Chapter 311 Chaos Body

Earth, outer space.

A blazing light shrouded the area, and streams of solar particles circled the area.

I saw a Tai Chi diagram rotating slowly. The big sun and the cold moon were respectively inlaid on the Tai Chi diagram, representing the two terrifying powers of yang and yin.

Vaguely, a vague figure sat in the void.

Qin Hao was wrapped in solar particles, his whole body was burning with arrogance, and his clothes had long been turned into ashes.

And he was facing the sun, constantly guiding the particles of the sun to gather, and the majestic particle flow wrapped around his body and exploded continuously.

Inspired by Jiang Yuanyuan's spirit body, Qin Hao is undergoing a deep transformation and evolution of himself.

He wants to make his physical body more perfect, more powerful, and even become a so-called spiritual body.

He has vaguely understood the mystery of the spirit body, and is now undergoing a deep transformation and fine-tuning of his body.

This is to cultivate a powerful spiritual body the day after tomorrow.

The two forces of Taiyin and Sun are constantly impacting, roaring in the body, and the body is constantly collapsing and exploding wherever it goes.

But it quickly repaired itself, cracked and repaired and reorganized again and again, transforming from it and evolving to a more perfect level.

Tai Yin and Sun, which one is strong and which one is weak, Yin and Yang unite as one, the world is invincible!
"Yin and Yang unite!"

Qin Hao formed a seal with his hands, and his whole body glowed with a strange light.

The two qi of yin and yang flow, the power of the sun and the power of taiyin intertwine and collide with each other, and they are constantly condensed and unified under the operation of the Tai Chi Sutra.

This process produces a violent explosion.

Boom, boom—

In space, clusters of blazing light erupted, like hydrogen bombs exploding, producing endless destructive energy sweeping in all directions.

At the same time, a large number of solar particles were guided and rushed towards Qin Hao quickly.

What followed was a more violent explosion, like a small sun and a cold moon colliding with each other, causing terrible destruction.

Fortunately, we are in space, otherwise a big explosion of this magnitude would be a disaster.

What a coincidence, a dozen foreign satellites happened to fly over, and before they had time to take pictures of the scene here, they were swept into ashes by a stream of solar particles produced by the explosion.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the blazing light suddenly shook.

The big sun and the cold moon intertwined with each other, and suddenly and inexplicably merged into one, deriving a strange force.

A gray scene slowly emerged, spreading like a curtain.

light, disappeared.

Endless light and energy continue to pour in, swallowing up all surrounding energy and matter like a black hole.

Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, various radiations in the universe, energy particles, etc. are all sucked in and swallowed up without exception.

The terrible gray curtain seemed like a chaotic mist swallowing everything.

A vague figure can be vaguely seen sitting in the dark chaotic mist, absorbing various radiation and energy from the universe.

At this moment, Qin Hao finally forcibly completed the integration of yin and yang, and the new power derived from the two forces was particularly terrifying.

His body also underwent reorganization and transformation during this fusion process, autonomously absorbing and devouring various radiations and energies from the universe.

The Tai Chi Sutra in the body was operating to the extreme, and wisps of dark power of chaos were born in the Zi Mansion of Dantian.

There was a roar, like chaos opening up.

The Zifu shook, and the Dantian turned into a gray sea of ​​chaos.

At this time, a majestic energy suddenly rose up in the Zifu, and it broke through the Zifu Dantian with great force, breaking through many obstacles along the Rendu Second Meridian and reaching the Tianling.

Tianling Baihui rushed up a ball of essence, billowing like smoke, condensing and condensing in the chaotic mist above his head, as if he was pregnant with something.

Gradually, the essence of the wolf smoke condensed and turned into a strange flower.

The jade flower condenses, the essence becomes stronger, and thousands of rays of light fall down to cover the whole body, washing away the lead and beauty, and the essence is unified.The jade flower of essence is completed.

"Three flowers gather at the top, that's why."

Qin Hao woke up leisurely and felt that the whole world was different.

