The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 320 It’s better not to be an enemy

Chapter 320 It’s better not to be an enemy
"Lin Hai!"


"The story you told me yesterday was very good. Please tell me more!"

"Okay, where did you talk yesterday?"

"Speaking of Linghu Chong seeing Ren Yingying's appearance, she is a young woman!"

"Okay, then I'll tell you more..."

Lin Hai continued to tell stories while grilling meat.

The two chatted while eating.

There is no longer any barrier between them.

Start chatting about something.

"Your body has recovered a lot. If we have another day of rest, we must leave the valley as soon as possible.

It's too dangerous here, and maybe the wolves will come again.

In addition, our soldiers don't know what the situation is like.

The two of us disappeared. I guess they must have gone crazy now. Lin Hai said.

"That's right, I hope they don't continue to fight!" Shaoyao was also very worried at the moment.

After eating, Shaoyao went out to collect firewood with Lin Hai.

Although her body is still a little weak, she knows the location because of the wolf.

Lin Hai didn't dare to leave her here alone.

Two people can work much more efficiently.

When Lin Hai found wild fruits, he smashed them down with stones.

Just pick up the peony below.

After collecting firewood and fruits, I went to plant some fish.

Also filter some clean water and save it.

Shaoyao felt very surprised when she saw what Lin Hai did.

She grew up on the grassland and has rich life experience in the wild.

But compared with Lin Hai, he was still far behind.

Lin Hai does everything in an orderly manner.

Even in this environment, you can still live a very good life.

"Where did you learn all these things?"

"Even if we are the most powerful Turkic warrior, I'm afraid he won't be able to live as well as you in the wild."

Shaoyao asked very curiously.

"The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own beauty like jade! If you want to know these things, you just need to read more books!"

Lin Hai put on an enigmatic look.

"Humph, I don't believe it! I have read a lot of books in Daxia in the past few years, but I have never seen these things."

"That's because what you read are some poems and songs, while what I read are some miscellaneous books.

Of course what is written inside is different! "

Naturally, Lin Hai would not tell her that he had traveled through time.

Although the relationship between the two people is particularly good now, they are like close friends.

After returning, Shaoyao still has to return to Turks.

Lin Hai is going back to Daxia.

Both sides are endless enemies.

After a busy day, I finally got everything ready.

It would take two days to burn the firewood alone.

It's just that the firewood is very moist and must be placed next to the fire to dry.

Waited until evening.

The two of them drank fish soup and ate barbecue.

Silently waiting for the wolves to attack again.

Sure enough, at night, the wolves really came.

Stay not far from the cave!

His eyes glowed green, and occasionally he would raise his head and roar.

It's just that it didn't continue to rain today and the sky has cleared up.

This is good news for Lin Hai.

Lin Hai just needs to pay more attention to the wolves and don't get too close to them, and he doesn't bother to talk to them.

Use thin slices of stone to peel off the wolf skin, dry it and use it as a mat.

Cut off all the wolf meat and roast it into jerky.

Although wolf meat is very unpalatable, it is the best food in this situation.

The wolves watch their mates grilling.Lying on the ground, he growled threats in a low voice.

Lin Haicai was too lazy to pay attention to these wolves and spread the dried wolf skin on the place where Peony rested.

"You have just recovered and are still too weak. Rest on the wolf skin. Don't worry about catching cold."

"You can sleep peacefully. I will keep watch at night and I will never let these wolves get closer."

Lin Hai said to Shaoyao.

"I don't want to sleep yet, please continue telling me stories.

I want to hear this story to the end! "

"Okay, then I will continue to tell you!"

Lin Hai held a stick in his hand and began to talk about Swordsman.

Shaoyao kept looking at Lin Hai.

Suddenly he said: "You think it would be great if we were not enemies!"

Lin Hai was slightly startled when he heard his words.

I didn't expect Shaoyao to be able to say such words.

In the past, he was extremely strong and could lurk in Daxia for such a long time.

Many men may not be able to match this perseverance.

“Perhaps one day, Turks can really unite with Daxia.

By then, of course, there will be no need to fight.

The Turks and the people of Daxia can live in harmony without any disputes. Lin Hai said with a smile.

"This kind of thing is just a dream! It's impossible!" Shaoyao smiled bitterly.

“That’s not necessarily the case, as Daxia becomes stronger and stronger, whether it’s Turks or Tubo.

All will be merged into the territory of Daxia! "

Lin Hai said seriously,

He had promised Lin Tiangui that he would defeat all enemy countries.

The world is unified and there are no more disputes.

At that time, we can unanimously communicate with the outside world and let the people live a prosperous life.

"Hmph, you have a beautiful idea! Why didn't the Turks defeat Daxia and annex Daxia!

Don't think that because you have new weapons, our Turks will no longer be Daxia's opponents.

As long as I'm here, the artillery can be made sooner or later. "Shaoyao was very unconvinced.

"Then let's wait and see!" Lin Hai did not continue to argue.

Even if the artillery and grenades were all imitated by the Turks.

Lin Hai can also come up with more powerful weapons.

Defeating all the surrounding enemy countries is not difficult at all.

Then Lin Hai continued to tell her a story.

The wolves looked at the burning fire and left unwillingly in the middle of the night.

Shaoyao's health is also much better.

In the morning, I actually practiced sword practice with a wooden stick.

Beautiful women dancing swords are very pleasing to the eye.

Lin Hai was extremely envious of this. Shaoyao's martial arts was indeed very powerful.

There are only a handful of men who can beat her!

If I had such good martial arts skills, I wouldn't have to keep looking for someone to protect me.

Put out the bonfire!
Lin Hai said to her: "We have to set off quickly and get out of this valley as soon as possible.

Maybe those wolves will catch up and there will be no place to hide. "

"Even if those wolves catch up, I can still protect you!"

Shaoyao held a stick in his hand, but he was also very heroic.

The two men walked downstream with the food.

Hope to find an exit.

Lin Hai kept observing the surrounding situation on the road.

Collect everything you can eat.

Several herbs were also found on the road.

During rest, boil it into water and drink the peony.

After drinking the medicine, Shaoyao's condition improved greatly.

Almost healed!

It's just that I was too sick before and my body is still a little weak.

As long as you take a few days of good rest, you can fully recover.

(End of this chapter)

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