You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 88 I only understand a little bit

Chapter 88 I only understand a little bit
"There should be no problem in theory."

Listening to Pan Hai's question, Zhao Mo replied humbly: "But to achieve large-scale commercial mass production, according to normal project progress, it should take about ten years, unless the advantages of our country's system are used."

There is another thing he did not say, and there is no need to say, that is, lithium-sulfur batteries are actually transitional products, and he created them just as a cover-up.

Pan Hai was stunned: "What advantage?"

Zhao Mo smiled heartily and said: "Concentrate your efforts to do big things!"

Pan Hai was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: "This is definitely impossible. If the country's economy wants to develop, we definitely can't put resources into this one project."

Zhou Zuojian laughed at the side and said: "Can't it be done in about ten years? I think it is a very big breakthrough to be able to complete the graphene battery within ten years."

Although Yang Jing didn't speak, the excitement and joy on her face were clearly visible. She obviously thought this was very good news and worth being happy about.

Pan Hai also nodded in agreement: "That's right."

Then he asked Zhao Mo with an expectant look on his face: "Has the subsequent paper been written? Can you show it to me?"

The two papers published in "Advanced Materials" are not enough to really put graphene batteries into practice, but according to what Zhao Mo just said, there are no problems in theory. That can only mean one thing, that is, Zhao Mo deliberately hid it. It's understandable that it hasn't been published, but he couldn't help but feel itchy in his heart and wanted to take a look.

As for Zhao Mo lying, Pan Hai didn't think about it at all. The two papers in "Advanced Materials" were enough to prove that Zhao Mo's theoretical foundation was very profound and there was no need to lie.

"I haven't written it yet."

Zhao Mo hesitated for a moment and said honestly.

Zhou Zuojian: "..."

Yang Jing: "..."

Pan Hai: "..."

"How could you not write it?"

Zhou Zuojian was anxious and said with dissatisfaction in his tone.

Zhao Mo coughed and said, "Director, we are not the world's largest industrial country yet."

Zhou Zuojian didn't understand for a moment and subconsciously asked: "Does this have something to do with it?"

Yang Jing also looked at him with confusion.

Only Pan Hai vaguely understood, looked at him thoughtfully, and asked: "Do you mean that if the theory is completed and published, the one who will really benefit is not our country, but America?"

Zhao Mo nodded and said: "That's right! America is now the world's largest industrial country. It will take us at least three years to surpass them. In addition, although we will become the largest industrial country by then, It is an industrial country, but it is only large in scale, not strong. It will take at least 20 years of struggle to become the largest industrial country with truly large scale and strong strength!"

Zhou Zuojian understood what he was saying, but when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help but tease: "What do you mean, it will take 20 years for your theory to be published?"

Yang Jing couldn't help but laugh, she wanted to laugh but didn't dare, her face suddenly turned weird.

Pan Hai also burst into laughter after hearing this, and then shook his head slightly, thinking: "It seems that I was wrong. He did not really refine the graphene battery theory."

In 20 years, who knows what will happen in the meantime.

This time span seems unreliable at first glance.

"Well, certainly not in 20 years."

Seeing their reactions, Zhao Mo probably guessed something, but it was hard to explain, so he said, "Let's wait until we become the world's largest industrial country and the second largest economy."

Zhou Zuojian laughed and asked: "When do you think this time will be?"

Regarding China's economic development, not to mention foreigners, even in China, a large number of people cannot believe that China will soon surpass America to become the world's largest industrial country and surpass Xiaoben to become the world's second largest economy.Many people ridiculed it online, deriding those who said they would accomplish this "feat" in 2020 as wishful thinking.

2020, what a long time it is?

To achieve this goal by 2020, these people say it is a foolish dream. What a mockery of China?What a mockery of the hard-working Chinese people?
But these people have forgotten that the Chinese are the best at creating miracles!
There is no need for 2020, only 2010, and China will complete this feat. It will slap these mocking people in the face and tell them to open their eyes and die early in the morning!

"As I just said, three years, 2010!"

Zhao Mo replied firmly.

Yes, it was in 2010!
Zhou Zuojian was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "You dare to think~"

"You have a pure heart!"

Although Pan Hai was disappointed with this conversation, he was not disappointed with Zhao Mo. After hearing these words, Pan Hai felt even more fond of him and couldn't help but said: "Classmate Zhao Mo, these two papers alone are enough to show that you are good at materials." You are extremely talented in this area, are you interested in joining my material department?"

Zhou Zuojian said with a cold expression: "Old Pan, I'm standing here."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Pan Hai's face, but it was fleeting. He smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't transfer. How about this, classmate Zhao Mo, why not major in materials as well? I think you are qualified to be admitted to the university based on these two papers." It is an exception to grant a bachelor's degree in materials major!"

Zhao Mo was surprised and happy when he heard this, and also felt a pressure, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "I only know a little bit, isn't this appropriate?" The corner of Yang Jing's mouth twitched, she felt that Zhao Mo was acting she.

Zhou Zuojian glared at Pan Hai angrily, as if to say that what you did was too unfair.

