The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 13 The first income from selling fish

Chapter 13 The first income from selling fish

"It costs a lot of money to buy wood, and your family also needs to eat. Let's go to the county town in the evening to sell all the fish we caught today.

In exchange for some money, you can take it back tomorrow! "

Lin Hai said.

"Okay, I'll go selling fish with my husband in the afternoon!" Qiaoer agreed.

After all, my parents' family is not rich, so they rely on the two of them to work hard and earn some money.

A donkey cart also takes several days to make.

Not accepting any money would be too much of a burden on the family.

Besides, the family suddenly became much richer. The money earned from fishing alone was enough to buy a donkey cart.

Lin Hai was afraid that Qiaoer would not be safe alone at home.

Let her stay with him.

Light the fire, select a few large fish, remove the internal organs and wash them with river water.

Place next to the fire and roast.

The two of them caught and grilled the fish.

The grilled fish also has a unique flavor. Even without salt and seasoning, it has a smoky aroma.

It tastes pretty good too.

Now the two of them live a life of drinking fish soup every day, and yesterday they even ate a hare.

It's simply better than the lives of those rich people.

After staying at the river for more than a long time, I actually caught more than ten kilograms of fish.

This harvest is already quite good.

Put the fish in the basket and find some leaves to cover it.

Driving the donkey to the county seat.

"Ms. sir, you had a tiring day yesterday, so you might as well ride a donkey. I'll just hold it!" Qiao'er said.

Lin Hai felt warm in his heart when he saw his wife caring so much for him.

Where can I find such a good wife?

"It's better for you to ride the donkey. I'm a grown man and can walk!"

"No, my husband is still riding a donkey! When I washed my husband's feet yesterday, I saw blisters on the soles of your feet.

There is still a long way to go to the county seat. If the bubble is broken, I will not be able to walk for several days. "

Qiaoer insisted that Lin Hai ride the donkey.

"How about we take turns riding!" Lin Hai suggested.

"No, I'm different from my husband. I work in the fields and go to the mountains to pick mulberry leaves every day. I walk a lot every day. The journey to the county seat is nothing to me."

Lin Hai felt a little ashamed after hearing this, but his body was too weak.

After walking not far, I felt the soles of my feet hurt terribly.

He probably won't be able to hold on for long.

If the blisters really burst, I might not be able to go hunting in the mountains tomorrow.

"Okay, then I'll ride on the donkey. If you're tired, be sure to tell me and let's take a rest!"

Qiaoer nodded quickly, "My husband, don't worry about me. You are the backbone of the family, and you have to take a good rest when it's time to rest."

Qiaoer helped Lin Hai sit on the donkey's back.

Donkeys in ancient times were used to pull carts or carry people, and they have been trained to be docile since childhood.

Lin Hai sat on the donkey's back and felt that it was very smooth when walking.

Only then did Lin Hai realize that Qiao'er's steps were fast, like trotting.

After trying to persuade her several times, Qiaoer said she was not tired.

Only then did I realize that Qiaoer usually trots on the road in order to gain time to do more work.

Suddenly I felt extremely emotional.

"It's better to be a woman in ancient times. She's not squeamish at all and can even support a family and do so much work."

"You must make money as soon as possible, and you can't let your wife suffer with you anymore!"

Lin Hai secretly made up his mind.

When we arrived at the county seat, we could finally feel some bustling scenes.

There are people coming and going on the road, and there are some shops on both sides of the road.

I quickly found a restaurant.

Walk in with the fish and ask the waiter if he will accept the fish.

The waiter found the shopkeeper and was very confident when he saw that there were so many white striped fish.Very happy.

This kind of fish is usually difficult to catch and is considered a relatively rare thing.

The two parties quickly agreed on the price and accepted all the fish.

In addition, he told Lin Hai that any fish he caught in the future would be sent to him.

After selling the fish, Qiaoer was very happy.

I made more than 100 yuan in one day, which was already a huge sum of money in my hands.

"My husband no longer has to take risks to hunt. I can earn more than 100 yuan by catching fish every day, which is quite good!" Qiaoer said happily.

Lin Hai rode on the back of the donkey and said with a wry smile: "It's okay to catch fish once in a while. If you catch fish every day, you will catch all the fish in a few days."

"What my husband said makes sense!" Qiaoer sighed.

Such a good way to make money, but it cannot continue.

If we could get such good results every day, we could renovate the house in less than half a year.

Or save some money and buy some fields.

"Just go home tomorrow. I'll definitely have some good harvests when I go hunting." Lin Hai said comfortingly.

"But hunting is too dangerous, and I don't want my husband to take risks."

"You won't encounter any danger, even if you encounter a beast, you won't be afraid. My gunpowder gun is not a vegetarian!" Lin Hai said very confidently.

The two of them chatted while rushing home.

When I got home, I finished my meal and went to bed early.

The next morning, Qiaoer returned to her parents' home on a donkey.

Lin Hai went hunting in the mountains with weapons.

After careful consideration, Lin Hai knew that if he wanted to make money by hunting, it would definitely not be realistic to just hunt wild animals.

Ordinary pheasants and rabbits don't fetch much.

Although large beasts can be rewarded by the government, it is too difficult for one person to hunt the beasts.

Let’s focus on the bees.

As long as you can find the hive of bees, you can sing honey and sell it at a high price.

Lin Hai prepared a way to find the hive.

After entering Beishan, Lin Hai carefully checked the traces on the ground.

As long as a beast passes by, it will definitely leave claw marks, which is also the main basis for a hunter to find prey.

For Lin Hai, it was mainly to avoid encountering wild beasts.

After walking for a long time, I finally found a field of wild flowers in bloom.

Sure enough, I found bees collecting honey.

Lin Hai took out the prepared chicken feathers and silk.

This chicken feather is very light and is the downy part of the chicken.

The chicken feathers are tied with silk, and the other end of the silk is ready with a snap fastener.

Grab a bee and tie the silk around its leg.

After letting go, the bee flew up.

But with the feather pendant, the flying speed is much slower.

Lin Hai followed the bee flying away leisurely.

It didn't take long before I found a beehive.

This is a method specially used to collect honey in the mountains, and it has proven successful time and time again.

Lin Hai quickly got ready and climbed up the tree.

Use fire to smoke out the bees and cut down the hive.

After finishing all this, he sat on the ground and rested for a while.

This time I picked about five or six kilograms of Fengchao, which was a pretty good harvest.

Seeing that it was still very early, I continued to look for bees and used the same method to find the hive.

After a whole day, we found two peak nests in total, but one of them was too high.

Lin Hai didn't dare to climb to such a high place and had to give up.

Even so, more than ten kilograms of hives were obtained.

Even if the honey is squeezed out, it will weigh several kilograms.

(End of this chapter)

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