The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 14 Something Happened

Chapter 14 Something Happened

I was very satisfied with the harvest, so I put the honey in my backpack and went back early.

Although I didn't go hunting specifically, I actually encountered hares and pheasants several times on the road.

Two hares were hunted.

Return home, wrap the honeycomb in silk and squeeze out the honey.

After weighing it, it was at least seven pounds of pure honey.

It's so sweet to taste it.

Lin Hai saw that it was almost time, so he carried Honey on his back and went to the village to wait for Qiaoer.

Sure enough, before long, Qiaoer came back riding a donkey.

"Ms. sir, why are you here? Why aren't you waiting at home?"

"Of course I want to see you as soon as possible, and I guess you won't stay at your parents' house for too long. You will definitely come home earlier." Lin Hai said with a smile.

Qiaoer felt very sweet in her heart, which meant that Lin Hai always had her in his heart.

"I gave the money to Dad and said that it would take us three days at most to build the donkey cart. I also praised my husband for being smart and capable, and earning a donkey so quickly." Qiaoer said with a happy face.

Her husband was praised and recognized, and she was happiest.

"A donkey is nothing, look at what I have gained today, sir!" Lin Hai took the backpack and placed it in front of Qiaoer.

When Qiaoer saw so much honey, she covered her mouth in shock.

His eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

"Oh my god, where did my husband get so much honey?"

"Haha, I'm afraid I've found most of the honey in the Beishan area. Let's go, let's go to the county town again and sell the honey.

I also have to buy some other things that I will need for future hunting. "

"Well, just buy what your husband needs, but don't save anything. If we keep doing this, it won't take long for our land to be redeemed." Qiaoer's face was full of excitement.

After taking the land to offset the debt, I felt sad for a while.

I thought the sky was about to fall.
I didn't expect Lin Hai to become so profitable.

People must have land to live a secure life, and land is their lifeblood.

"Buying land is not easy yet. In the future, we will buy hundreds of acres of land and find more tenants to work for our family.

The lady doesn’t have to do anything, just wait to collect the rent. "

"Well, I believe my husband can do it."

The two of them chatted and went to the county town, but Qiaoer still insisted on letting Lin Hai ride the donkey and lead the way.

Lin Hai was not polite either.

After walking in the mountains for a day, I already felt very tired.

If we continue walking to the county seat, we will probably fall down from exhaustion.

When I came to the county town, I found a store specializing in selling these things.

Convert honey into money!
A total of more than ten taels of silver were sold. The best honey can be sold for two taels of silver per catty. The price is already very high.

Qiaoer wrapped the silver in a bag and became cautious in everything he did, for fear of meeting a thief.

Seeing her look, Lin Hai felt very funny.

"When people look at you like this, they will know that you must have something valuable on you. I didn't care at first, but now I have to pay attention."

"Then what should we do? If we are targeted by a thief, we will be in trouble. How about we go to the government and report it to the government!" Qiaoer said nervously.

"You, just do the same as usual. Just forget about all the money. Besides, even if there is a thief and they haven't done anything, why don't you report it to the government and don't care?"

Qiaoer looked still very nervous.

He had no choice but to take out his crossbow and comfort him, saying, "With this guy here, even if a thief dares to come and steal something, I can shoot him to death." Qiaoer felt a little more relieved.

"I will follow my husband!"

Lin Hai took Qiaoer to the medicine shop. Saltpeter was also a traditional Chinese medicine in ancient times.

You can buy it in drug stores.

I bought five kilograms of saltpeter and sulfur, enough to last for a while.

With these things, more powerful gunpowder can be prepared.

Lin Hai planned to make a few more barrels. As the power of the gunpowder became stronger, the barrels would break faster.

Preparations must be made in advance to avoid running out of guns at the critical moment.

After shopping, go home together.

"Now that we have money, we will go to my parents' house tomorrow and bring five taels of silver. In the past, we often needed help from your parents' family, and we ate a lot of food from them.

It’s time to honor your parents,”

"If my parents knew how to bring so much money to them, they would definitely be very happy." Qiaoer said with a smile.

"This is just the beginning. When I have time, I'll go look at the land around us and find something suitable and cheap. It's too unstable to support a family by hunting, so we have to farm more reliably."

"Cheap land has no water, so if you plant crops and encounter a drought, you won't get a harvest. It's better to buy good land, one that's close to the river," Qiaoer said.

"The harvest from good fields is indeed good, but the price is too expensive. I remember there is a terraced field on the mountain behind the village, and the price seems not expensive."

"You said that the land on the mountain is not good. We lack rain here, so when we grow crops, we not only lose the harvest but also lose the seeds.

It costs hundreds of taels to buy that kind of land, which is not cost-effective at all. "

"That's not necessarily the case. I'll go over and take a look later. As long as there is water, there are hundreds of acres of land, and you can become a big landowner in no time."

"How can there be water on that kind of barren mountain? If there was water, people would have cultivated it long ago. It is impossible for 100 taels of silver to buy so many fields."

Lin Hai was mysterious, "Don't talk about this yet, you will know when the time comes."

Qiaoer felt very strange, but no matter how he asked, Lin Hai was unwilling to tell her.

I had no choice but to give up.

As soon as I got home, someone suddenly rushed in in a hurry.

"Lin Hai, is Lin Hai at home?"

"What's going on in the panic?" Lin Hai was preparing gunpowder when he was startled.

The second is that even the slightest mistake may light these fires.

I was so angry that I really wanted to beat him up.

The person who came was Liu Ergou, and his clothes were torn in many places.

He walked forward and grabbed Lin Hai.

"No, we went hunting in Beishan and encountered a pack of wolves. Everyone else was trapped inside, and I was the only one who escaped to seek help.

Dayong said let me look for you, only you can save everyone. "

"You must have gone very deep! Isn't this looking for death? You know clearly that there are wild beasts on the other side of Beishan, but you still go there to hunt!" Lin Hai was so angry that he yelled!
They hunt every day, knowing the danger but still running inside.

"You can go hunting in Beishan alone, why can't we with so many of us?"

"I've made it very clear to you, I'm only hunting in very peripheral areas! I haven't gone very deep at all!"

Lin Hai was really speechless, he could blame himself for this matter.

"Don't say any more, let's find a way to save people! Now they are surrounded by wolves. If we can't save people.

The people in the family have no more labor, and they all have to starve to death! "Liu Ergou jumped up and down anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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