The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 434 Take the opportunity to confess

Chapter 434 Take the opportunity to confess
A Japanese pirate can actually speak the language of Daxia.

It's just very lame and I can barely hear it clearly.

"Don't...come...again, come any closer...just kill...them!"

"Don't worry, I didn't take any weapons. I am their leader, let me be a hostage in exchange for the people.

As long as I am in your hands, I guarantee that I can let you go. "

Lin Hai shouted loudly.

The Japanese pirates also saw that Lin Hai's identity was unusual and hesitated a little.

If we can really catch Daxia officials, it will indeed be much better than catching a few ordinary people.

Lin Hai raised his hand and quietly made gestures with his fingers.

"Did you see that? I didn't take anything. Now I'm going to change the hostages."

The Japanese pirates exchanged glances.

They were confident of catching Lin Hai.

And he has no intention of letting go of the hostages in his hands.

One more hostage means one more chance of survival.

Both sides are secretly competing to see who is better.

"You...come here, don' any tricks!"

Lin Hai smiled slightly in his heart and strode forward.

Just when the Japanese pirate reached out to catch him, Lin Hai suddenly took action.

The crossbow on his arm was aimed at a Japanese pirate and fired.

The Japanese pirate raised his head and fell over.

Wang Dayong and others immediately shot the Japanese pirates with crossbows from behind.

Several Japanese pirates were shot to death by arrows before they could react.

There was a Japanese pirate wearing armor who blocked the crossbow arrows and was not killed.

The Japanese pirate roared and struck the child in front of him with his knife.

Before he died, he wanted to kill the hostage.

Lin Hai rushed forward desperately, stretched out his hand to grab the child and threw him back.

The Japanese pirate's knife changed from chopping to stabbing, and stabbed Lin Hai fiercely.

Wang Dayong and others were startled and rushed to the front.

Cut off the Japanese pirate's head with one knife.

The blood spurted out splashed on the people around him.

Lin Hai only felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and clutched the knife tightly.

The child was so frightened that he cried loudly.

The other people turned pale with fright.

If something happened to Lin Hai, they would really have no shame in surviving.

"My lord, how are you?"

"Don't touch the knife. Pulling it out may not stop the bleeding." Lin Hai was bleeding from the pain.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and make a stretcher out of wood and carry the adults back!

Then send someone over to find the doctor. "

Wang Dayong was so anxious that he wanted to slap himself in the face.

Unable to find suitable materials to make a stretcher, the guards had to remove a door panel.

Carry Lin Hai and go back quickly.

Lin Hai had a knife stuck in his stomach, which looked quite scary.

Go back to where you live.

Qiaoer and others are waiting at their residence.

I saw Lin Hai being carried back, his stomach was full of blood, and there was a long samurai sword stuck in it.

Qiaoer almost fainted.

Three women rushed forward crying.

"Ms. sir, why are you like this? Don't scare me!"

"Lin Hai, you must hold on, you will be fine!"

Lin Ruoxue was also so frightened that her face burst into tears and she was completely confused.

"Lin Hai, you must not die, we have made an agreement!" Princess Chenxi held Lin Hai's arm tightly, crying so hard.

Although Lin Hai felt stabbed, he was wearing a cotton coat and still had plate armor underneath.

Although he was stabbed in the stomach from a close distance, the wound was probably not too deep.

Will not affect life.

It just needs a good treatment and it will be cured soon.What's more, although he lost a lot of blood, he was in very good spirits, and the injury was not fatal.

Seeing Qiaoer's very sad look, Lin Hai wanted to tell the truth so that they wouldn't worry.

Suddenly an idea struck me.

Said to Wang Dayong: "All of you go out first, I want to tell the three of them something!"

"Sir, please don't lose heart. The doctor will be here soon and he will definitely cure you!"

Wang Dayong knelt on the ground, a nine-foot-tall man, crying with snot and tears.

"Whether it can be saved or not, let me explain a few words to the three of them.

You go out first! "

Wait until everyone is out.

Qiaoer held Lin Hai's hand tightly and cried, "Don't scare me, everything will be fine!"

"Qiao'er, there is something I can't do to you. No matter what, I must take this opportunity to confess to you."

Qiao'er wiped away tears and said, "Master, please don't tell me. I have heard many storytellers telling stories.

If you encounter such a thing, you will definitely die if you speak out! "

Lin Hai almost choked out a mouthful of blood.

I originally planned to confess my affair with Princess Chenxi, so Qiaoer would definitely not be angry if she was so soft-hearted.

If you miss this time, you will never find a good opportunity again.

"I must say this, and I hope you can forgive me!
Otherwise, I will really die with my eyes open! "

"I forgive you. No matter what you did, I forgive you!" Qiaoer said quickly.

The only thought now is to let Lin Hai live well.

Nothing else matters.

"Actually, I have been secretly together with Princess Chenxi.

The last time they dealt with the Tibetan mission was because they wanted to take away Princess Chenxi.

I originally wanted to confess to you when I came out this time.

But I have been too busy and missed many opportunities.

I don’t know if I still have a chance to live, so I must take this opportunity to tell you.

I'm sorry for you! "

"My lord, as long as you like Princess Chenxi, I have no objection at all.

I just want you to be fine.

As long as you can get well, I am willing to marry Ruoxue and Princess Chenxi back home together.

Even if Princess Chenxi is the main wife and I am the concubine, it doesn't matter. "

Qiaoer cried loudly and said.

"After hearing what you said, I feel relieved. I will try my best not to die, and I will protect you all!"

Lin Hai said seriously.

Although Qiao'er looked very sad, she had to continue acting at this time.

I will make it up to her properly in the future.

"Yes, my husband must think like this. You must live to be with the princess and us."

"One more thing, Chen Xi has a special status and cannot marry into the family.

Even if you can really get married to a matchmaker one day.

I will never let any of you be a concubine. In my heart, you are both the real wives, and they are all the most important! "

As soon as Lin Hai finished speaking, Wang Dayong barged in again.

"Sir, the doctor has arrived!"

Lin Hai breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. What was originally a difficult matter was now solved perfectly.

On the contrary, I feel that this injury is a good thing.

The guard directly brought an old Chinese medicine doctor to him.

"Hurry up and treat the master. If you can't cure the master, I will chop you with a knife!"

Lin Hai scolded: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Don't worry, old gentleman, just try your best to treat me! Even if I really die, I will never let anyone hurt you!"

"I should do my best!"

The old Chinese medicine doctor calmed down, cut the clothes open with a knife, and examined them carefully.

He breathed a deep sigh of relief: "Don't worry, everyone, there is armor protection outside, the knife did not penetrate deeply and did not hit the vital point.

There shouldn't be any danger to one's life! "

(End of this chapter)

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