The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 332 Digging into the Coal Mine

Chapter 332 Digging into the Coal Mine
Lin Hai was about to lie down and sleep when he saw that Shaoyao hadn't left.

He asked in confusion: "What are you still doing here? Go back to sleep!"

We have to set off on our journey tomorrow morning! "

Shaoyao walked directly to Lin Hai!
He said with a half-smile: "I'm going to leave now, who is watching you?
Or I'll find two guards to sleep with you!

This way I can go to other tents with confidence! "

"Ah? Forget it if it's a man, I don't have that kind of hobby.

But you are a woman and you have to think carefully about living in a tent with me.

Maybe I will do something to you tonight! "

Lin Hai had a wicked smile on his face and slowly approached Shaoyao.

Shaoyao was not afraid at all.

"As long as I don't want to, you can't get into me!"

"What's more, even if you really want to get my body, I have no objection!"

Shaoyao looked at Lin Hai closely with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

Lin Hai was the first to get scared.

Shaoyao always wanted him to stay in Turks as his consort.

If two people have a relationship, they really can't get rid of each other.

"I was just talking casually, I am a gentleman.

How could you do such a thing while others are in danger?
Feel free to live in a tent with me!Safer than anywhere! "

"That's pretty much it!" Shaoyao glanced at Lin Hai charmingly.

"It's been a tiring day, but your health is the worst! It's better to go to bed early, we will continue our journey tomorrow morning!"

Shaoyao spread the sheepskin blanket on the ground and reached out to undress Lin Hai.

"What are you doing?" Lin Hai was startled.

"Take off your outer clothes and cover yourself with a thick blanket so you can stay warm at night."

Lin Hai also felt that wearing such thick clothes to sleep was really uncomfortable.

He took off his outer sheepskin coat and quickly got into bed.

Peony also got in.

I was so frightened that I almost ran out.

But he was caught by Shaoyao.

"Why are you so scared? I won't eat you! Let's sleep together to keep warm!"

He also took out a rope and tied the two people's hands together.

He was still muttering: "As long as we are tied together, don't even think about escaping while I'm sleeping!"

“It’s freezing at night, where can I run?

Besides, you tied me together, what if I get up at night! "Lin Hai didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Unexpectedly, Shaoyao was so cautious, thinking of all the possibilities of escape.

"If anything happens at night, feel free to wake me up!"

Shaoyao tied the two people tightly, and then they closed their eyes and slept with peace of mind.

Lin Hai was helpless.

I felt very tired when I lay down and fell asleep quickly.

Wait until the next morning.

When Lin Hai woke up, he found that Shaoyao was no longer around.

Get up quickly and get dressed.

It was still very cold in the morning, and the wind was howling outside.

At this time, Shaoyao walked in with a bowl of mutton soup.

"You're awake! Eat something to warm yourself up!"

Lin Hai took the bowl and drank the mutton soup in large gulps.

The meat was stewed very badly!
Especially sheep that grow up on grasslands eat grass from childhood to adulthood.

The meat is very sweet and delicious, without any fishy taste.

Just put a pinch of salt and it's delicious.

After the meal, someone put the tent away.

Continuing on the road on horseback.

By noon, I finally found the terrain Lin Hai was looking for.

The grass growing here is very sparse, and there are many small stones on the ground. “This area is so dry that grass can’t grow at all.

Generally no one goes to this kind of place to graze. "Shaoyao explained.

Lin Hai found a place and stamped it with his foot.

“I feel like it’s pretty much the same here, there’s still a good chance of digging out pebbles.

Let someone dig it quickly. I want to see the quality of the soil underground. Lin Hai said.

Shaoyao immediately ordered his men to dig the soil with tools.

Not long after posting, someone suddenly shouted.

"It seems like we dug up coal!"

All the people were attracted immediately.

Lin Hai saw some black stones dug out and picked one up to examine carefully.

"This is coal gangue. There will definitely be coal underneath. Go in and dig down."

After listening to Lin Hai's words, everyone became very excited.

Suddenly became very energetic.

Lin Hai sat aside, found some hay, and started to light a fire.

The work consumes a lot of energy, and the mutton brought must be roasted and eaten together.

Shaoyao also came to help.

I didn't expect to find the coal mine so easily.

Shaoyao admired Lin Hai.

It is simply astronomical and geographical, omnipotent.

“You are really amazing, where did you learn these things?

You only need to look at the terrain to find veins of coal. "

Lin Hai smiled and said: "It's nothing more than reading more, and also checking out the places where there is coal to understand the soil quality.

After mastering certain rules, it will naturally be easier to discover than ordinary people. "

"I don't know how much coal is hidden underneath. It would be great if there is enough coal for the Turks."

Shaoyao's face was filled with joy. She had not been so happy for a long time.

"Don't worry, I see in this large area, not only the coal is buried very shallowly.

And the veins are very large.

It can only be used for heating for hundreds of years. Lin Hai replied.

"I'll send people back right now to bring in the army and have them dig for coal as soon as possible." Shaoyao said quickly.

“Don’t be anxious yet, at least we have to make sure everything is clear before letting people come over to dig.

In addition, you need to think clearly in advance, how are you going to use so much coal? Lin Hai stopped her and said.

"How else can we use it? Of course, it should be distributed to all the people so that they can survive the winter smoothly."

"Hey, you are usually very smart! Why did you become confused at this critical moment?

If charcoal is dug out, almost every Turkic people can use it.

They sell for a lot of money every year.

Aren’t you Turks very short of money? You can definitely take advantage of this opportunity.

Make more money! "

Lin Hai reminded.

"What do you mean? People are already living in very difficult circumstances, how can you still make money from them!"

"It seems you still don't understand human nature! If you give it to the people for free, over time they will take it for granted.

You must know that mining coal is also very expensive.

If you can’t make money, you won’t be able to afford it over time.

When you Turks cannot afford this part of the expenses, the people will complain.

Then your efforts will be thankless! Lin Hai said.

Shaoyao was silent for a moment and was convinced.

"What you said makes sense. What would we do if it were you?" Shaoyao asked.

"Although ordinary people live in hardship, if they can buy enough coal to survive the cold winter.

For them, it is a dream come true.

You have to spend money to buy it! Lin Hai said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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