Chapter 173
late at night.

In the mourning hall, candlelight flickered.

Qin Hao sat there motionless, Han Xiaoqin nestled in his arms beside him, and unconsciously fell asleep from exhaustion.

Looking at the sleeping Han Xiaoqin, Qin Hao smiled slightly.

He closed his eyes and silently immersed himself in his mind, constantly comprehending various Taoist scriptures and comprehending the mystery of the artistic conception of martial arts.

Martial arts has not reached the end yet, but he has not yet understood the key, so he cannot break through to a higher level of martial arts.

He firmly believes that as long as he doesn't give up, once he successfully enters the Tao, he will have some insights and breakthroughs in martial arts cultivation.

In this way, Qin Hao spent a whole night in the process of enlightenment and chanting sutras.

The next day.

In the early morning, the sky was just getting bright.

The seventh uncle, a Taoist priest, was the first to arrive.

Seeing Qin Hao sitting there, Han Xiaoqin was sleeping in his arms.

"Xiaoqin, wake up."

Seeing the seventh uncle arriving, Qin Hao gently pushed Han Xiaoqin to wake her up.

Han Xiaoqin opened her sleepy eyes and realized with a start that she had fallen asleep in the latter half of the night.

Soon after, other people arrived one after another.

Today, Han Xiaoqin's grandma will be buried.

Other uncles and strong men in the village went to dig the hole early.

Next, the strong men in the village need to carry the coffin together.

"It's time!"

"Lift up the coffin and carry out the funeral——"

As the seventh uncle shouted, the talisman was scattered.

Everyone worked together to lift the coffin.

Qin Hao followed Han Xiaoqin and walked in the front. She was holding her grandma's portrait, wearing hemp and mourning, and her tears were falling down.

I promised not to cry or be sad, but now I can't help crying.

This time Qin Hao did not comfort or speak. He followed the funeral procession to the back of the village in silence.

The mountain road is difficult to walk, and it is extremely difficult for the coffin bearers.

After Qin Hao saw it, he quietly used a ray of spiritual power to hold up the coffin.

Everyone carrying the coffin felt their shoulders relax, as if they had become lighter and no longer so strenuous.

Although they were confused, no one spoke, they just silently carried the coffin and walked forward step by step.

In this way, the team quickly arrived at the dug place.

Qin Hao looked around. Although he had not studied Feng Shui specifically, he could tell with his eyesight and knowledge that this place was a treasure of Feng Shui.

Surrounded by mountains, it looks like two white cranes spreading their wings and flying into the sky.

He didn't know what the metaphysics of Feng Shui meant, but as a Taoist, a person who devoted himself to Taoism would naturally not doubt these things.

So Qin Hao looked thoughtful and thought about reading a book on Feng Shui metaphysics when he had time.

The burial went smoothly.

An hour later, the burial was completed.

Everyone started to go back home and went down the mountain along the way they came.

Han Xiaoqin walked in front silently, and Qin Hao followed her to protect her to prevent her from accidentally falling down the mountain in a daze.

After returning home, Han Xiaoqin began to make arrangements. Next, she needed to put on a banquet to thank everyone.

In fact, she didn't understand this, she just followed the arrangements of Han Wu Dagong, and he handled the whole process.

Qin Hao was also helping. After all, he was here, and all three of his aunts and four aunts still talked about being Xiaoqin's man. This made Qin Hao very embarrassed.

After a busy day, Qin Hao felt a little tired.

But okay, it's over.

Let's have another banquet tomorrow and things will be done.

In the evening, everyone had mostly dispersed.

There were only some aunts and ladies who stayed behind to clean up the dishes and other things.

Qin Hao sat aside and thought about things silently.

"What are you thinking about?"

Han Xiaoqin suddenly came over.

She sat next to Qin Hao and looked at the boy who accompanied her home and sent her grandma away with her, her student.

To be honest, Han Xiaoqin was very moved, but at the same time a little complicated.

"I'm not thinking about anything, I'm just thinking about life."

Qin Hao explained with a smile.

Han Xiaoqin rolled her eyes at him: "What are you thinking about life? I think you are missing a certain beautiful young lady, right?"

"What you said really left me speechless."

Qin Hao laughed dumbly, shook his head and did not reply.

He was really thinking about life just now, thinking about his next step in cultivation. "Thank you!"

Han Xiaoqin suddenly held his arm and snuggled up to him, muttering softly.

He chuckled and said, "You don't have to be so polite. Are you in a better mood? Are you okay after walking on the mountain trail today?"

She shook her head and said, "My feet don't hurt anymore. I just felt a little numb going up and down the mountain today, but it should be fine."

"I'll rub it for you that night."

Qin Hao mentioned something.


Han Xiaoqin responded, a blush flashing across her cheeks.

The two of them sat here watching the sunset, and the sky gradually darkened.

"Xiaoqin, let's go back first."

The aunts and ladies who finished their work all said hello and left.

Han Xiaoqin naturally stepped forward to thank them one by one.

After some courtesy, all the guests were finally sent away.

"I'm so tired."

Han Xiaoqin suddenly felt a little tired.

Qin Hao stepped forward and gently rubbed her temples, comforting her and saying, "You are mentally and physically exhausted due to your haggard mind. You will recover after taking a rest."

"I'll boil some water for you to soak your feet."

He said and helped Han Xiaoqin into the house.

Next, he was busy boiling water, using a basin of hot water to rub her ankles and soak her feet.

"By the way, where do I sleep tonight?"

Qin Hao couldn't help but ask when he saw that there was only one kang in the room.

Han Xiaoqin was also stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

She said softly: "Originally, there was another room, but it fell into disrepair after my parents were gone, and the mud and tile house collapsed over time."

"My grandma lives in the next room, you can't live there."

"This is the room I lived in when I was a child. You can sleep here with me tonight."

She said and pointed to the fire bed next to her.

"live together?"

Qin Hao hesitated: "Isn't this good? I'd better lay the floor."

"That's not okay, Shan Liliang. Besides, how can I let you sleep on the floor?"

Han Xiaoqin shook her head in displeasure and firmly disagreed.

She said in a funny tone: "I'm not even afraid, so what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I'll turn into a tigress in the middle of the night and eat you?"

"Get me a bucket of hot water. I'll take a shower first."

She spoke.

Qin Hao shrugged, carried a wooden bucket to fetch hot water, and placed it in the bathing area.

"Okay, it's time to wash."

After he spoke, he sat on the kang and looked at her with a smile.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen it?"

Han Xiaoqin rolled her eyes at him with some annoyance, then closed the curtain and started taking a shower.

This made Qin Hao sigh that life here is too difficult.

He secretly decided to tell his sister-in-law when he got back and ask her to use the charity fund in his name to build an asphalt road in the countryside.

First build the road, and then repair the small village to improve the living environment here.

It is best to cooperate with local governments to carry out poverty alleviation plans.

Soon, Han Xiaoqin finished washing.

She came over with flushed cheeks and said, "I'm ready. It's time for you to wash up."


Qin Hao nodded and stood up to fetch water with a wooden bucket.

Soon he washed up and walked out wearing a set of pink pajamas.

"Are you sleeping inside or outside?"

Seeing him approaching, Han Xiaoqin felt inexplicably nervous.

This is the first time I sleep on the same kang with a boy.

"I'll sleep outside so you don't fall off the bed."

Qin Hao said with a smile.

"You just fell off the bed."

Han Xiaoqin punched him with some embarrassment, then moved and slept inside.

The two of them lay on the kang, listening to each other's breathing, and neither of them spoke for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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