The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 333 Peony’s request

Chapter 333 Peony’s request

"But can ordinary people really bear it?"

Shaoyao looked worried and hesitated to make a decision.

"What's so difficult about this? You can implement tiered prices!" Lin Hai said.

"What is the tiered price?" Shaoyao looked confused.

“It’s very simple, it’s just to take care of the people at the lowest level and set very low prices.

But in order to prevent those rich people from taking advantage.

Sell ​​in quantity!
For example, a person can buy one thousand kilograms of charcoal for heating at the lowest price a year.

If you want to continue purchasing, you have to add money.

In this way, ordinary people can buy enough charcoal for heating.

Those who are rich have more livestock and live in larger houses.

Naturally, more charcoal needs to be burned.

Great profits can be made from these people! "

Lin Hai carefully explained the principle of tiered prices to her.

Shaoyao's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"This is a good idea! Just do as you say and give one person a thousand kilograms of pebbles.

Generally, a family must have at least four or five people, enough for them to keep warm.

Even if they sell more, they may not have much money to buy. "

Shaoyao said thoughtfully.

After half a day, coal was finally dug out at a depth of more than two meters.

And the quality of the coal is quite good.

Shaoyao ignored the surprise in his heart and immediately sent someone to inform the Turkic Khan of the news.

Together they set up a tent nearby, and several Turkic guards took turns to continue digging the soil above.

Because there is a lot of sand and gravel here, the coal mining speed is very slow.

“The weather is already very cold now, and we must dig out enough coal as soon as possible.

Need to recruit more people! " Lin Hai analyzed and said.

Fortunately, the coal seams here are very shallow, so coal can be dug without much effort.

If it is buried too deep, digging coal requires opening the hole first.

In this case, coal mining can easily cause collapse.

You don't need to think about it to know that the prisoners captured by Daxia will definitely be used to do these dangerous things.

“That’s right, it’s best to have 3 to [-] people, and enough coal can be mined.

But this is already very good. I didn’t expect there to be such a good coal mine in our Turkic territory. "Shaoyao said with great emotion.

The look in Lin Hai's eyes had changed a lot from before.

With Lin Hai by your side, you will really feel at ease.

It seems that everything can be solved easily.

Especially after finding such a coal mine, and it was buried so shallowly.

Although it is only two or three meters deep, if it were not for Lin Hai, it might not be discovered for hundreds of years.

With enough coal mines, people can survive the winter safely.

The population can slowly increase.

"Lin Hai, you have made a great contribution this time. If you want any reward, just tell me.

I will try my best to fight for you from my father. "

Shaoyao said.

"Can I ask for anything?" Lin Hai looked at her with a half-smile and asked.

Of course Shaoyao knew what Lin Hai was thinking.

He quickly added: "Except for letting you go back, I can agree to everything else!"

“I am still self-aware and will not make such impossible demands.

I just hope that I can recruit all the prisoners from Daxia.

Let them come and mine coal.

But they cannot be abused. Each person can only work for four hours at most every day.

And let them all have enough to eat and warm clothes to wear.This can be considered as me doing something for the people of Daxia. "

Lin Hai said.

In fact, try to gather these people together, once Lin Tiangui leads his troops to attack.

You can save all these people.

If these captives were scattered throughout the Turks, it would be extremely difficult to rescue them.

Unless the Turks are completely defeated.

But these people obviously can't last that long, and they might die of abuse at some point.

Put these people together for unified management, and at least they can have enough to eat and not be beaten.

"Okay, I can agree to your request!" Shaoyao agreed without thinking.

Coal mining is too hard, not to mention that most Turkic people need to graze.

It is simply unrealistic for them to send people to mine coal mines.

The original plan was to abandon these prisoners of Daxia and come to work.

As long as the coal mines can make money, providing these people with better food is not a problem.

By nightfall, bonfires were lit all around the tent.

It's all newly dug coal.

Coal burns extremely vigorously and has high heat.

Even inside the tent, you can feel the heat from the fire.

“It’s great, these charcoals are not only extremely resistant to burning, but they’re also extremely warm.

What a great thing to keep warm. "

Shaoyao and Lin Hai sat next to the fire, looking at the fire with their beautiful big eyes, which were very bright.

Suddenly Shaoyao kissed Lin Hai on the cheek.

"Lin Hai, how about you stay in Turks from now on! I will agree to whatever you ask for.

Even if you want to take a concubine, I can allow it.

Find you the most beautiful women in Turks! "

Shaoyao looked at Lin Hai seriously.

"Wan Duzi, how should I answer this?"

Lin Hai smiled awkwardly!
"What are you talking about? I can't go back even if I miss Daxia now.

It’s not all you who has the final say! "

"I am seriously discussing with you, not forcing you to stay.

I hope you will stay in Turks voluntarily and help us Turks live a better life. "

"Of course there is no problem in letting your people live a good life, but it is difficult to do this kind of thing!"

Lin Hai smiled and said.

"Why? With your abilities, you are fully capable of making our Turkic people live a prosperous life.

Never worry about food and clothing again!

Do you still want to return to Daxia? "

"These are two different things! The situation between you Turks and Daxia is completely different.

You must know that there are many tribes here, and each tribe is equivalent to a race.

If you want the people to live a good life, you must disperse all these races and give up many benefits.

I'm afraid even if the Turkic Khan has the courage to do this, those powerful tribes will desperately resist, right?
The reason why Turkic people live in hardship is simply because the distribution is not fair enough.

Once the interests of large tribes are violated, the Turks will immediately fall into chaos. "Lin Hai analyzed the situation of the Turks.

"Is there really no other good way?" Shaoyao asked.

"Yes, that means no destruction or establishment! As long as Daxia completely defeats the Turks, these big tribes can be disintegrated.

Anyway, they are all the people of Daxia, and everyone gets a piece of pasture.

Life will naturally get better quickly! Lin Hai replied.

"This is absolutely impossible. The existence of Turks depends on the support of large tribes.

Don't harm their interests!

It is even more impossible to surrender to Daxia! Shaoyao said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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