The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 433 Chasing Japanese pirates

Chapter 433 Chasing Japanese pirates
Daxia's fishing boats also surrounded them at the fastest speed. There were hundreds of people on each boat shouting loudly and rowing, and the fishing boats sailed very fast.

The people had already hated these Japanese pirates deeply, and when they finally got the chance to fight back, everyone rowed as hard as they could.

When the Japanese pirates on board saw this, they knew they could not escape, so they had to prepare to fight with their weapons.

After the ships of both sides came into contact, Daxia's army first fired arrows with crossbows.

Then they rushed over together with spears.

The Japanese pirates were not well prepared, and the only weapons in their hands were samurai swords.

Facing the several-meter-long spear, they had no power to fight back.

Once overtaken, a group of five men moved forward and stabbed.

Directly stabbed the Japanese pirates into a hornet's nest.

The number of Japanese pirates guarding the ship was not large, but they were all quickly killed by the soldiers who came up.

After cleaning up the Japanese pirates, use a fishing boat to tow the Japanese pirate's boat to the shore.

The craftsmen rushed forward to fix the leaks.

Wang Dayong ran over happily: "Sir, all the Japanese pirates have been eliminated, and three large ships have fallen into our hands!"

"Well done, I left some people to protect the ship, while the others followed me to intercept the Japanese pirates.

None of these Japanese pirates can be let go! "

"Why don't you, sir, stay here, and I will lead people to chase the Japanese pirates!" Wang Dayong was afraid that Lin Hai would be in danger and wanted him to stay.

"Stop talking nonsense and come along."

Lin Hai re-stringed the crossbow and led the people to look for the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates who came ashore ransacked everywhere and robbed people of their property.

But soon they discovered that all the nearby people had fled.

There was still some food left at home, but the Japanese pirates didn't care at all.

What they want to rob are the big families and take away their gold and silver.

The second is to rob food.

They also kill people casually to satisfy their cruel character.

When encountering government officials, these Japanese pirates not only were not afraid, but rushed directly towards them.

I want to kill all these government officials.

Yuhuashi commanded from the front and asked the government officials to block it a little to give the people a chance to retreat.

After the people left, he immediately sent a signal to the government officials to retreat quickly.

Seeing the government officials fleeing in defeat, the Japanese pirates laughed triumphantly.

In this way, he sent people to stop the Japanese pirates and evacuated the people at the same time.

In order to slow down the pursuit of Japanese pirates, gold and silver were dropped in some houses for the Japanese pirates to fight for.

At this time, someone found Yuhuashi and said, "Sir, the Japanese pirates' boat has been captured by us, and all the Japanese pirates on the shore have been destroyed.

Master Lin said that he could fight back and kill all the Japanese pirates. "

"Well done, I've been impatient for a long time."

During the time when Yuhuashi was leading the army, he also learned to use foul language.

"Everyone listens to the order and launch a counterattack immediately!"

Yuhuashi also mounted his horse and took the lead in launching the attack.

The Japanese pirates who were advancing were startled when they saw the cavalry rushing over.

No matter how arrogant and courageous they were, they did not dare to fight against the cavalry.

He screamed loudly and quickly looked for a place to hide.

How could Yuhuashi let them escape? He rushed forward first.

Using the huge inertia, the spear was inserted directly into the back of a Japanese pirate, picking him up and throwing him away.

Japanese pirates are very short in stature, so killing them is effortless.

These Japanese pirates were very fierce against the common people and officials.

Just rely on life-threatening tactics to scare the opponent away.

But once they faced the regular cavalry returning from the battlefield, they immediately lost sight of it.

When the cavalry charges, their spears can pierce the opponent's body.

The Japanese samurai swords were ineffective at all.

As soon as they made contact, more than half of the Japanese pirates were killed or injured.The smarter ones quickly hid in the house and relied on the house to avoid the cavalry.

Yuhuashi asked some of the cavalry to continue patrolling back and forth to prevent the Japanese pirates from escaping.

Half of the cavalry were separated from their horses and entered the house to search for Japanese pirates.

Begin to eliminate the Japanese pirates in an orderly manner.

Lin Hai led his men to catch up, and when they encountered the greedy Japanese pirates who were left alone, they shot them with a crossbow.

"Dayong, tell our brothers. Don't be brave when encountering Japanese pirates. Kill them together. Don't fight alone. Japanese pirates are very fierce and will fight back desperately when encountering danger.

There is no need to let our people get hurt just to save face! "

Lin Hai reminded his men...

The lone Japanese pirates heard the screams and knew that Daxia's officers and soldiers had caught up.

Immediately give up grabbing property and quickly gather together to resist.

These Japanese pirates soon discovered that something was wrong.

How did these Daxia officers and soldiers become so powerful?

Not only does he have a crossbow in his hand, but he also has a well-organized attack.

No matter how hard they resisted, they were all shot before they even got close.

The remaining people were frightened and fled, looking for a place to hide.

"We have fallen into Daxia's trick, retreat quickly!" the Japanese pirates roared loudly.

The Japanese pirates turned around and ran away desperately. They also wanted to inform the main force of the news and retreat as soon as possible.

Lin Hai and his men shot the Japanese pirates with crossbows while pursuing them with all their strength.

Chased to a remote deserted village.

The Japanese pirates hid in the house and relied on the shelter of the house to try to escape.

"Dayong, you lead the men to block the retreat. I will lead a few brothers to the back to intercept."

"My lord, be careful!"

After Wang Dayong finished speaking, he took people to the back to intercept.

Suddenly hearing a child's scream, Lin Hai's heart sank.

The most worrying thing really happened.

In such an emergency, even though we tried our best to evacuate people, some people were still missed and did not have time to escape.

He was captured by the Japanese pirates who escaped and used as hostages.

Lin Hai and his people quickly surrounded him.

"Don't stop, shoot all the Japanese pirates around the hostages!" Lin Hai gave the order very calmly.

You must try your best to eliminate the opponent when the opponent threatens you.

Only in this way can they be suppressed here.

The Japanese pirates originally thought they had captured hostages, and Daxia's officers and soldiers would definitely not dare to take action at will.

Become careless.

In just an instant, he shot and killed all the Japanese pirates around him.

There were only five Japanese pirates left, holding knives to the people's necks.

Two children and two elderly people.

He was wearing rags.

He was probably too old and didn't have time to retreat.

The children were so frightened that they cried and made a fuss.

The Japanese pirates also shouted at them to shut up.

But how could this kid understand what they were saying? The scene was a mess.

Wang Dayong also came around from behind and greeted Lin Hai quietly.

This is where the sign language trained in the military comes into play.

Lin Hai shouted loudly and gestured.

A person approaches slowly, trying to attract the movement of the Japanese pirates.

"Don't be nervous, I don't have anything in my hand. As long as you let the child go, I promise not to hurt you!"

(End of this chapter)

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