Chapter 172 Windfall
"Good boy, this is where the soul belongs, don't trespass."

The old man turned into green smoke and glanced at Qin Hao, nodded with a smile and disappeared.

A wisp of mysterious energy suddenly flew out and quickly disappeared into Qin Hao's eyebrows.

In an instant, the sea of ​​consciousness shone brightly.

Countless scriptures flickered, Taoist scriptures emerged, and various Taoist scriptures emerged one by one, enveloping Qin Hao's soul and consciousness in a wonderful fusion.

In the process, Qin Hao received that ray of mysterious energy, and his whole soul seemed to have received a huge baptism and was reborn.

The spiritual power skyrocketed, and the soul became more pure and flawless.

After a long time, Qin Hao finally woke up.

He felt that his brain was more ethereal than ever before, and he received a mysterious baptism.

Qin Hao looked excited and said with a hint of gratitude: "Thank you, grandma, I will take good care of Xiaoqin."

He vaguely understood that this mysterious energy was given to Qin Hao by the old man before he left. He didn't know what it was.

In short, it was a huge benefit, just like the old man gave Qin Hao a kindness before leaving, which contained a mysterious power.

The benefits of allowing Qin Hao's soul consciousness to transform and grow are huge.

"What's that place?"

Qin Hao thought of what he had just experienced, with a hint of shock on his face.

Just now, as the green smoke of the old man's soul floated into the unknown place, Qin Hao penetrated it with a wisp of his mind power, but it was inexplicably blown away.

Fortunately, there were scriptures about Taiyi's Sutra of Saving the Sufferings and various Taoist scriptures flashing in my mind, which protected my soul and consciousness from the inexplicable backlash.

This shocked him, and he saw the existence of souls for the first time.

I even saw that after death, people turn into smoke and float into unknown places.

"The destination of the soul?"

If Qin Hao realized something, he remembered that the old man reminded him not to trespass before he left.

I also gained a wonderful understanding as a result, as if I had a whole new understanding.

At this moment, his mental power was particularly active, and he even received a baptism of transformation, becoming purer and stronger, and his thoughts contained a mysterious Taoist charm.

It seems that countless scriptures from Taoist scriptures are blended together, shining with countless lights.

He vaguely grasped a hint of the mystery of the soul.

As long as you accumulate enough, you can truly understand the mystery of Yuanshen, and even step into the way of Yuanshen and officially enter Tao practice.

This time I came here with Han Xiaoqin and gained a lot.

It is of great significance to Qin Hao.

But he still couldn't help but wonder, is the place where the soul floats into the underworld, or a higher-dimensional space? Is it the destination of the soul or reincarnation?

All of this is unknown, and there is a mysterious power that prevents him from exploring.

Looking at Han Xiaoqin who was heartbroken, she remembered what the old man had just explained.

Qin Hao stood up and walked to her side to comfort her softly: "Teacher, don't be sad. The old man left just now. Before leaving, he told me to take good care of you."

"She doesn't want you to be sad."

His words made Han Xiaoqin look at him blankly.

She asked hesitantly: "Are you telling the truth? My grandma just told you?"

Qin Hao nodded lightly and whispered: "There are so many people here that it's difficult to tell. I'll tell you later. I did see her just now."

"Really?" Han Xiaoqin grabbed Qin Hao excitedly, in disbelief.

Why couldn't she see it? But Qin Hao saw it and seemed to have communicated with her grandma.

But Qin Hao is an outsider, and she is his relative. Why not say goodbye to her?
Qin Hao nodded and replied affirmatively: "Yes, it's true. I didn't lie to you, but let's talk about it later, okay?"

"Well, let's talk later."

Han Xiaoqin nodded excitedly.

She wiped her tears, a little surprised.

But she vaguely felt that Qin Hao didn't lie to her, maybe he really saw her grandma.

Was it her grandma who couldn't bear to see her sad and asked Qin Hao to remind her and tell her not to be sad?

She can only think so.

Two hours later, the ritual was completed.

"Xiao Qin, you will stay here tonight to keep vigil for your grandma."

After the religious ceremony was over, Han Wu, as the clan leader, was exhausted and left early.

"Well, Grand Duke, please go and rest first."

Han Xiaoqin looked at the other party gratefully and bowed slightly to thank him. "Xiaoqin, let's go back first."

"If anything happens, call us."

"We will come when the time comes tomorrow."

Next, other people left one after another, and Han Xiaoqin thanked everyone one by one.

Only the Fire Taoist Han Qishu remained here.

"Xiao Qin, hold the incense. Only after the incense is burned can you get up and sit down."

Uncle Han Qi lit three sticks of incense and handed them to Han Xiaoqin and warned.

"Okay, seventh uncle, thank you for your hard work today."

Han Xiaoqin nodded obediently and expressed gratitude.

"It's okay. You stay here first. After the incense is burned, you can get up and move around. You can rest, but you can't leave the mourning hall."

Uncle Han Qi repeatedly warned him.

"Well, I remember."

Han Xiaoqin wrote it down carefully.

After the explanation, Uncle Han Qi glanced at Qin Hao and said thoughtfully: "You are so beautiful and talented. Young man, you are very good."

"If you practice Taoism, you will definitely achieve something."

He smiled slightly and left.

Qin Hao seemed to have some enlightenment after listening, and the other party obviously saw that he had a special aura about him.

"What did my seventh uncle say to you?"

Han Xiaoqin asked with some confusion.

Qin Hao looked away, thought for a moment and smiled: "He just told me to treat you well and not bully you."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Han Xiaoqin rolled her eyes at him.

Then she looked at the coffin in front of her and said, "You just said you saw my grandma. What did she tell you?"

Qin Hao saw that everyone had left and came forward to sit next to her.

He pondered for a moment before saying slowly: "Just now, I was following your seventh uncle while he was reciting Taoist scriptures, and suddenly I saw a wisp of blue smoke floating up, and then turned into a human figure."

"She is your grandma, I can see her, so she told me something and told me to take good care of you."

Qin Hao explained what happened just now.

After hearing this, Han Xiaoqin shed tears silently, and while wiping away, she asked: "My grandma really said that, asking you to take care of me. Don't lie to me. Do you know that the consequences will be serious?"

She looked at Qin Hao with a serious look on her face, with a serious expression even though the pear blossoms were wet with rain. It was really difficult for her.

Qin Hao smiled, gently wiped the tears on her cheeks and said, "It's true. There's no need to lie to you. Besides, I can feel at ease lying to you in front of grandma?"

Han Xiaoqin looked at him steadily and suddenly nodded: "Okay, I will believe your words for now."

"Grandma, do you really mean that?"

She looked at her grandma's coffin with somewhat confused eyes.

Now she couldn't tell whether what Qin Hao said was true or if he just made it up casually to comfort her.

"Grandma, if you really say that, then give me some hints to make me feel at ease."

She muttered something to herself.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew by, causing the candles on the table to sway.

A piece of yellow paper talisman suddenly floated down and landed on Han Xiaoqin's hand.

She was stunned, staring blankly at the yellow paper talisman in her hand.

"Grandma, is that you?"

she asked excitedly.

Unfortunately, there was no movement around.

Qin Hao on the side also showed a surprised expression, and then showed a faint smile.

This time, Han Xiaoqin believed it.

She wiped her tears silently, knelt there, holding the incense in her hand, and leaned her head gently on Qin Hao's shoulder in silence.

The two of them just waited quietly in the mourning hall, without anyone speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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