cao Qiang, Qianhu of the Navy. I have met the prince!"

"No courtesy!" Lin Tiangui looked at Cao Qiang and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, he is very strong and has a heroic demeanor. He is a good soldier!"

"Cao Qiang used to be a carpenter and was promoted by Brother Lin. Now he is a member of a thousand households and concurrently serves as the navy chief.

Now the Navy will not promote generals for the time being, and they will be promoted only after they have achieved military exploits.

Cao Qiang works the hardest in training and is quite prestigious.

The elite of the navy is led by him! "Yuhuashi introduced.

"Very good, young and energetic! You must serve the imperial court and make military exploits as soon as possible!"

"This is the prince, and my subordinates will do their best to serve the court." Cao Qiang was extremely excited.

Lin Tiangui has a very good reputation in Daxia, and has been Daxia's patron saint for so many years.

When Cao Qiang saw this legendary idol, his whole body felt as if he had been injected with blood.

Yuhuashi took Lin Tiangui to the beach to inspect the fishing grounds.

I saw such a big net being used to catch fish.

At least a few thousand kilograms of fish are caught every time, and even tens of thousands of kilograms can be caught on good days.

Lin Tiangui was even more amazed when he saw so many fish.

Especially when I heard that most of these fish are distributed to the people, and the better ones are picked out and transported to the capital.

The money from the sale was used to buy grain and transport it over to continue feeding the people.

Lin Tiangui was filled with emotion.

As expected, Lin Hai can benefit the people wherever he is placed.

If Daxia had more capable officials like this, there would be no need to worry about ushering in a prosperous age.

After inspecting some places, people's lives have been revitalized.

Many abandoned fields have also begun to be plowed and tidied up.

In the past, these fields were occupied by the salt gangs and the government, and the people could not cultivate them even if they wanted to.

Now these fields are distributed to the people who have no fields, and all the harvest belongs to the people.

All land taxes will be exempted within three years, allowing people to farm with peace of mind.

In Lin Hai's plan, the common people can be completely exempted from land tax in the future.

Business tax is levied only on those doing business.

In this way, the pressure on the people will be reduced a lot, and more people can naturally be born.

If a strong country wants to become strong, sufficient population is very important.

As for other tax gaps, they must be made up through outward expansion and overseas trade.

(End of this chapter)

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