Chapter 310 Metamorphosis
The Jiang family manor was silent.

The entire estate was cordoned off.

Mr. Jiang looked nervously at the two people sitting in the yard.

Qin Hao and his granddaughter sat facing each other, bathed in the thick moonlight, as if they were about to fly away.

At this time, their bodies were slowly floating in the air, bathed in the moonlight, so hazy that they could not see clearly.

"I thought the Qin family was just smart, but I didn't expect that the boy from the Qin family was actually tinkering with cultivating immortals?"

Mr. Jiang scratched his beard, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyelids twitched wildly.

He had never thought that Qin Hao would actually tinker with cultivating immortals and even achieve something depending on the circumstances.

It seems that he has succeeded, and he is most likely a true cultivator.

Now he is teaching his granddaughter to practice, and he is surprised and happy. He is thinking about whether he should be shameless and directly become a disciple?

After all, this is cultivating immortality, and shame is not important.

"Forget it, this kid probably has his own ideas."

Mr. Jiang thought about it and immediately rejected it.

He thought of the old man from the Tang family, Qin Hao's grandfather. Maybe that old guy didn't know the secrets about Qin Hao.

Now it seems that Qin Hao teaches his granddaughter to practice, doesn't it mean that he has a Taoist practitioner in his family?

"I have decided on this grandson-in-law."

Mr. Jiang narrowed his eyes and showed a smile.

He looked at Qin Hao with burning eyes and determined in his heart that he was his grandson-in-law. No one could destroy him, not even God.

As the so-called one person attains the Tao, the dog ascends to heaven.

He would not ask Qin Hao, let alone explore the other party's secrets.

Because Jiang Yuanyuan is enough.

"My dear granddaughter, I hope you can capture that boy as soon as possible and give him ten or eight more children."

Mr. Jiang murmured in his heart.

He has already thought about it, and he must not let it go now.

He simply left his good granddaughter to Qin Hao and followed her every day.

This night seemed extraordinarily long.

Mr. Jiang brought a stool and sat directly at the gate of the yard to guard it.

He stared unblinkingly at the two blurry figures of a man and a woman in the yard, bathed in the moonlight, like a couple of gods and immortals.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed quietly.

The moonlight gradually disappeared.

The people floating in the air were looming, and they were surrounded by a layer of hazy moonlight.

Jiang Yuanyuan gained a lot from practicing for the first time. Not only did she perfectly solve the hidden dangers of her body, but her body was absorbing the power of the lunar moonlight all the time.

Even though it is daytime, it can still absorb the power of the moonlight, but it is relatively weak.

Once night comes it becomes different.

Therefore, she directly turned on an automatic hang-up, and there was no need to practice by herself to absorb the power of the moon all the time to enhance it.

At this time, Jiang Yuanyuan woke up from the hazy strange state.

She slowly opened her eyes, the hazy moonlight flowing in her eyes, and she returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

And she felt that she had become different, her body was extremely relaxed and ethereal, as if she had removed thousands of shackles and baggage and was about to fly away.

"so amazing."

She muttered to herself, feeling that cultivation was so magical.

The next second, she realized that she was floating in the air. She was so frightened that she found Qin Hao opposite her.

"Huh?" She was surprised to find that Qin Hao hadn't woken up yet.

The two of them were bathed in the moonlight, and their bodies were shimmering with dim moonlight.

It was especially obvious on Qin Hao. She found a white snake coiled on his arm.


Jiang Yuanyuan was startled, and was surprised to find that the white snake was actually swallowing the moonlight, its mouth opened and closed, and its body followed the expansion and contraction.

The day is getting brighter.

A ray of light still rises in the distance.Qin Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and two beams of golden light flashed away.

"Yuanyuan, you go down first."

He said something as soon as he woke up, and with a wave of his hand, Jiang Yuanyuan was swept up by a gentle force and fell into the yard.

Before she could react, Qin Hao turned into a ray of light and rose into the sky, disappearing from the sky in the blink of an eye.


Mr. Jiang, who had not slept all night, gasped when he saw the scene in front of him.

He removed a few of his beards with a tremor of his hand, and woke up from the pain.

"Good boy, what a -"

Mr. Jiang was so excited that he stepped forward with two dark circles under his eyes.

"Yuanyuan, how are you?"

He looked at Jiang Yuanyuan who was in a daze and called carefully.

Jiang Yuanyuan finally woke up and said with a sweet smile: "Grandpa, I'm fine, I feel very good."

She was about to walk over, but she didn't know what to do and a pit clicked under her feet.


Mr. Jiang's expression froze and he looked at his good granddaughter with wide eyes.

Jiang Yuanyuan was also stunned for a moment, raised her feet, and took another step.


Another footprint sank in, and the cement floor actually looked like it was made of tofu.

Jiang Yuanyuan was dumbfounded and said in a panic: "Grandpa, what's going on? I, I can't seem to control myself——"

She was panicking and walked towards Mr. Jiang, taking each step step by step so that Mr. Jiang broke into a cold sweat.

"Don't come here, don't come here—"

Mr. Jiang backed away in horror, breaking out in a cold sweat.

His old bones can't stand this kind of construction.

The cement floor was crushed by his granddaughter, not to mention his old bones. If he was lightly touched by her, wouldn't he fall apart?

So scary.

"Grandpa—" Jiang Yuanyuan looked at him pitifully.

Mr. Jiang wiped a handful of cold sweat and hurriedly stopped him: "My dear granddaughter, don't be impulsive. Stay calm. You must stay calm. Wait until Qin Hao comes."

"Just stand there, or sit and wait. Don't move."

He was a little scared and looked at his good granddaughter with lingering fear.

A frail little good girl turned into such a terrifying person overnight?
Look at the cement floor and bluestone slabs. Can you imagine crushing them step by step?
"My good granddaughter, you have to seize the opportunity. You must give that boy Qin Hao ten or eight children to trap him."

Mr. Jiang was a little too excited, and he was a little dizzy after not sleeping last night.

He hurriedly reminded: "When Qin Hao comes back, you must remember to stay and ask him not to leave in a hurry. Grandpa will discuss your marriage with him."


Jiang Yuanyuan was a little shocked and shy. She wanted to say something but Mr. Jiang had already turned around and left.

"Oh, I'm old, I'll go back and rest first."

As he spoke, he turned around and left. One was too sleepy and tired, the other was frightened.

So I simply went back to rest.

Jiang Yuanyuan was left standing alone in the yard in a daze, thinking of what her grandfather had just said, she immediately blushed with embarrassment.

Is Mr. Jiang planning to marry her to Qin Hao?

"But - will he agree and accept me?"

Jiang Yuanyuan looked troubled, worrying about gains and losses.

At this time, Qin Hao had arrived in space.

Because his body had undergone inexplicable changes, he was inspired by Jiang Yuanyuan's spirit body, and he underwent wonderful changes.

"Wuji produces Tai Chi——"

Qin Hao formed a seal with his hands, and a Tai Chi diagram appeared behind his head and slowly rotated.

The next second, a majestic power of the sun swept over him and completely submerged him.

(End of this chapter)

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