Pan Hai ignored him and pretended not to see his reaction. He just looked at Zhao Mo with a smile on his face and said: "What is appropriate or inappropriate? Being too modest is hypocritical. It is what it is. Do I think that my professional level is Can’t you see how important these two papers are? They shouldn’t be, right?”

"Uh~ Okay, thank you, Director Pan!"

Zhao Mo coughed and touched his nose.

Having said that, what else could he say?This is really an unexpected surprise. The mathematics major has not graduated yet, but the material major has graduated first. How can I say this?

"That `s a deal."

Pan Hai nodded with satisfaction and then left.

Before leaving, he also told Zhao Mo: "If you have nothing to do, come to the Department of Materials to listen to lectures and go to the laboratory to do experiments. I look forward to the day when your graphene battery theory will truly take shape."

Zhao Mo naturally agreed readily.

After Pan Hai left, Zhou Zuojian suddenly said to him: "Zhao Mo, after the mathematical modeling competition, you should graduate from the undergraduate program and directly enter the Ph.D. program."

Zhao Mo: "..."

Before he could speak, Zhou Zuojian left directly.


Yang Jing patted him on the shoulder, smiled slightly, and then left.

"Okay, it seems like you won't be able to graduate if you don't work hard~"

Looking at the two people leaving, Zhao Mo complained, but the happy smile on his face couldn't stop crawling up, and then raised his brows.


By the afternoon, the news that Zhao Mo had published another paper had basically spread. Not only did it quickly spread throughout Wudaokou, but it also spread very quickly to all the top universities in the country and to the world's chemical academic circles. boundary.

For the chemical academic community, Zhao Mo's two papers were like a depth bomb, which stunned all those engaged in chemistry. Unexpectedly, two blockbuster papers appeared not long after the beginning of 2007. Graphene batteries and lithium-sulfur batteries have laid a theoretical foundation and pointed out the future path, which is of great significance.

You know, these two batteries have been talked about for many years, but there has been no progress. Unexpectedly, they suddenly have a theoretical basis.

Looking at the author again, good guy, he is actually a freshman, and he is also studying mathematics!

How can this make those who study chemistry feel so embarrassed?
As a result, many people made comments to congratulate him, and many people made weird comments saying that it was impossible, absolutely impossible, and they just came close to saying that Zhao Mo had plagiarized.

Most people congratulate him, whether abroad or at home. After all, Zhao Mo is not an unknown boy just starting out, but a young hero with two high-factor mathematics papers published in the top journal "Mathematical Chronicle"!
If Zhao Mo had not published a paper in "Chronicle of Mathematics" at the beginning, but published these two articles directly in "Advanced Materials", I am afraid that the situation would be reversed and most people would question it.

But now, there is no room for doubt. If you have the ability, why don't you write two top-level papers to prove a mathematical conjecture?
As soon as this news spread on the domestic Internet, it became very popular. Countless people marveled that he was indeed a student from Wudaokou, he was so awesome.

Well, Wudaokou's reputation is still excellent during this time period.

After what happened at the Art Academy, things may have become weird.

Then, "The most awesome freshman", "China's most awesome boy", "Chinese teenager solves the problem of the century", "The most awesome boy: solves multiple world problems", "Shocked! The genius boy breaks the world's problem again", "Zhao Mo "Crack the problem of the century and hope to become a Nobel Prize winner." Titles and posts such as "Crack the problem of the century, are expected to become Nobel Prize winners" have been widely circulated, and they are even crazier than that time a year ago.

At the same time, a handful of doubts began to spread.

"According to the Japanese media Sankei Shimbun, Zhao Mo's two papers are the inheritance and development of Sony's lithium battery patents and were inspired by Dr. Yoshi Akeno's research on lithium batteries..."

This is a small report. Although it seems to be said that Zhao Mo's two papers are not original and are suspected of plagiarism, it is not stated clearly.However, when this news spread to China, it quickly became a climax. Many people directly said that the Japanese media reported that Zhao Mo plagiarized and ridiculed Zhao Mo for publishing a chemistry paper because he was a mathematician. What is it if it is not plagiarism?
The impact of these two papers is really huge. Even if it is a small group of people's doubts, multiplied by a huge base, it will become a huge public opinion, which will inevitably affect the domestic academic community and Wudaokou.

"It's too much of a bully!"

"The little book is too deceiving!"

"Why are these people like this? Zhao Shen still needs to plagiarize?"

The teachers and students at Wudaokou naturally believed in Zhao Mo. They were all talented people with high IQs. Naturally, they could see whether the two papers had anything to do with the technology and theories of Sony and Yoshi Akirano, and they were all filled with indignation.

In the evening, after class, Yang Chan heard the news and immediately found Zhao Mo to comfort him.

But she didn't expect that when she found Zhao Mo, Zhao Mo was talking to Hu Kai on the playground with a smile on his face. He didn't seem to be affected by the negative public opinion at all, as if he didn't know.

"...It turns out there are so many skills in running~"

When she got closer, she heard Zhao Mo's voice, and she breathed a sigh of relief, thinking: "Still learning to run? It seems I'm overthinking~"

 Twenty-four thousand!There are still twelve hours left, let’s see how much the first order can get. If it exceeds the limit, it will continue to exceed [-] yuan tomorrow. Please support me, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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