He condensed the flower of essence, successfully broke through the realm of immortality, broke the barrier of real people and entered the realm of three flowers gathering at the top.

[Name]: Qin Hao
[Martial Arts]: Heavenly Man (Perfection)
[Immortal Way]: Three flowers gather at the top (Jade Flower of Essence)
[Mana]: 100 years (mana of the soul)

[Physique]: Chaos body (1%)
【Learning Point】48700
【Major】: Immortality
[Immortal subjects]: Spells: "Golden Light Curse" (Dacheng), "Five Thunder Zhengfa" (Dacheng), Talisman and Seal Script: (Xiao Cheng), Alchemy: "Ancient Alchemy Sutra" (Xiao Cheng), Weapon Refining: (Introduction) , formation: (entry)

[Taoism] "The Art of Sword Controlling", "The Art of Forging Swords", "The Art of Raising Swords", "Tai Chi Sutra" (Taiyin, Sun)
[Minor]: Martial Arts
[Impression]: Realm of Chaos (semi-finished product)

[Kung Fu]: "Green Lotus Sword Technique", "Longevity Fist", "Heavenly Sword"

[Weapons]: Dayu Bell (the ultimate treasure of enlightenment), Feijian (spiritual weapon), Eight-sided Han Sword (spiritual weapon), Tang Dao (spiritual weapon), Golden Needle (set)
Looking at the changes in his information, Qin Hao fell into deep thought.

The realm of immortality has indeed turned into a gathering of three flowers, with only one jade flower gathering. It can be regarded as just stepping into the threshold of the realm of three flowers.

Moreover, the Jade Flower of Jingqi is not perfect yet. It is just the first time to enter. It still needs to be continuously condensed and polished before the Jade Flower can be considered complete.

The mana is still a hundred years old, but it is not the same as before.

If the mana before was like water, the mana now is like lead, mercury, and mercury. There is a qualitative difference between the two. It is a qualitative transformation.

With the same magic power, Qin Hao can now easily beat the previous ten himself.

What surprised him was that this practice allowed him to develop a special physique after he understood the mysteries of the spiritual body.

Chaos body.

It's a pity that he has just completed a few trainings, one percent, but it makes him feel that his physical body is more than a hundred times stronger than before.
Qin Hao silently felt the changes in his body and sensed that all kinds of energy in the void of the universe, whether it was solar energy, moonlight, starlight, or various rays from the universe, were absorbed and refined.

This is the power of the chaotic body, as if all energy can be absorbed, refined and used for one's own use.

There is also a new understanding of the artistic conception of martial arts. Perhaps because of the chaotic body, the unity of yin and yang allowed him to realize a hint of the artistic conception of chaos.

This resulted in the Chaos Realm, which unfortunately was a semi-finished product.

This is because Qin Hao's understanding of chaos has just been touched, and perhaps he can truly condense the complete realm of chaos when he understands a deeper level.

"What's the next step in martial arts?"

Qin Hao thought about this question silently, still a little confused about the path of martial arts.

The road ahead is invisible. Now it is the perfection of heaven and man. What will be the state after the condensed realm?
I can't figure it out and simply don't want to.

He stood in space, looking down at the earth in front of him.

Viewed from space, the Earth looks completely different.

"The Earth is in the Age of Ending Dharma, or is the universe also in the Age of Ending Dharma?"

Qin Hao had an idea in his mind, but quickly rejected it.

The universe is expanding all the time, and it is impossible for the entire universe to be in the Age of Ending Dharma.

The biggest possibility is that the earth's spiritual energy is exhausted, but this may not be the case for other planets.

"If a global spiritual gathering array is placed around the earth, can the spiritual energy of the earth be revived?"

At this moment, Qin Hao had a crazy idea in his mind.

The idea of ​​​​arranging a huge spirit gathering array around the earth is too crazy.

He hastily discarded the idea as unrealistic.

"Go back first—"

Qin Hao shook his head and laughed, his body swaying and rushing towards the atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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