The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 319 Chased by a Tiger

Chapter 319 Chased by a Tiger
Lin Hai picked up another fish head and threw it in front.

"Eat, and leave as soon as you're full!"

Although the wolf was very alert, it was already ravenous with hunger.

I couldn't help but move forward a little bit.

When the distance is very close, it suddenly moves forward quickly and bites the fish head.

Lin Hai took the opportunity to stab the wolf in the neck with a stick.

This wolf is greedy for meat.

There was no time to react.

The long stick pierced the wolf's neck directly.

The other wolves smelled blood, and instead of being afraid, they rushed towards Lin Hai.

Shaoyao saw that Lin Hai was about to be surrounded by wolves!
A surge of power surged through the body.

Pick up a few burning sticks and throw them forward.

Wolves are afraid of fire.

Give up the attack and retreat quickly.

Lin Hai did not let go of the wolf and pushed it to the ground with a wooden stick.

He raised his foot and kicked the wolf's head several times.

Finally killed the wolf.

Drag the dead wolf to the cave.

Lin Hai's nervous hands were trembling.

If Shaoyao hadn't helped just now, I might have been bitten by those wolves.

"Thank you!"

Lin Hai wiped his sweat and looked closely at the wolves in front of him.

The wolf's companions were attacked. They distanced themselves and stared at Lin Hai closely.

Wolves are the most vengeful and will never let go of the person in front of them easily if they kill their companions.

Lin Hai did not dare to relax and confronted the wolves with a stick.

"You're welcome, you saved me! I just tried my best to help!" Shaoyao replied.

Throwing the stick had consumed all her strength, so she had to sit on the ground to rest again.

"I wish I had a powder gun in hand. I can kill all these wolves."

Lin Hai sighed helplessly.

When escaping, they all used them as hidden weapons and threw them at Shaoyao.

It's probably impossible to get it back.

"If you can let me regain some strength, I can also help you defeat these wolves."

Shaoyao was very unwilling.

It was really leaking in the house and it was raining continuously. Even when I was sick, I encountered these wild beasts.

"This firewood is barely enough. As long as the fire is not extinguished, the wolves will not dare to rush over." Lin Hai said.

The wolves did not dare to approach, so Lin Hai simply sat next to the fire.

It just kept drying up.

Anyway, I just killed a wolf, enough food for two people to eat for a few days.

During the day, I caught a few more fish and roasted them by the river.

Even some water was prepared, so it would be no problem even if it lasted for a few days.

As long as Shaoyao's body recovers completely, we can deal with these wolves together.

The two of them stayed up for a long time!
Shaoyao's condition actually became serious again, and she kept shaking while holding her arms.

"I'm so cold!"

Lin Hai frowned and touched her forehead, which became hot again.

Even though four fires had been lit, it still felt cold.

"If you continue like this, your condition will get worse! If you don't mind, I'll hold you to keep you warm!"

Lin Hai said softly.

Shaoyao didn't object and nodded slightly, which was regarded as agreement.

Lin Hai carefully held Shaoyao in his arms and hugged her slender waist.

Place the stick next to it.

If the wolf dares to get close, you can pick it up and fight back immediately.

Shaoyao's cheeks became increasingly red.

I don't know if it's because of the fever, or because I'm too shy in the man's arms.

Her eyes were closed, but her long eyelashes were trembling slightly.

It was obvious that she was not at peace at the moment.

I felt particularly warm in Lin Hai's arms, and I no longer shivered from the cold.

"Lin Hai, I don't want to sleep now! I'm afraid I'll never wake up again after falling asleep.

Can you talk to me? "

Shaoyao was very helpless at the moment and no longer had the tough attitude she had before.

Facing the threat of wolves in the wild, he was also tortured to death by illness.I have completely let go of my grudge.

Show your softer side completely.

"Don't talk nonsense, your martial arts and body are already very good.

It will be restored soon! "

Lin Hai said comfortingly.

“You don’t understand, the more people practice martial arts, the less likely they are to get sick.

But once you get sick, it will be particularly serious.

I'm really worried that I won't be able to endure it.

And when these wolves are so hungry that they can’t stand it anymore, they might even rush over.

There is no way you can resist the attacks of these wolves.

I just hope that I won’t be so lonely when I die, and I don’t want to be eaten by these wolves in a daze. "

Shaoyao's body was trembling slightly as she spoke.

She is only in her early 20s and still has great years ahead of her.

The more this happens, the more desire you have to live.
"Don't worry, I was chased by a tiger and I was fine.

A few wolves will never be able to eat me! "

Lin Hai said calmly.

"Ah? You have also encountered a tiger!" Shaoyao was very surprised.

Lin Hai nodded and replied, "Well, it's a tigress, so fierce!"

It took Shaoyao a while to realize that Tigress was talking about herself.

He was so angry that he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hit Lin Hai.

But I really can't muster the strength.

She said angrily: "You are such a bad person, you are still hurting me at this time."

"Hey, just kidding!"

"Let me tell you a story!"

Lin Hai told the story of Swordsman from the beginning.

Peony had never heard such a fascinating story.

Once you get to a wonderful place, you become very nervous.

With her beautiful big eyes open, she kept asking: "What happened next?"

Lin Hai smiled slightly and continued.

Wait until midnight!

Shaoyao finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep in Lin Hai's arms.

The wolves kept wandering back and forth outside.

But he was afraid of the fire and didn't dare to move forward.

Lin Hai added firewood to the fire from time to time, trying not to let the fire go out.

They stayed like this until dawn, and the wolves left unwillingly.

Lin Hai breathed a sigh of relief.

Unknowingly, I also fell asleep.

After a long time, Lin Hai smelled a very fragrant smell.

When I woke up, I saw Peony roasting meat next to the fire.

Cut off the two legs of the wolf.

"Are you cured?"

Lin Hai was very surprised.

Yesterday I barely had the strength to stand up, but today I can actually grill.

"I feel much better after a good sleep! Although I still don't have much energy, I can still do something.

I saw you were sleeping deeply, so I didn't disturb you.

Think of grilling the meat ahead of time so you can eat it when you wake up. "

"Leave it to me. You are recovering from a serious illness now, so you should rest more."

Lin Hai took the barbecue and grilled it on the campfire.

Shaoyao didn't object. She felt very tired after doing something.

He sat on the ground again.

But all his eyes fell on Lin Hai, with complicated expressions in his eyes.

After spending two days together, they went from being enemies to supporting each other.

Huge psychological changes occurred.

He could no longer hate Lin Hai, and felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Even looking at Lin Hai's back, I felt warm in my heart.

I really want the two of us to live like this forever without having to think about anything.

(End of this chapter)

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